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Tag Archives: reduced level
HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Traverse Canvas Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s HTML and Javascript and CSS NSW State Survey Traverse Tutorial progress with our Survey Traverse web application functionality we wanted to augment … the existent tabular data … with … new canvas graphics to show the (Easting,Northing) co-ordinate … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged amg, angle, app, australian map grid, bearing, canvas, co-ordinates, datum, decimal degrees, degrees, elevation, ellipsoid, Google, HTML, iOS, iPhone, Javascript, Land Surveying, linear gradient, map, minutes, mobile, mobile app, NSW Survey Marks, programming, reduced level, seconds, sketch, state survey, survey mark, theodolite, tutorial
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HTML and Javascript and CSS NSW State Survey Traverse Tutorial
Yesterday’s HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Traverse Co-ordinates Tutorial was kind of “mathematical” by nature. Today we add some realism. This realism stems from the discovery of a NSW State Survey mark in the local area (to the right … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, iOS, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged amg, angle, app, australian map grid, bearing, co-ordinates, datum, decimal degrees, degrees, elevation, ellipsoid, Google, HTML, iOS, iPhone, Javascript, Land Surveying, map, minutes, mobile, mobile app, NSW Survey Marks, programming, reduced level, seconds, sketch, state survey, survey mark, theodolite, tutorial
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HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Levelling Tutorial
With the “terrestrial” side to Land Surveying (ie. that of the small distances kind), two “get out there and do it” skills spring to mind, those being … performing a traverse via the use of a theodolite (or “total station”) … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Land Surveying, Tutorials
Tagged calculation, CSS, datum, elevation, field book, fixed, HTML, Javascript, Land Surveying, level, levelling, mathematics, measurement, programming, reading, reduced level, terrestrial, tutorial
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