Tag Archives: feed

NetNewsWire Web Feed macOS Safari Primer Tutorial

In the same “RSS feed” feel of FeedBurner Web Feed Primer Tutorial, the other day … on this macOS MacBook Air … using … Safari web browser … we had occasion to type into the address bar … https://www.rjmprogramming.com.au/ITblog/tag/document/feed/ to … Continue reading

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Feed via Date Online Schedule Tutorial

Go on … ask me … what is the most impactive difference between programming in the 70’s and 80’s and early 90’s to web application (and even desktop application) programming now? Thanks for asking, even you bots out there?! Well, … Continue reading

Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Feed via Date Primer Tutorial

Feeds, as Wikipedia reminds us … Data feed is a mechanism for users to receive updated data from data sources. It is commonly used by real-time applications in point-to-point settings as well as on the World Wide Web. The latter … Continue reading

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Tablet Run Web Server Blog PHP Tutorial

Mulling continues unabated, after yesterday’s Tablet Run Web Server Blog Follow Up Tutorial as shown below, over how feasible it is to run this blog from a tablet … like an iPad … by today, putting the arrangement to the … Continue reading

Posted in eLearning, Hardware, iOS, Networking, Software, Tutorials | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Tablet Run Web Server Blog Follow Up Tutorial

We’ve continued our mulling, after yesterday’s Tablet Run Web Server Blog Primer Tutorial as shown below, over how feasible it is to run this blog from a tablet … like an iPad … by today, putting the arrangement to the … Continue reading

Posted in eLearning, Hardware, iOS, Networking, Software, Tutorials | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

FeedBurner Web Feed Primer Tutorial

We’ve opened a FeedBurner web feed management provider account for the Robert James Metcalfe Blog, our WordPress 4.1.1 blog at this link. Let’s see what Wikipedia says about FeedBurner, which Google acquired on 3rd June 2007, here and below … … Continue reading

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Podcasts via iPad Synching Primer Tutorial

Many young people will have never known a world without device synching and so may find my wonder below quite strange. Today’s observation is about the iPad application called Podcasts, that comes with the iOS operating system software. I do … Continue reading

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HTML Marquee and Data Feeds and the Cache Primer Tutorial

No matter how cheezy you think the HTML marquee element feels, it’s got to be said that … the HTML marquee element … combined with … a data feed … and making use of a … web browser’s cache … … Continue reading

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