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Tag Archives: scanning
Text to Image via ImageMagick Primer Tutorial
Why would a “Primer” tutorial point at a “well along the way” one? Well, a few reasons really … the “Primer” concept of Text to Images (as an early days web application possibility) only happened because of yesterday’s Python Cowsay … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged background colour, colour, command, command line, convert, dimensions, emoji, entities, exec, font, font colour, font family, font size, height, HTML, HTML entities, image, ImageMagick, img, Perl, PHP, pointsize, programmin, programming, Python, scan, scanning, text, text scanning, The Three P's, tutorial, tutprial, width
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Gmail Email Scan Document Attachment Tutorial
Some time back, regarding the topic of scanning documents on an iPhone mobile device we talked about … third party iOS mobile app Genius App talked about with Genius Scan App PDF Email Tutorial below … and we referenced this … Continue reading →
AlmaLinux Web Server Malware Scanning Tutorial
If you maintain a computer it can be reassuring to have access to some quality Malware Scanning functionality (often part of an AntiVirus suite of functionality located, for us, in amongst the cPanel functionality of our AlmaLinux WHM Linux web … Continue reading →
QR Codes Writer Primer Tutorial
There’s a good reason we read and/or listen before we write, generally. To understand something new, before you write anything, it is generally best to ask the question “Do I understand this concept?” ahead of using it. People who have … Continue reading →
QR Codes Reader Primer Tutorial
Are you like me, and got told about QR Codes (those square curious looking barcodes) ages ago, and “let it ride” in your mind as “another fad” perhaps, rather than giving it a go? Well, today, finally we “gave it … Continue reading →
Photo Album Email with Gimp and Paintbrush Primer Tutorial
Were you surprised with our tutorial Image Fits in Gimp and Paintbrush Primer Tutorial as shown below, where Paintbrush ended up being a better option for an image editing job than Gimp, which we also use a lot here at … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, GIMP, Hardware, Operating System, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged attachment, dpi, email, EXIF, GIMP, graphic arts, hardware, Hewlett Packard Deskjet 2050 J510, image, image editing, Mac, Mac OS X, Macbook Pro, Mail, operating system, PaintBrush, photograph, photograph album, photography, printer, resolution, rotation, scan, scanning, tutorial, USB
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WordPress Blog Code Tag CSS Primer Tutorial
Explanations of software code are so many and varied these days because there are so many platforms and programming languages to get your head around, that it would be advantageous, (lazy me finally admits), that as you scan down a … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged blog, code tag, CSS, mobile friendly, programming, scanning, surfing the web, text wrap, tutorial, whitespace, Wordpress