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Tag Archives: schedule
Inhouse Slideshow Backup Tidy Up Crontab Curl PHP Tutorial
Crontab is that great scheduling tool that we make use of, a lot, on our RJM Programming Linux CentOS web server. But it’s not only … the timing … of a procedure that is so good about crontab … it … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged CentOS, cron, crontab, curl, file, inode, Linux, maintenance, peer, peer to peer, PHP, procedure, programmin, programming, schediuled, schedule, tidy, tidy up, tutorial, web server
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Animated GIF ImageMagick Cache Backup Tutorial
As a programmer, am sure am no “Robinson Crusoe” thinking that we wish more often the web browser cache would come to our rescue, especially when web server tidying up results in the “rug being pulled from under” a programmatical … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged 404, 404.shtml, Ajax, animated gif, animation, Apache, backup, cache, combobox, command, command line, commerce, convert, crontab, curl, data uri, data url, datetime, details, Document Root, download, dropdown, error, event, exec, file, filename, file_get_contents, file_put_contents, form, FormData, get, glob, GUI, head, IFRAME, image, ImageMagick, img, IP address, Javascript, Linux, localize, meta, methos, modified date, navigate, onclick, onmouseover, page not found, PDF, peer to peer, personalize, PHP, post, Preview, programming, recall, refresh, reveal, schedule, simulate, simulation, slide, slides, summary, switch, tidy, time, tutorial, web server
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Animated GIF ImageMagick Commercial Considerations Tutorial
Up to, and including yesterday’s Animated GIF Meta Refresh Simulation ImageMagick Switches Tutorial our PHP code has assumed file naming logic that could be prematurely interrupted when any more than one user is using the ImageMagick simulated animated GIF creation … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, animated gif, animation, combobox, command, command line, commerce, convert, crontab, curl, data uri, data url, datetime, details, download, dropdown, event, exec, file, filename, file_get_contents, file_put_contents, form, FormData, get, glob, GUI, head, image, ImageMagick, img, IP address, Javascript, localize, meta, methos, modified date, navigate, onclick, onmouseover, PDF, peer to peer, personalize, PHP, post, Preview, programming, recall, refresh, reveal, schedule, simulate, simulation, slide, slides, summary, switch, tidy, time, tutorial
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Image Conversions via PHP GD Overlay Reveal Tutorial
Around here, we have two words we like to approach the topic of “web design”, where it meets “practicality”, with … reveal overlay And so, onto yesterday’s Image Conversions via PHP GD Multiple Actions Tutorial‘s progress with our Image Conversions … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Operating System, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, absolute, absolute URL, Apache, arguments, attribute, backward compatibility, basename, bimp, brightness, cartoon, colourize, comma, command, command line, contrast, conversion, convert, crontab, crop, curl, Did you know, Document Root, download, dropdown, emboss, emoji, file, file specification, file_get_contents, filter, filtering, filters, form, GD, GIMP, glob, grayscale, image, image URL, ImageMagick, img, Javascript, korn shell, link, local web server, MAMP, merge, mode, modes of use, multiple, navigate, navigation, negate, onchange, open, overlay, PaintBrush, PHP, pixellate, preg_replace, procedure, programming, recall, regex, regular expression, replace, reveal, schedule, script, select, shell, switch, switches, table, tick, transparency, tutorial, type ahead buffer, url, verb, wildcard
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Image Conversions via PHP GD Multiple Actions Tutorial
We’ve waited a while preparing for today’s release of “multiple actions” functionality onto yesterday’s Image Conversions via PHP GD Transformations Tutorial. From how we see it we had a choice of two approaches to delivering this new functionality … start … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged $_POST, absolute, absolute URL, Apache, arguments, attribute, backward compatibility, basename, bimp, brightness, colourize, comma, command, command line, contrast, conversion, convert, crontab, curl, Did you know, Document Root, download, dropdown, emboss, emoji, file, file specification, file_get_contents, filter, filtering, filters, form, GD, GIMP, glob, grayscale, image, image URL, ImageMagick, img, Javascript, korn shell, link, local web server, MAMP, mode, modes of use, multiple, navigate, navigation, negate, onchange, open, PHP, pixellate, preg_replace, procedure, programming, recall, regex, regular expression, replace, schedule, script, select, shell, switch, switches, table, tick, tutorial, type ahead buffer, url, verb, wildcard
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Notification API Hidden Popup Tutorial
Yesterday’s Notification API Active Scheduling Tutorial had some good news and some bad news … the good news being that you did not have to have your Notifications functionality web application front facing to make the Active Scheduling of Notifications … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged API, button, communication, Google Chrome, HTML, Javascript, notification, Notification API, notifications, permission, permissions, popup, privacy, programming, proof of concept, schedule, scheduling, security, setTimeout, SMS, tutorial, visibility, web, web browser
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Notification API Active Scheduling Tutorial
The recent Channel Messaging API Notification Tutorial “tinkered with” its Notifications API based partner functionality. Today we continue “tinkering” all the way to “tweaking” that Notifications supervisor (permissions granted, that is) to add some scheduling functionality which operates as long … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged API, button, communication, Google Chrome, HTML, Javascript, notification, Notification API, notifications, permission, permissions, privacy, programming, proof of concept, schedule, scheduling, security, setTimeout, SMS, tutorial, web, web browser
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Broadcast Channel API Same Domain Crontab Curl Tutorial
The PHP of yesterday’s Broadcast Channel API Same Domain Sharing Tutorial might get busy, effectively being the source data of its own functionality. In this context it can be better to not burden it, directly in the actions of the … Continue reading →