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Tag Archives: screenshot
Keyboard Based Cursor Image Source Tutorial
Another layer of functionality thinking on top of the work of yesterday’s Keyboard Based Cursor Multiple Background Images Tutorial … multiple background image functionality … could be today’s … image source choice to add to the generous Lorem Picsum image … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged accountability, alt, background, background-position.background-size, background-repeat, blog, body, canvas, codex, contenteditable, control, cursor, div, email, emojiterra, fileformat, getElementsByTagName, hardcoding, HTML, html entity, HTML5, Javascript, key, keyboard, Lorem Picsum, mailto, mouse, multiple, onclick, onkeydown, onkeypress, onmousemove, ontouchmove, overlay, paste, programming, property, repository, screenshot, share, shift, SMS, source, stop press, SVG, toDataURL, tutorial, TwentyTen, TwentyTen theme,, window.opener.hardcode, Wordpress
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Keyboard Based Cursor Multiple Background Images Tutorial
For the images, those background ones, used in the recent Canvas Graphics Editing in Zoomed Webpage Tutorial, we use the great Lorem Picsum resource. So far that has been the one background image covering the background of the webpage … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged accountability, alt, background, background-position.background-size, background-repeat, body, canvas, contenteditable, control, cursor, div, email, emojiterra, fileformat, getElementsByTagName, HTML, html entity, HTML5, Javascript, key, keyboard, Lorem Picsum, mailto, mouse, multiple, onclick, onkeydown, onkeypress, onmousemove, ontouchmove, overlay, paste, programming, property, screenshot, share, shift, SMS, stop press, SVG, toDataURL, tutorial,, window.opener
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Keyboard Based Cursor Canvas Content Copy Tutorial
You may have noticed with yesterday’s Keyboard Based Cursor Share Content Copy Tutorial, crucial to the sharing code, was the use of the incredible HTML5 introduced canvas element, helped by that middleperson link to those public email and SMS sharing … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged accountability, alt, body, canvas, contenteditable, control, cursor, div, email, emojiterra, fileformat, getElementsByTagName, HTML, html entity, HTML5, Javascript, key, keyboard, Lorem Picsum, mailto, mouse, onclick, onkeydown, onkeypress, onmousemove, ontouchmove, overlay, paste, programming, property, screenshot, share, shift, SMS, stop press, SVG, toDataURL, tutorial,, window.opener
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Keyboard Based Cursor Share Content Copy Tutorial
Yesterday’s Keyboard Based Cursor Personalized Content Copy Tutorial has probably reached a point where some sharing mechanism is apt, for accountability and usefulness purposes, at the very least, regarding our recent web application allowing for foreground content on top of … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged accountability, alt, body, contenteditable, control, cursor, div, email, emojiterra, fileformat, HTML, html entity, Javascript, key, keyboard, Lorem Picsum, mailto, mouse, onclick, onkeydown, onkeypress, onmousemove, ontouchmove, overlay, paste, programming, property, screenshot, share, shift, SMS, stop press, SVG, tutorial
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Screenshot macOS Utility Primer Tutorial
We find using this macOS based MacBook Air (and ahead of that a Mac OS X based MacBook Pro), that the taking of screenshots is incredibly useful in helping explain goings on in I.T.. The Mac woooooorrrrrllllldddd has always been … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, GUI, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged desktop, Grab, GUI, Mac OS X, macOS, screencapture, screenshot, Terminal, tutorial
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Emoji Borders and Backgrounds Canvas Annotation Tutorial
Up to now with the SVG -> IMG -> CANVAS parent web application to our newish PHP tool child of Emoji Borders and Backgrounds Curl Tutorial we have tried to keep … SVG IMG CANVAS … contents in synch as … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, Ajax, anchor, argument, background, background image, base64, base64_encode, border, canvas, circle, command line, context, CSS, curl, data uri, data url, deploy, deployment, Did you know, display, dropdown, email, email client, emoji, encode, exec, file_get_contents, FormData, geometry, getBoundingClientRect, Google, Google chart, Google Page Insights, Google PageSpeed, graphics, grid, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, image, image grid, img, inhouse, integration, Javascript, justification, Mail, mailto, map, mathematics, menu, merge, mimetype, mode, numbers, numerical, opacity, overlay, override, PageSpeed, PHP, popup, popup window, position, programming, proof of concept, QR Code, rect, rectangle, screenshot, shape, share, sharing, slideshow, SMS, software integration, style, styling, SVG, svg+xml, table, text, text justification, text-anchor, tutorial, web browser, web inspector, webpage,, window.opener, XML
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Emoji Borders and Backgrounds Curl Tutorial
We find curl to be that interesting PHP “mode of use” hybrid of the involvement of … HTTP protocol URLs command line interface to PHP exec … that might help you “look back at yourself from outside” as we use … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, Ajax, anchor, argument, background, background image, base64, base64_encode, border, canvas, circle, command line, context, CSS, curl, data uri, data url, deploy, deployment, Did you know, display, dropdown, email, email client, emoji, encode, exec, file_get_contents, FormData, geometry, getBoundingClientRect, Google, Google chart, Google Page Insights, Google PageSpeed, graphics, grid, HTML, IFRAME, image, image grid, img, inhouse, Javascript, justification, Mail, mailto, map, mathematics, menu, merge, mimetype, mode, numbers, numerical, opacity, overlay, override, PageSpeed, PHP, position, programming, proof of concept, QR Code, rect, rectangle, screenshot, shape, share, sharing, slideshow, SMS, style, styling, SVG, svg+xml, table, text, text justification, text-anchor, tutorial, web browser, web inspector, webpage, XML
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Animated GIF Creator Video Intranet Tutorial
With the recent Animated GIF Creator Video Revisit Tutorial (preceding Animated GIF Creator Video Share Tutorial) we wrote … … one reason being that we do not want to install the wonderful ffmpeg (command line video creation tool) on the … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged actual size, affine, application, attachment, batch, brew, browse, button, camera, command line, conversion, convert, copy, crop, data uri, data url, data urls, desktop, details, Document Root, dropdown, email, emoji, emoji button, exec, EXIF, ffmpeg, file, file size, fill, filter, flip, flop, font size, fostfix, GD, Gmail, hardcoding, Homebrew, hotlink, image, image editor, ImageMagick, install, integrate, integrating, interface, interfacing, intranet, iOS, iPad, iPhone, jpeg, local web server, localhost, MacBook Air, macOS, macOS Big Sur, Mail, mail server record, mailq, mailx, MAMP, medium, merge, metadata, mime, mimetype, mov, MX, onclick, onload, order, PDF, photos, PHP, Png, postfix, quality, relay, reveal, rotate, rotation, scale, screenshot, select, sendmail, share, sharing, shear, size, small, SMS, summary, Terminal, transformation, tutorial, video, vignette, webm, wrapper
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