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Tag Archives: Service NSW
QR Code Covid Safe Check-in App Camera Tutorial 
For us here in the New South Wales state of Australia regarding tracking movements in the time of Covid all the installation of the โService NSW appโ of QR Code Covid Safe Check-in App Tutorial is still all relevant, but โฆ Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged camera, chaeck in, check out, covid, covid-19, focus, iPhone, mobile, mobile device, QR Code, scan, Service NSW, smart device, tutorial
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QR Code Covid Safe Check-in App Tutorial 
In this jurisdiction as far as Covid is concerned, the New South Wales state of Australia, many coffee shops and pubs and restaurants and other small businesses have opted to be able to say they are โฆ Covid Safe โฆ โฆ Continue reading
Opt-in Versus Opt-out Australian Government Service Primer Tutorial 
Here, in Australia, the public discourse has had quite a few issues involving opt-in versus opt-out public services recently. Think about the โฆ My Health Record โฆ which is opt-out as far as the public goes (ie. you get a โฆ Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Did you know, government, Green Slip, membership, notifications, opt-in, opt-out, registration, Service NSW, services, tutorial
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