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Tag Archives: setTimeout
Chess and Draughts Game Styling Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s Draughts Game Logic Tutorial we progress with … mild styling makeovers for the Chess and Draughts Game looks … structure of webpage, in a user experience sense, helping make enough room for the main point of the webpage, … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged actual, Ajax, algorithm, annotation, Apache, argument, arguments, array, attachment, base64, base64_decode, base64_encode, board, camera, camera app, canvas, check, checkmate, chess, clicking, code, collaborate, collaboration, commentary, communication, conduit, contain, contenteditable, correspondence, correspondent, cover, CSS, data uri, data url, details, Did you know, dimensions, document, Document Root, DOM, draughts, ellipsis, email, email address, emoji, eval, exim, external Javascript, file, filename, file_put_contents, form, FormData, game, Google Chrome, graphics, height, HTML, image, image file, iOS, IP address, Javascript, king, layout, line break, link, logic, mail server, mailto, message, mobile, move.moves, nowrap, onmouseover, ontouchdown, personalization, photo, PHP, piece, placement, player, post, postcard, privacy, programming, prompt, recipient, reveal, rule, rules, Safari, scale, scaling, scenario, scene, scribble, security, send, sentence, setInterval, setTimeout, share, sharing, signature, size, sizing, smart device, SMS, sms number, strategy, style, styling, summary, temporary, toggle, touch, touchdown, tutorial, url, user experience, UX, web browser, web server, web share api, width, XMLHttpRequest
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Draughts Game Logic Tutorial
Is “mutipurposing code” overrated? We asked the general populace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . You know what? We’ll leave that topic … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged actual, Ajax, algorithm, annotation, Apache, argument, arguments, array, attachment, base64, base64_decode, base64_encode, board, camera, camera app, canvas, check, checkmate, chess, clicking, code, collaborate, collaboration, commentary, communication, conduit, contain, contenteditable, correspondence, correspondent, cover, data uri, data url, Did you know, dimensions, document, Document Root, DOM, draughts, email, email address, emoji, eval, exim, external Javascript, file, filename, file_put_contents, form, FormData, game, Google Chrome, graphics, height, HTML, image, image file, iOS, IP address, Javascript, king, layout, link, logic, mail server, mailto, message, mobile, move.moves, onmouseover, ontouchdown, personalization, photo, PHP, piece, placement, player, post, postcard, privacy, programming, prompt, recipient, rule, rules, Safari, scale, scaling, scenario, scene, scribble, security, send, sentence, setInterval, setTimeout, share, sharing, signature, size, sizing, smart device, SMS, sms number, strategy, temporary, toggle, touch, touchdown, tutorial, url, web browser, web server, web share api, width, XMLHttpRequest
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Tic Tac Toe Game Timing Tutorial
Yesterday’s Tic Tac Toe Game Drag and Drop Tutorial‘s Tic Tac Toe game had an annoyance. You, as the interactive player, playing the Computer, had to imagine how the Computer won, should it do so. How come? Well, when writing … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged alert, click, DOM, drag, drag and drop, drop, email, event, external Javascript, flush, game, games, Javascript, modal, modal dialog box, noughts and crosses, onclick, popup, popup window, programming, programming.tutorial, reload, setTimeout, SMS, Tic-tac-toe, timer, timing, touch
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YouTube Music Video External Javascript Drag Genericization Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s YouTube Music Video External Javascript More Genericization Tutorial‘s progress, today, we’ve … added recent GET argument functionalities … Mr Smith Goes To Washington … and, today, our newly compiled … Slow Classical Movements Movie Soundtracks … into the … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged ABC 702, API, arguments, array, buffer, buffering, comma separated list, CSS, cue, data, Disco, document.URL, DOM, drag, dropdown, dynamic, email, event, external Javascript, function, gernericization, get, hardcoding, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, local web server, mailto, member, method, mobile, Object Oriented Programming, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onerror, onmousemove, OOP, parent, pause, peer, peer to peer, placeholder, play, playlist, programming, programming.tutorial, select, setInterval, setTimeout, span, stop press, style, styling, testing, text shadow, textbox, the wrecking crew, time, timer, twin, typeof, url, video, Wikipedia, Yacht Rock, YouTube, YouTube API
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YouTube Music Video External Javascript More Genericization Tutorial
Yesterday’s YouTube Music Video External Javascript Genericization Tutorial started our external Javascript genericizations with our Peer to Peer YouTube Web Application. Some may find it irritating, but we even use code like … if (document.getElementById(‘sshuffle’)) { var ssos=document.getElementById(‘sshuffle’).innerHTML.split(‘</option>’); console.log(‘sshuffle option … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged ABC 702, API, arguments, array, buffer, buffering, comma separated list, CSS, cue, data, Disco, document.URL, DOM, dropdown, dynamic, email, event, external Javascript, function, gernericization, get, hardcoding, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, local web server, mailto, member, method, mobile, Object Oriented Programming, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onerror, OOP, parent, pause, peer, peer to peer, placeholder, play, playlist, programming, programming.tutorial, select, setInterval, setTimeout, span, stop press, style, styling, testing, textbox, the wrecking crew, time, timer, twin, typeof, url, video, Wikipedia, Yacht Rock, YouTube, YouTube API
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Wikipedia Colour Coded Mark History Tutorial
The idea to gather history of “user interest” into a new dropdown as a feature to enhance a comma (ie, “,”) hardcoding in an “eighth draft” PHP wiki_mark_eight.php web application, perhaps below, has several advantages today, we figure … recall … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged boolean, boolean expression, categorization, category, colour, colour coding, comma, content, delimitation, delimiter, details, Did you know, DOM, dropdown, event, first name, Google, Google Chrome, hardcoding, highlight, history, hover, HTML, IFRAME, innerText, Javascript, language, link, links, list, localStorage, logic, long hover, mark, mobile, mode of use, name, onmouseout, onmouseover, personalization, PHP, programming, prompt, reading, recall, research, reveal, select, semicolon, setTimeout, skim, speech to text, stop press, summary, timer, tutorial, type, web browser, Wikipedia, window.opener, word, word list, words
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Wikipedia Colour Coded Mark Word Categorization Tutorial
Today’s progress onto the recent Wikipedia Colour Coded Mark Speech to Text Tutorial‘s Wikipedia Mark Words web application involve … a new dropdown categorizing words, which we hope might help users hone their marked Wikipedia content … AnyMixed CaseUpper CaseLower … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged boolean, boolean expression, categorization, category, colour, colour coding, comma, content, delimitation, delimiter, details, Did you know, DOM, dropdown, event, first name, Google, Google Chrome, highlight, hover, HTML, IFRAME, innerText, Javascript, language, link, links, list, localStorage, logic, long hover, mark, mobile, mode of use, name, onmouseout, onmouseover, personalization, PHP, programming, prompt, reading, recall, research, reveal, select, semicolon, setTimeout, skim, speech to text, stop press, summary, timer, tutorial, type, web browser, Wikipedia, window.opener, word, word list, words
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Mak-yek Game Tutorial
Adding to the recent Chess and Draughts Game Styling Tutorial we add … a Mak-yek Game (as proposed today) … has more in common with … a Chess Game … in the sense that the … playing board is the … Continue reading →