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Tag Archives: size
Colouring In Drag and Drop Pseudo Element Content Tutorial
Our current Colouring In web application project has relied a lot on HTML table, then tbody, then tr (row), then td (table cell) elements, believe it or not, up to today, not requiring any … traditional content (in Javascript DOM, … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, animation, answer, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, border, browse, browsing, button, Camer, canvas, cell, class, clip art, clone, co-ordinates, collaborate, collaboration, column, country, CSS, dataset, dblclick, device, Did you know, dimensions, DOM, doodle, doodling, double click, drag, drag and drop, dragover, drop, email, emoji, emoji flag, encoding, encryption, end tag, entity, flag, focus, game, games, genericize, geography, geojson, geospatial, getBoundingClientRect, Google, grid, guess, hashtag, hashtagging, height, HTML, html entity, HTML5, image, image search, image URL, innerHTML, iOS, iPad, iPhone, ISO 3166-2, Javascript, keyboard, latitude, left.width, location.hash, longitude, mailto, Mercator, mercator projection.opacity, minesweeper, mobile, mountain, mouse, mouse wheel, multiple, multiple background, navigation, nickname, number, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, ondragover, onkeydown, overlay, palette, percentage, photo, photograph, PHP, pixel, pixels, platform, polyline, popup, postcard, processing, programming, proof of concept, proportional, pseudo class, pseudo element, pseudo selector, px, question, quiz, range, redo, resolution, responsive design, revael, reveal, river,, rivers, row, scroll, share, sharing, size, SMS, stop press, style, stylesheet, styling, SVG, table, table cell, tag, television, text, top, transparency, tutorial, underlay, undo, units, url, user experience, UX, value add, warerfall, width, Wikipedia, world, world map
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Colouring In Drag and Drop Hazardous Journey Game Tutorial
Back to thinking about Drag and Drop, a lot of the way it works, favours web application game development. You don’t even have to involve the “drop” part of the concept. Just using the “drag” part, and the “ondragover” event, … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, animation, answer, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, border, browse, browsing, button, Camer, canvas, cell, class, clip art, clone, co-ordinates, collaborate, collaboration, column, country, CSS, dataset, dblclick, device, Did you know, dimensions, doodle, doodling, double click, drag, drag and drop, dragover, drop, email, emoji, emoji flag, encoding, encryption, entity, flag, focus, game, games, genericize, geography, geojson, geospatial, getBoundingClientRect, Google, grid, guess, hashtag, hashtagging, height, HTML, html entity, HTML5, image, image search, image URL, iOS, iPad, iPhone, ISO 3166-2, Javascript, keyboard, latitude, left.width, location.hash, longitude, mailto, Mercator, mercator projection.opacity, minesweeper, mobile, mountain, mouse, mouse wheel, multiple, multiple background, navigation, nickname, number, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, ondragover, onkeydown, overlay, palette, percentage, photo, photograph, PHP, pixel, pixels, platform, polyline, popup, postcard, processing, programming, proof of concept, proportional, pseudo class, pseudo selector, px, question, quiz, range, redo, resolution, responsive design, revael, reveal, river,, rivers, row, scroll, share, sharing, size, SMS, stop press, style, stylesheet, styling, SVG, table, table cell, television, text, top, transparency, tutorial, underlay, undo, units, url, user experience, UX, value add, warerfall, width, Wikipedia, world, world map
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Colouring In Drag and Drop Browse Button CSS Tutorial
Some HTML features that interface to the underlying operating system, you may have noticed yourself, are more restricted regarding how you can style them, than the usual HTML element catalogue. One which is always coming up, in this regard, for … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, animation, answer, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, border, browse, browsing, button, Camer, canvas, cell, class, clip art, clone, co-ordinates, collaborate, collaboration, column, country, CSS, dataset, dblclick, device, Did you know, dimensions, doodle, doodling, double click, drag, drag and drop, dragover, drop, email, emoji, emoji flag, encoding, encryption, entity, flag, focus, game, games, genericize, geography, geojson, geospatial, getBoundingClientRect, Google, grid, guess, hashtag, hashtagging, height, HTML, html entity, HTML5, image, image search, image URL, iOS, iPad, iPhone, ISO 3166-2, Javascript, keyboard, latitude, left.width, location.hash, longitude, mailto, Mercator, mercator projection.opacity, mobile, mountain, mouse, mouse wheel, multiple, multiple background, navigation, nickname, number, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, ondragover, onkeydown, overlay, palette, percentage, photo, photograph, PHP, pixel, pixels, platform, polyline, popup, postcard, processing, programming, proof of concept, proportional, pseudo class, pseudo element, pseudo selector, px, question, quiz, range, redo, resolution, responsive design, revael, reveal, river,, rivers, row, scroll, share, sharing, size, SMS, stop press, style, stylesheet, styling, SVG, table, table cell, television, text, top, transparency, tutorial, underlay, undo, units, url, user experience, UX, value add, warerfall, width, Wikipedia, world, world map
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Colouring In Drag and Drop Mobile Postcard Tutorial
Yesterday’s Colouring In Drag and Drop Postcard Tutorial mentioned two issues with its Postcard creation functionalities that needed further attention … We have more work to do regarding data limits (even with hashtagging) using mobile platforms and the Take Photo … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, iOS, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, animation, answer, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, border, browse, Camer, canvas, cell, class, clip art, clone, co-ordinates, collaborate, collaboration, column, country, CSS, dataset, dblclick, device, Did you know, dimensions, doodle, doodling, double click, drag, drag and drop, dragover, drop, email, emoji, emoji flag, encoding, encryption, entity, flag, focus, game, games, genericize, geography, geojson, geospatial, getBoundingClientRect, Google, grid, guess, hashtag, hashtagging, height, HTML, html entity, HTML5, image, image search, image URL, iOS, iPad, iPhone, ISO 3166-2, Javascript, keyboard, latitude, left.width, location.hash, longitude, mailto, Mercator, mercator projection.opacity, mobile, mountain, mouse, mouse wheel, multiple, multiple background, navigation, nickname, number, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, ondragover, onkeydown, overlay, palette, percentage, photo, photograph, PHP, pixel, pixels, platform, polyline, popup, postcard, processing, programming, proof of concept, proportional, px, question, quiz, range, redo, resolution, responsive design, revael, reveal, river,, rivers, row, scroll, share, sharing, size, SMS, stop press, style, stylesheet, styling, SVG, table, table cell, television, text, top, transparency, tutorial, underlay, undo, units, url, user experience, UX, value add, warerfall, width, Wikipedia, world, world map
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Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart GeoJson Onclick Tutorial
Still on the “reconstituting” trajectory yesterday’s Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart GeoJson Iframe Tutorial had, continuing on with regarding our interfacing to the Google Charts Image Chart Map Chart hosting of GeoJson functionality, today, we “reconstitute” some “onclick” event … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, array, background-size, blog, client, client pre-emptive iframe, co-ordinates, code, colour, colour code, colour coding, compartment, contain, context, country, country code, cover, CSS, CSS property, DOM, dropdown, element, emoji, emoji flag, event, fallback, filter, flag, geojson, Google Translate, header.php, helper, hint, hints, HTML, IFRAME, image, image chart, inline CSS, interim, internationalization, iOS, iPad, ISO 3166-2, Javascript, language, language translation, list, logic, map, mobile, multiple, nest, nesting, onclick, onload, overflow, overflow-x, overlay, page source, PHP, popup, post, posting, programming, property, quiz, reconstituted, region code, scale, scroll, scrolling, size, sizing, style, styling, SVG, table, table cell, timezone, title, touch, transform, translation, tutorial, TwentyTen, TwentyTen theme, user experience, UX, view page source, web browser, webpage, Wikipedia, Wordpress, zoom
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Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart GeoJson Iframe Tutorial
If you are a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know that when in the title of a blog posting the word “Iframe” appears somewhere, that what we are concerned with here is … nesting data within a “compartmentalized” part … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, array, background-size, blog, client, client pre-emptive iframe, co-ordinates, code, colour, colour code, colour coding, compartment, contain, context, country, country code, cover, CSS, CSS property, DOM, dropdown, element, emoji, emoji flag, fallback, filter, flag, geojson, Google Translate, header.php, helper, hint, hints, HTML, IFRAME, image, image chart, inline CSS, interim, internationalization, iOS, iPad, ISO 3166-2, Javascript, language, language translation, list, logic, map, mobile, multiple, nest, nesting, onload, overflow, overflow-x, overlay, page source, PHP, post, posting, programming, property, quiz, reconstituted, region code, scale, scroll, scrolling, size, sizing, style, styling, SVG, table, table cell, timezone, title, touch, transform, translation, tutorial, TwentyTen, TwentyTen theme, view page source, web browser, webpage, Wikipedia, Wordpress, zoom
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Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart GeoJson Sizing Tutorial
To go from yesterday’s Google Chart Image Chart Map Chart Reconstituted GeoJson Tutorial‘s … … we hit it out of the wee park … … to … … we hit it out of the a wee bit bigger than wee … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, array, background-size, blog, client, code, colour, colour code, colour coding, contain, context, country, country code, cover, CSS, CSS property, DOM, dropdown, element, emoji, emoji flag, fallback, filter, flag, geojson, Google Translate, header.php, helper, hint, hints, HTML, image, image chart, inline CSS, interim, internationalization, iOS, iPad, ISO 3166-2, Javascript, language, language translation, list, logic, map, mobile, multiple, nest, overflow, overflow-x, overlay, page source, PHP, post, posting, programming, property, quiz, reconstituted, region code, scale, scroll, scrolling, size, sizing, style, styling, SVG, table, table cell, timezone, title, touch, translation, tutorial, TwentyTen, TwentyTen theme, view page source, web browser, Wikipedia, Wordpress
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Mak-yek Game Tutorial
Adding to the recent Chess and Draughts Game Styling Tutorial we add … a Mak-yek Game (as proposed today) … has more in common with … a Chess Game … in the sense that the … playing board is the … Continue reading →