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Tag Archives: slideshow
Mac iPhoto and Gimp Primer Tutorial
Computer software is good with images. Ever since the advent of digital photography it has taken off, which is no surprise. Today, images are still a major part of the web experience, especially with the camera work of mobile phones … Continue reading →
Mac iPhoto Slideshow to iTunes and iMovie Movie Primer Tutorial
The Mac iPhoto Primer Tutorial from yesterday explains how Mac OS X iPhoto application does a great job of storing your photographs (on the Mac laptop’s hard disk) from a variety of sources, and it shows this for the import … Continue reading →
Mac iPhoto Primer Tutorial
The Mac OS X iPhoto application does a great job of storing your photographs (on the Mac laptop’s hard disk) that are: created on your laptop importable via removable CDs/DVDs/USBs or others importable via digital cameras (with inbuilt memory card) … Continue reading →
Javascript/CSS Lightbox Primer Tutorial
The brilliant Lokesh Dhakar is the inventor of Lightbox which is a small Javascript library allowing for overlayable images on top of the current webpage … told you it was brilliant. Am sure you’ve seen Lightbox, or its incarnations, all … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Photography, Tutorials
Tagged animation, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Lightbox, programming, slideshow, tutorial
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