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Tag Archives: slideshow
Emoji Borders and Backgrounds Shape Numerics Tutorial
If you are familiar with the geometry of shapes, it is full of numbers, with the implications as to how the shape is represented and displayed, that those numbers can affect. And so, onto yesterday’s Emoji Borders and Backgrounds Shapes … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, anchor, argument, background, background image, base64, base64_encode, border, canvas, circle, context, CSS, data uri, data url, deploy, deployment, display, dropdown, emoji, encode, geometry, getBoundingClientRect, graphics, grid, HTML, IFRAME, image, image grid, img, inhouse, Javascript, justification, map, mathematics, menu, mimetype, numbers, numerical, opacity, overlay, override, PHP, position, programming, proof of concept, rect, rectangle, shape, slideshow, style, styling, SVG, svg+xml, table, text, text justification, text-anchor, tutorial, web browser, web inspector, XML
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Emoji Borders and Backgrounds Shapes Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s Emoji Borders and Backgrounds Text Justification Tutorial we add some consideration of SVG shape creations into the mix of the Emoji Borders and Backgrounds work, starting just with the PHP tool, at this stage, and just considering … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, anchor, argument, background, background image, base64, base64_encode, border, canvas, circle, context, CSS, data uri, data url, deploy, deployment, display, dropdown, emoji, encode, getBoundingClientRect, graphics, grid, HTML, IFRAME, image, image grid, img, inhouse, Javascript, justification, map, menu, mimetype, opacity, overlay, override, PHP, position, programming, proof of concept, rect, rectangle, shape, slideshow, style, styling, SVG, svg+xml, table, text, text justification, text-anchor, tutorial, web browser, web inspector, XML
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Emoji Borders and Backgrounds Text Justification Tutorial
Yesterday’s Emoji Borders and Backgrounds CSS Styling Tutorial‘s work involving … SVG CSS styling … could be classified as an “aesthetics” matter, as could today’s … SVG text justification … work, though there is no CSS involved with today’s solutions … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, anchor, argument, background, background image, base64, base64_encode, border, canvas, context, CSS, data uri, data url, deploy, deployment, display, dropdown, emoji, encode, getBoundingClientRect, graphics, grid, HTML, IFRAME, image, image grid, img, inhouse, Javascript, justification, map, menu, mimetype, opacity, overlay, override, PHP, position, programming, proof of concept, slideshow, style, styling, SVG, svg+xml, table, text, text justification, text-anchor, tutorial, web browser, web inspector, XML
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Emoji Borders and Backgrounds CSS Styling Tutorial
It was some time ago now that we said … … via a new “text” argument arranged for the PHP and in readiness for some more aesthetic improvements in the display side of things with our emoji borders and backgrounds … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, argument, background, background image, base64, base64_encode, border, canvas, context, CSS, data uri, data url, deploy, deployment, display, dropdown, emoji, encode, getBoundingClientRect, graphics, grid, HTML, IFRAME, image, image grid, img, inhouse, Javascript, map, menu, mimetype, opacity, overlay, override, PHP, position, programming, proof of concept, slideshow, style, styling, SVG, svg+xml, table, text, tutorial, web browser, web inspector, XML
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Emoji Borders and Backgrounds in Canvas Tutorial
Extending yesterday’s Emoji Borders and Backgrounds in Image Map Grid Tutorial‘s “Emoji Border and Background” horizons, today, we take an interest in three associated HTML “graphic” elements … SVG IMG CANVAS Can we start with SVG+XML data and get to … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, background, background image, base64, base64_encode, border, canvas, context, CSS, data uri, data url, deploy, deployment, dropdown, emoji, encode, getBoundingClientRect, graphics, grid, HTML, IFRAME, image, image grid, img, inhouse, Javascript, map, menu, mimetype, opacity, overlay, override, PHP, position, programming, proof of concept, slideshow, SVG, svg+xml, table, text, tutorial, web browser, web inspector, XML
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Emoji Borders and Backgrounds in Image Map Grid Tutorial
Further to yesterday’s Emoji Borders and Backgrounds in Inhouse Slideshow Deployment Tutorial were you around when we presented Image Map Grid Styling Email Share Tutorial? Well, it’s our “second cab off the rank” regarding a parent idea to oversee our … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, background, background image, base64, base64_encode, border, context, CSS, data uri, data url, deploy, deployment, dropdown, emoji, encode, getBoundingClientRect, grid, HTML, IFRAME, image, image grid, inhouse, Javascript, map, menu, mimetype, opacity, overlay, override, PHP, position, programming, proof of concept, slideshow, SVG, svg+xml, table, text, tutorial, web browser, web inspector, XML
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Emoji Borders and Backgrounds in Inhouse Slideshow Deployment Tutorial
The deployment aspects to yesterday’s Emoji Borders and Backgrounds in Inhouse Slideshow Tutorial “Inhouse Slideshow” PHP functionality are in our sights today … happy holidays! “Inhouse Slideshow” functionality can not avoid the serverside PHP (ie. the changed index.php PHP clone … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, background, border, context, CSS, deploy, deployment, dropdown, emoji, getBoundingClientRect, HTML, IFRAME, image, inhouse, Javascript, menu, mimetype, opacity, overlay, override, PHP, position, programming, proof of concept, slideshow, SVG, svg+xml, table, text, tutorial, web browser, web inspector, XML
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Emoji Borders and Backgrounds in Inhouse Slideshow Tutorial
Continuing on from yesterday’s Emoji Borders and Backgrounds via Emoji Menu Tutorial and harkening back to Emoji Borders and Backgrounds Image Text Parent Tutorial‘s … … the functionalities that would be “cool” at the HTML/Javascript/CSS parent side, and then work … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, background, border, context, CSS, dropdown, emoji, getBoundingClientRect, HTML, IFRAME, image, inhouse, Javascript, menu, mimetype, opacity, overlay, PHP, position, programming, proof of concept, slideshow, SVG, svg+xml, table, text, tutorial, web browser, web inspector, XML
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