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Tag Archives: summary
HTML Form Use of Disabled Input Elements Tutorial
Regarding that work last week, with Google Chart Geo and or Map Chart Modes of Use Tutorial, involving … HTML form element navigation ideas asking one (interactively entered) user question at a time reminiscent of how command line desktop applications … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged attribute, contenteditable, details, disabled, div, DOM, edit, event, focus, form, HTML, input, interactive entry, Javascript, navigation, onblur, onchange, onsubmit, placeholder, programming, programming.tutorial, reveal, summary, tab, tab order, textarea
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World Scrolling and Clickarounds Image Source Tutorial
As you program, in anything, we are sure you will have occasions when you think … This is a lot of trouble for very little effect. … and sometimes, infinitely better … Wow! That was easy! And it’s, like, doubled … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged argument, click, code, confirm, country, country code, details, div, DOM, Earth, elevation, geographicals, Google, Google Charts, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Maps, HTML, image, image source, image URL, img, innerHTML, International Dateline, iso 639-2, Javascript, latitude, longitude, map, Mercator, mercator projection, method, NASA, Natural Earth Data, navigate, North Pole, ondblclick, opacity, overlay, override, placeholder, placename, programming, projection, reveal, scroll, search, source, span, summary, textbox, timezone, toast, trip, tutorial, url, webpage, Wikipedia
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World Scrolling and Clickarounds Reveal Tutorial
Our favourite “reveal” tool, the HTML “details and summary” duo, add user control functionality on top of that up to yesterday’s World Scrolling and Clickarounds Trip Tutorial. Where the user has their own control, principally to declutter in the “toast” … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged click, code, confirm, country, country code, details, div, DOM, elevation, geographicals, Google, Google Charts, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Maps, HTML, image, img, innerHTML, iso 639-2, Javascript, latitude, longitude, map, Mercator, method, Natural Earth Data, navigate, opacity, overlay, override, placename, programming, projection, reveal, scroll, search, span, summary, textbox, timezone, toast, trip, tutorial, webpage, Wikipedia
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Perl CGI macOS TimeZone Simulation Tutorial
Do you remember how with the recent Perl CGI Spreadsheet Download Detector Tutorial‘s web application, in its results webpage, we showed both a … Server current datetime … down below a … Local current datetime … and that the Local … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, action, Apache, audio, CGI, cgi-bin, client, clientsize, column, command, command line, connect, content, crontab, data, database, database table, date, datetime, DBD, DBI, details, download, downloading, email, Excel, executable, field, form, Google Translate, HTML, html entity, hyperlink, IFRAME, interactive, intranet, Korn, korn shell, language, language code, LibreOffice, listener, local, macOS, method, module, MySql, navigation, Perl, permissions, port, post, programming, region, relative, reveal, row, say, scheduled, server, simulation, sort, sorting, split, spreadsheet, srcdoc, summary, system preferences, testing, text to audio, timestamp, timezone, tutorial, url, webpage
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Perl CGI Spreadsheet Download Detector Tutorial
The Intranet Audio functionality within yesterday’s Perl CGI Intranet Audio and Translations Tutorial‘s hello_get HTML and Perl web application relied on all of … macOS … underlying operating system, hosting … MAMP local Apache/PHP/MySql web server on port 8888 … … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, action, Apache, audio, CGI, cgi-bin, client, column, command, command line, connect, content, crontab, data, database, database table, date, datetime, DBD, DBI, details, download, downloading, email, Excel, executable, field, form, Google Translate, HTML, html entity, hyperlink, IFRAME, interactive, intranet, Korn, korn shell, language, language code, LibreOffice, listener, macOS, method, module, MySql, navigation, Perl, permissions, port, post, programming, relative, reveal, row, say, scheduled, server, sort, sorting, split, spreadsheet, srcdoc, summary, text to audio, timestamp, timezone, tutorial, url, webpage
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Perl CGI Intranet Audio and Translations Tutorial
Yesterday’s Perl CGI Intranet Audio Tutorial gave us “an in” to audio functionality, but if you get into the innards of the macOS say command you’ll see how an audio voice is our connection with a translation language code. And … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, action, Apache, audio, CGI, cgi-bin, client, column, connect, content, data, database, database table, date, datetime, DBD, DBI, details, download, downloading, Excel, executable, field, form, Google Translate, HTML, html entity, hyperlink, IFRAME, intranet, language, language code, LibreOffice, macOS, method, module, MySql, navigation, Perl, permissions, post, programming, relative, reveal, row, say, server, sort, sorting, split, spreadsheet, srcdoc, summary, text to audio, timestamp, timezone, tutorial, url, webpage
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Perl CGI Intranet Audio Tutorial
We’ve got a couple of changes onto yesterday’s Perl CGI URL Content Tutorial‘s progress regarding our Perl CGI Modules explorations … base the navigation to Perl as HTML form method=POST rather than method=GET … allowing for larger data sets … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, action, Apache, audio, CGI, cgi-bin, client, column, connect, content, data, database, database table, date, datetime, DBD, DBI, details, download, downloading, Excel, executable, field, form, HTML, html entity, IFRAME, intranet, LibreOffice, macOS, method, module, MySql, navigation, Perl, permissions, post, programming, relative, reveal, row, say, server, sort, sorting, split, spreadsheet, srcdoc, summary, text to audio, timestamp, timezone, tutorial, url, webpage
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Perl CGI URL Content Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s Perl CGI Spreadsheet Module Sorting Tutorial, today, we introduce a new Perl module … LWP::UserAgent … which can help us reach the content of a user nominated URL. From LWP::UserAgent doing it’s stuff, the rest of the changed … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, action, Apache, CGI, cgi-bin, client, column, connect, content, data, database, database table, date, datetime, DBD, DBI, details, download, downloading, Excel, executable, field, form, HTML, html entity, IFRAME, LibreOffice, module, MySql, navigation, Perl, permissions, programming, relative, reveal, row, server, sort, sorting, split, spreadsheet, srcdoc, summary, timestamp, timezone, tutorial, url, webpage
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