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Tag Archives: surfing the net
Lynx Linux Command Line Web Surfing Primer Tutorial
There are a couple of reasons a Linux user may be interested in command line Web Surfing via the Lynx web browser … they only have access to a terminal they only want a text based web surfing result (remember … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged command line, Hello World, Linux, lynx, passthru, PHP, programming, ssh, surfing the net, surfing the web, tutorial, web browser, web server
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Medical Acronyms Game Tutorial
And then there are the “rethinks” of data design, in thinking where to go next with our “Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes and Acronyms Meaning game” web application we last mentioned with yesterday’s Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged above the fold, anatomy, API, array, background, background image, button, checkbox, CSS, data attributes, delimitation, dropdown, email, email client, emoji, English, event, fold, getComputedStyle, GIMP, global, Greek, HTML, IFRAME, image, Javascript, Latin, mailto, medicine, mobile, multiple, onchange, onclick, onions, onload, opacity, option, personalisation, physiology, prefix, programming, root, search engine, select, setTimeout, size, suffix, surfing the net, timed, tutorial, video, window.getComputedStyle, YouTube, YouTube API, zoom
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Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Sharing Tutorial
We’ve been thinking more about collaboration and sharing ideas and some personalization ideas today to complement earlier work we started on our “Health Root or Prefix or Suffix Meaning Game” last visited with Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Aesthetics … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged above the fold, anatomy, API, background, background image, button, checkbox, CSS, data attributes, dropdown, email, email client, emoji, English, event, fold, getComputedStyle, GIMP, Greek, HTML, IFRAME, image, Javascript, Latin, mailto, medicine, mobile, multiple, onchange, onclick, onload, opacity, option, personalisation, physiology, prefix, programming, root, search engine, select, setTimeout, size, suffix, surfing the net, timed, tutorial, video, window.getComputedStyle, YouTube, YouTube API, zoom
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Medical Roots and Prefixes and Suffixes Aesthetics Tutorial
We normally start the web application games we write by making sure the information, or data, aspects to the game are attended to. So for us, the priorities, end up being … making sure the information, or data, aspects to … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, GIMP, Tutorials
Tagged above the fold, API, background, background image, button, CSS, data attributes, dropdown, emoji, English, event, fold, getComputedStyle, GIMP, Greek, HTML, IFRAME, image, Javascript, Latin, medicine, mobile, multiple, onchange, onclick, onload, opacity, option, prefix, programming, root, search engine, select, setTimeout, size, suffix, surfing the net, timed, tutorial, video, window.getComputedStyle, YouTube, YouTube API, zoom
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Facebook Notification Cancellation Primer Tutorial
One of my students uses Facebook, and we discuss various issues regarding Facebook, and all other web and Windows 10 matters. Am so proud of her managing the upgrade to Windows 10 herself, but that’s another matter. One of the … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Facebook, notification, social media, surfing the net, tutorial, web
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