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Tag Archives: SVG
Colouring In Drag and Drop Postcard Tutorial
You might recall that some time before yesterday’s Colouring In Drag and Drop Waterfall Reveal Tutorial‘s “Reveal Quiz” work, with Colouring In Drag and Drop Undo and Redo Tutorial, when we outlined potential uses … a scribbling or doodling mechanism … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, animation, answer, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, border, browse, cell, class, clip art, clone, co-ordinates, collaborate, collaboration, column, country, CSS, dataset, dblclick, device, Did you know, dimensions, doodle, doodling, double click, drag, drag and drop, dragover, drop, email, emoji, emoji flag, encoding, encryption, entity, flag, focus, game, games, genericize, geography, geojson, geospatial, getBoundingClientRect, Google, grid, guess, hashtag, hashtagging, height, html entity, image, image search, image URL, ISO 3166-2, Javascript, keyboard, latitude, left.width, location.hash, longitude, mailto, Mercator, mercator projection.opacity, mobile, mountain, mouse, mouse wheel, multiple, multiple background, navigation, nickname, number, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, ondragover, onkeydown, overlay, palette, percentage, PHP, pixel, pixels, platform, polyline, popup, postcard, processing, programming, proof of concept, proportional, px, question, quiz, range, redo, resolution, responsive design, revael, reveal, river,, rivers, row, scroll, share, sharing, SMS, stop press, style, stylesheet, styling, SVG, table, table cell, television, text, top, transparency, tutorial, underlay, undo, units, url, user experience, UX, value add, warerfall, width, Wikipedia, world, world map
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Colouring In Drag and Drop Waterfall Reveal Tutorial
As far as the Reveal options go with our current Colouring In web application project’s … World Reveal game … and … Rivers Reveal game … and … Mountains Reveal game … today we’re presenting … Waterfalls Reveal game … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, animation, answer, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, border, browse, cell, clip art, clone, co-ordinates, collaborate, collaboration, column, country, CSS, dataset, dblclick, device, Did you know, dimensions, doodle, doodling, double click, drag, drag and drop, dragover, drop, email, emoji, emoji flag, encoding, encryption, entity, flag, focus, game, games, genericize, geography, geojson, geospatial, getBoundingClientRect, Google, grid, guess, hashtag, hashtagging, height, html entity, image, image search, image URL, ISO 3166-2, Javascript, keyboard, latitude, left.width, location.hash, longitude, mailto, Mercator, mercator projection.opacity, mobile, mountain, mouse, mouse wheel, multiple, multiple background, navigation, nickname, number, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, ondragover, onkeydown, overlay, palette, percentage, PHP, pixel, pixels, platform, polyline, processing, programming, proof of concept, proportional, px, question, quiz, range, redo, resolution, responsive design, revael, reveal, river,, rivers, row, scroll, share, sharing, SMS, stop press, style, styling, SVG, table, table cell, television, text, top, transparency, tutorial, underlay, undo, units, url, user experience, UX, value add, warerfall, width, Wikipedia, world, world map
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Colouring In Drag and Drop Reveal Right Click Tutorial
Yesterday’s Colouring In Drag and Drop Mountain Reveal Game Tutorial showed us … a whole new woooorrrrlllddd of event functionality … via … ondblclick … and today we have … a non-mobile new woooorrrrlllddd of event functionality … via … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, animation, answer, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, border, browse, cell, clip art, clone, co-ordinates, collaborate, collaboration, column, country, CSS, dataset, dblclick, device, Did you know, dimensions, doodle, doodling, double click, drag, drag and drop, dragover, drop, email, emoji, emoji flag, encoding, encryption, entity, flag, focus, game, games, genericize, geography, geojson, geospatial, getBoundingClientRect, Google, grid, guess, hashtag, hashtagging, height, html entity, image, image search, image URL, ISO 3166-2, Javascript, keyboard, latitude, left.width, location.hash, longitude, mailto, Mercator, mercator projection.opacity, mobile, mouse, mouse wheel, multiple, multiple background, navigation, nickname, number, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, ondragover, onkeydown, overlay, palette, percentage, PHP, pixel, pixels, platform, polyline, processing, programming, proof of concept, proportional, px, question, quiz, range, redo, resolution, responsive design, reveal, river, rivers, row, scroll, share, sharing, SMS, stop press, style, styling, SVG, table, table cell, television, text, top, transparency, tutorial, underlay, undo, units, url, user experience, UX, value add, width, Wikipedia, world, world map
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Colouring In Drag and Drop Mountain Reveal Game Tutorial
Today’s blog posting has a “theme song” … highHi! Yes, onto yesterday’s Colouring In Drag and Drop World Reveal Sharing Tutorial‘s … World Reveal game … and … Rivers Reveal game … we use a lot of, what pans out … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, animation, answer, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, border, browse, cell, clip art, clone, co-ordinates, collaborate, collaboration, column, country, CSS, dataset, dblclick, device, Did you know, dimensions, doodle, doodling, double click, drag, drag and drop, dragover, drop, email, emoji, emoji flag, encoding, encryption, entity, flag, focus, game, games, genericize, geography, geojson, geospatial, getBoundingClientRect, Google, grid, guess, hashtag, hashtagging, height, html entity, image, image search, image URL, ISO 3166-2, Javascript, keyboard, latitude, left.width, location.hash, longitude, mailto, Mercator, mercator projection.opacity, mobile, mouse, mouse wheel, multiple, multiple background, navigation, nickname, number, ondblclick, ondragover, onkeydown, overlay, palette, percentage, PHP, pixel, pixels, platform, polyline, processing, programming, proof of concept, proportional, px, question, quiz, range, redo, resolution, responsive design, reveal, river, rivers, row, scroll, share, sharing, SMS, stop press, style, styling, SVG, table, table cell, television, text, top, transparency, tutorial, underlay, undo, units, url, user experience, UX, value add, width, Wikipedia, world, world map
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Colouring In Drag and Drop River Reveal Game Tutorial
Today’s blog posting has a “theme song” … deep. Yes, onto yesterday’s Colouring In Drag and Drop World Reveal Sharing Tutorial‘s … World Reveal game … we use a lot of it’s ideas to present … Rivers Reveal game … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, animation, answer, background, background image, background-position, background-repeat, background-size, border, browse, cell, clip art, clone, co-ordinates, collaborate, collaboration, column, country, CSS, dataset, device, Did you know, dimensions, doodle, doodling, double click, drag, drag and drop, dragover, drop, email, emoji, emoji flag, encoding, encryption, entity, flag, focus, game, games, genericize, geography, geojson, getBoundingClientRect, Google, grid, guess, hashtag, hashtagging, height, html entity, image, image search, image URL, ISO 3166-2, Javascript, keyboard, left.width, location.hash, mailto, Mercator, mercator projection.opacity, mobile, mouse, mouse wheel, multiple, multiple background, navigation, nickname, number, ondblclick, ondragover, onkeydown, overlay, palette, percentage, PHP, pixel, pixels, platform, polyline, processing, programming, proof of concept, proportional, px, question, quiz, range, redo, resolution, responsive design, reveal, river, rivers, row, scroll, share, sharing, SMS, stop press, style, styling, SVG, table, table cell, television, text, top, transparency, tutorial, underlay, undo, units, url, user experience, UX, value add, width, world, world map
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Region Picker GeoJson Area of Interest Tutorial
Meanwhile, back in “Region Picker Land” where, if we’re not mistaken, the grapes are peculiarly sweet this season, and we needed their “fortification” to tackle today’s progress, that being … user has picked a country of interest and has gone … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, OOP, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, above the fold, absolute, address bar, API, argument, attribute, background, background-position, bearing, breadcrumbs, button, canvas, cartography, circle, click, client, clientside, clip-path, colour, colour code, colour matching, column, content, context, continent, country, country code, CSS, data, data attributes, degree, delimiter, details, Did you know, distance, document.getElementsByTagName, DOM, double click, dropdown, dynamic, Earth, element, emoji, emoji flag, error, event, event.stopPropagation, fill, flag, font size, form, GD, geo chart, geography, geojson, gesture, getElementById, global data attributes, Google chart, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Translate, graphics, hash, hashtag, hotkey, hover, HTML, IFRAME, image, image chart, img, inhouse, innerHTML, innerText, inode, integration, internationalization, iso code, iso country code, ISO-3166, Javascript, keyboard, language, left, leg, legend, length, link, Linux, location.hash, lookup, magnify, Mapping, margin-left, margin-top, mathematics, menu, Mercator, mobile, navigation, Object Oriented Programming, offset, onblur, onclick, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onload, onmousemove, OOP, opacity, overlay, PHP, picker, pixel, pole, popup, popup window, post, programming, projection, prompt, property, pulldown, pulldown menu, realia, reality, region, regional, regional indicator, representation, request, resize, reveal, right click, scale, select, setAttribute, setTimeout, shade, shading, static, sticky, summary, SVG, text, textbox, timezone, top, touch, translate, translation, trip, trip planner, tutorial, unix, url, user experience, UX, vertical bar, view, web browser, who framed roger rabbit,, workflow, world, z-index, zoom
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Region Picker Area of Interest Tutorial
Recently we stumbled across the intriguing CSS property clip-path and set ourselves a one day thinking time to see whether we could make use of this CSS feature. And then it occurred to us with our recent Region Picker, as … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, above the fold, absolute, address bar, API, argument, attribute, background, background-position, bearing, breadcrumbs, button, canvas, cartography, circle, click, client, clientside, clip-path, colour, colour code, colour matching, column, content, context, continent, country, country code, CSS, data, data attributes, degree, delimiter, details, Did you know, distance, document.getElementsByTagName, DOM, double click, dropdown, dynamic, Earth, element, emoji, emoji flag, error, event, event.stopPropagation, fill, flag, font size, form, GD, geo chart, geography, geojson, gesture, getElementById, global data attributes, Google chart, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Translate, graphics, hash, hashtag, hotkey, hover, HTML, IFRAME, image, image chart, img, inhouse, innerHTML, innerText, inode, integration, internationalization, iso code, iso country code, ISO-3166, Javascript, keyboard, language, left, leg, legend, length, link, Linux, location.hash, lookup, magnify, Mapping, margin-left, margin-top, mathematics, menu, Mercator, mobile, navigation, offset, onblur, onclick, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onload, onmousemove, opacity, overlay, PHP, picker, pixel, pole, popup, popup window, post, programming, projection, prompt, property, pulldown, pulldown menu, region, regional, regional indicator, request, resize, reveal, right click, scale, select, setAttribute, setTimeout, shade, shading, static, sticky, summary, SVG, text, textbox, timezone, top, touch, translate, translation, trip, trip planner, tutorial, unix, url, user experience, UX, vertical bar, view, web browser,, workflow, world, z-index, zoom
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Region Picker Google Translate Tutorial
We wanted to improve the internationalization credentials of our Region Picker web application, of recent times, adding to the progress of yesterday’s Region Picker Revealed Iframes Tutorial. As such, we turn to another great Google product called Google Translate to … Continue reading →
Posted in Not Categorised
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, above the fold, absolute, address bar, API, argument, attribute, background, background-position, bearing, breadcrumbs, button, canvas, cartography, circle, click, client, clientside, colour, colour code, colour matching, column, content, context, continent, country, country code, CSS, data, data attributes, degree, delimiter, details, Did you know, distance, document.getElementsByTagName, DOM, double click, dropdown, dynamic, Earth, element, emoji, emoji flag, error, event, event.stopPropagation, fill, flag, font size, form, GD, geo chart, geography, geojson, gesture, getElementById, global data attributes, Google chart, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Translate, graphics, hash, hashtag, hotkey, HTML, IFRAME, image, image chart, img, inhouse, innerHTML, innerText, inode, integration, internationalization, iso code, iso country code, ISO-3166, Javascript, keyboard, language, left, leg, legend, length, link, Linux, location.hash, lookup, Mapping, margin-left, margin-top, mathematics, menu, Mercator, mobile, navigation, offset, onblur, onclick, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onload, onmousemove, opacity, overlay, PHP, picker, pixel, pole, popup, popup window, post, programming, projection, prompt, property, pulldown, pulldown menu, region, regional, regional indicator, request, resize, reveal, right click, scale, select, setAttribute, setTimeout, shade, shading, static, sticky, summary, SVG, text, textbox, timezone, top, touch, translate, translation, trip, trip planner, tutorial, unix, url, user experience, UX, vertical bar, view, web browser,, workflow, world, z-index, zoom
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