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Tag Archives: target
Canvas Sharing via Email Hashtagging Mobile Tutorial
On mobile platforms, quite rightly, be wary of “programmed only click logic”. Along with controlling media playing, this mobile platform idea of needing a real user click to perform some Javascript logic, may be a reason something you have works … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged annotate, annotating, annotation, canvas, collaboration, communication, conduit, digital signature, discrete click, drawImage, email, external Javascript, graphics, hashtag, hashtagging, HTML, image, Javascript, mailto, mobile, PHP, programming, scribble, share, sharing, signature, SMS, target, toDataURL, tutorial, url
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Onclick Event Propagation Event Button Tutorial
Don’t know about you, but we tend to take our pointing devices for granted around here. But how could we, when it is so important to getting things done?! Well, well worn procedures often make for better production, and maybe, … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged bubble, bubbling, button, case, constraint, curb, DOM, event, event.preventDefault, event.stopPropagation,, event.type, gesture, Google, hierarchy, HTML, inheritance, Javascript, left, middle, mouse, mouse wheel, nesting, nursery rhyme, onclick, poem, poetry, pointing device, popup, preventDefault, programming, propagation, rhyme, right, scrolling, sestet, stopPropagation, switch, target, touch, tutorial, type, wheel,
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Pdftohtml PDF to HTML via PHP Tutorial
Let’s go back to the beginning of the current thread of blog posts leading to yesterday’s Pdfimages PDF Output Media Browsing API Share Tutorial, back to Pdfimages PDF Image Extraction Primer Tutorial‘s … installing Pdfimages on macOS via … brew … Continue reading
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged bubble, bubbling, button, case, command, command line, constraint, curb, DOM, event, event.preventDefault, event.stopPropagation,, event.type, gesture, Google, hierarchy, HTML, inheritance, Javascript, left, middle, mouse, mouse wheel, nesting, nursery rhyme, onclick, Oracle, pdftohtml, poem, poetry, pointing device, popup, preventDefault, programming, propagation, rhyme, right, scrolling, sestet, stopPropagation, switch, target, touch, tutorial, type, wheel,, XML
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Onclick Event Propagation Event Curbs Tutorial
As as with yesterday’s Onclick Event Propagation Event Nuance Tutorial encouraging event “events” Javascript allows for at least two “curbs on that enthusiasm” … event.preventDefault(); The preventDefault() method cancels the event if it is cancelable, meaning that the default action … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged bubble, bubbling, case, constraint, curb, DOM, event, event.preventDefault, event.stopPropagation,, event.type, gesture, Google, hierarchy, HTML, inheritance, Javascript, nesting, nursery rhyme, onclick, poem, poetry, popup, preventDefault, programming, propagation, rhyme, sestet, stopPropagation, switch, target, touch, tutorial, type,
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Onclick Event Propagation Event Nuance Tutorial
When mobile technology became big, so too did “touch” screen technology, and the concept of a “gesture” (in the event driven programming woooooorrrrrlllldddd) such as a “pinch” or “spread” gesture, and “two finger” or more, gestures. And though we’re (just … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged bubble, bubbling, case, DOM, event,, event.type, gesture, Google, hierarchy, HTML, inheritance, Javascript, nesting, nursery rhyme, onclick, poem, poetry, popup, programming, propagation, rhyme, sestet, switch, target, touch, tutorial, type,
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