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Tag Archives: task
Javascript Microtask Primer Tutorial
Javascript, in “clientside mode”, has many more asynchronous ideas than it used to, say, a decade ago, where it was mainly setTimeout and setInterval timer functions we turned to, in this regard. It used to be that any idea of … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged asynchronous, base64_decode, cell, clientside, code, contenteditable, data, delay, event, execution, execution order, form, HTML, innerText, Javascript, method, microtask, navigation, onblur, order, PHP, programming, promise, queue, queueMicrotask, setInterval, setTimeout, sleep, table cell, target, task, timer, tutorial, wait, window.btoa
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Shortcuts SMS Latest Photo Automation Tutorial
Further to the Shortcuts iOS app discussions of Shortcuts iOS App Email Arrival Sounds Tutorial the other day, we want to look further into another automation idea we try on an iPad … you take a photo with the Camera … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Photography, Software, Tutorials
Tagged app, camera, iOS, iPad, messages, mobile app, photo, photos, procedure, process, script, SMS, task, tutorial
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Windows AutoHotKey Communication Opener Tutorial
We wanted to work on the AutoHotKey scripting of yesterday’s Windows AutoHotKey Mail Opener Tutorial in a few functionality improvements … set up to be #SingleInstance to make it that one Hot Key call equals one AutoHotKey program execution … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged application, AutoHotKey, body, communication, compile, desktop, Desktop Application, email, email client, hotkey, keyboard, Mail, notepad, operating system, procedure, program, SMS, subject, task, window, Windows 10
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Windows AutoHotKey Mail Opener Tutorial
Just as you can revisit web applications, you might often revisit whole concepts, because as the years and software versions change, so might these whole concepts. Today’s case in point is a great Windows tool for programmers called AutoHotKey we’ve … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Software, Tutorials
Tagged application, AutoHotKey, compile, desktop, Desktop Application, email, email client, hotkey, keyboard, Mail, operating system, procedure, program, task, window, Windows 10
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Windows Find Strings in Files Prioritising Tutorial
When we presented Windows Task Manager and Control Panel Primer Tutorial earlier on we didn’t show Task Manager’s talent to allow for some Windows task priority setting. This task priority setting is not always a good idea, but if you … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged command, command line, directory, directory tree, DOS, find, findstr, network drive, priority, process, remote access, search, task, Task Manager, tutorial, Windows
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Crontab Web Server Housekeeping Primer Tutorial
We really love to use batch processes and Linux or Unix crontab methods to do things. Guess maybe a lot of people of a certain age … cough, cough … feel quite comfortable around the bigger computer items like web … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged CentOS, crontab, GIMP, housekeeping, Linux, task, tutorial, unix, web server
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