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Tag Archives: textarea
HTML Square Horizontal Rule Mobile Image Map Jigsaw Tutorial
The recent HTML Square Horizontal Rule Editable Image Map Jigsaw Tutorial left us with an Image Map creator in its early days, not very good at handling a mobile platform’s needs to … apply inline CSS HTML styling to the … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged area, array, Bezier curves, browse, canvas, canvas background, cards, cell, chart, child, column, communication, contenteditable, copy, CSS, deck, dictionary, div, DOM, emoji, equation, eval, event, file, game, games, geometry, getBoundingClientRect, getImageData, Google Charts, graph, graphics, grid, guillotine, hangman, hash, hashtag, home, home screen, horizontal rule, HTML, icon, IFRAME, image, image map, induction, innerHTML, integration, iOS, iPad, ispell, Javascript, jigsaw, line, line graph, linear equation, linear gradient, location.hash, map, match, mathematics, Memories, mobile, mobile app, multiple, multiple hashtag, navigation, onchange, onion, onmousemove, ontouchmove, overlay, pan, parent, PHP, placeholder, polynomial, position, programming, proof of concept, propogation, putImageData, QuickTime Player, random, reveal, rotate, rubberband, share, software integration, square, SVG, table, textarea, transform, translate, tutorial, url, window, word, word game, YouTube, z-index
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HTML Square Horizontal Rule Editable Image Map Jigsaw Tutorial
Adding to yesterday’s HTML Square Horizontal Rule Image Map Jigsaw Tutorial, today we add logic to be able to … Edit the image map via an HTML div contenteditable=true element showing the image map’s outerHTML representation … as well as … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged area, array, Bezier curves, browse, canvas, canvas background, cards, cell, chart, child, column, contenteditable, copy, CSS, deck, dictionary, div, DOM, emoji, equation, eval, event, file, game, games, geometry, getBoundingClientRect, getImageData, Google Charts, graph, graphics, grid, guillotine, hangman, hash, hashtag, home, home screen, horizontal rule, HTML, icon, IFRAME, image, image map, induction, innerHTML, integration, iOS, iPad, ispell, Javascript, jigsaw, line, line graph, linear equation, linear gradient, location.hash, map, match, mathematics, Memories, mobile, mobile app, multiple, multiple hashtag, navigation, onchange, onion, onmousemove, ontouchmove, overlay, parent, placeholder, polynomial, position, programming, proof of concept, propogation, putImageData, QuickTime Player, random, reveal, rotate, rubberband, share, software integration, square, SVG, table, textarea, transform, translate, tutorial, url, window, word, word game, YouTube, z-index
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Emoji Game HTML Type Tutorial
Did it interest you that the recent Textarea Emoji Game Primer Tutorial web application was called dropdown_emoji_game.php and yet it was pretty obvious the main HTML element type of operation was a … textarea element … a “block of text” … Continue reading →
Textarea Emoji Game Primer Tutorial
Today’s web application works involves a very simple premise for a game, but we hope some of the methods needed, some new to us, will be of interest to you too. The game, for up to seven players, has a … Continue reading →
Firefox Scratchpad Javascript Placeholder Tutorial
We’re revisiting the Tic Tac Toe game talked about with Firefox Scratchpad Javascript Primer Tutorial with some changed external Javascript code featuring … a new “Fast Reflexes” version of game … that involves … placeholder attribute work … with … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Not Categorised, Tutorials
Tagged DOM, external Javascript, game, HTML, Javascript, placeholder, programming, readonly, textarea, Tic-tac-toe, tutorial, value
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Contextualize Speech to Text to Speech LibreOffice Template Tutorial
Maybe it’s just my weakness, but what I often find writing web applications is that I come back to them several months later and wonder, sometimes, how to work them. This is a weakness of “contextualization”. Contextualization is putting your … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged agenda, API, array, artificial intelligence, audio, boolean, caption, captions, categorization, context, curriculum vitae, ESL, eval, form, game, games, Google, Google Translate, hangman, hear, hierarchy, HTML, internationalization, internet, intranet, Javascript, LibreOffice, linefeed, Mac OS X, MAMP, microphone, MyMemory, onblur, overlay, parameter, parameterize, PHP, phrase, phrases, post, programming, pronounciation, QuickTime Player, say, speech to text, spelling, survey, template, Text to Speech, textarea, textbox, translate, tutorial, upload, video, vocabulary, whitespace, wizard, word process, YouTube, YouTube API
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Agenda Speech to Text to Speech LibreOffice Wizard Tutorial
We’re happy here, finally, to move onto a new concept with the “Speech to Text to Speech” web application blog posting thread, building on yesterday’s Curriculum Vitae Speech to Text to Speech Audio Prompting Tutorial using the recent … Curriculum … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged agenda, API, array, artificial intelligence, audio, boolean, caption, captions, categorization, curriculum vitae, ESL, eval, form, game, games, Google, Google Translate, hangman, hear, hierarchy, HTML, internationalization, internet, intranet, Javascript, LibreOffice, linefeed, Mac OS X, MAMP, microphone, MyMemory, onblur, overlay, parameter, parameterize, PHP, phrase, phrases, post, programming, pronounciation, QuickTime Player, say, speech to text, spelling, survey, template, Text to Speech, textarea, textbox, translate, tutorial, upload, video, vocabulary, whitespace, wizard, word process, YouTube, YouTube API
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Curriculum Vitae Speech to Text to Speech Audio Prompting Tutorial
Do you remember with yesterday’s Curriculum Vitae Speech to Text to Speech Uploaded Prompting Tutorial how we presented a YouTube video means of catering for some automated audio prompting with our Curriculum Vitae web application following our “subdream” of … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged API, array, artificial intelligence, audio, boolean, caption, captions, categorization, curriculum vitae, ESL, eval, form, game, games, Google, Google Translate, hangman, hear, hierarchy, HTML, internationalization, internet, intranet, Javascript, LibreOffice, Mac OS X, MAMP, microphone, MyMemory, onblur, overlay, parameter, parameterize, PHP, phrase, phrases, post, programming, pronounciation, QuickTime Player, say, speech to text, spelling, survey, template, Text to Speech, textarea, textbox, translate, tutorial, upload, video, vocabulary, word process, YouTube, YouTube API
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