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Tag Archives: textbox
WordPress Blog Plus Searches Tutorial
After a few days of trying out the WordPress Blog (TwentyTen themed) search functionality (searching for GETME[space]) and creating Oldest link ideas from the recent WordPress Blog Getme Searches Tutorial we have come to two conclusions … (though we dislike … Continue reading →
Posted in Database, eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged blog, character, code, delimit, delimiter, genesis, GETME, hashtag, hashtagging, header.php, link, MySql, navigation, oldest, onblur, onload, PHP, plus, programming, query, search, source, source code, Source Control, textbox, tutorial, TwentyTen, TwentyTen theme, url, webpage, Wordpress
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WordPress Blog Getme Searches Tutorial
We noted, looking at our Apache Status report, that fairly often readers of this blog, thanks, search for mention of a particular GETME file, it being our “source control” basis whereby … first draft of a “source control” file, named … Continue reading →
Posted in Database, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged blog, code, genesis, GETME, hashtag, hashtagging, header.php, link, navigation, oldest, onblur, onload, PHP, programming, search, source, source code, Source Control, textbox, tutorial, TwentyTen, TwentyTen theme, Wordpress
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Textbox Form Filling Niceties Primer Tutorial
Some of us spend a lot of time, online, filling out forms. Do you like doing it? Is it very much “a mixed bag”? Personally, we think, yes, very much so, it is a mixed bag. We think, on this … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Did you know, form, form filling, HTML, input, navigation, online, online form, online form filling, pattern, programming, textbox, tutorial, user experience, UX, webpage
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PHP Image GraphViz via Pear on AlmaLinux Focus Tutorial
It reared it’s ugly head with the Animated GIF Creator here at RJM Programming (helped out by the great Jeroen van Wissen open source work, thanks). And with yesterday’s PHP Image GraphViz via Pear on AlmaLinux Recallable Tutorial it reared … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged AlmaLinux, arrow, bookmark, clientside, cluster, collaboration, contenteditable, Context Menu, cPanel, download, dropdown, edge, ellipse, email, emoji, emoji link, focus, graph, graphics, GraphViz, hashtag, hashtagged, hover, HTML, HTTP cookies, IFRAME, image, ingredients, installer, intersession, intrasession, link, linked list, Linux, localStorage, module, node, onblur, ondblclick, operating systen, pear, personalization, personalized, PHP, presentation, recall, recallable, recipe, right click, Safari, Save Iframe As, serverside, session, share, sharing, SMS, soft link, speech bubble, SVG, textarea, textbox, title, tutorial, url, user, web browser, window.localStorage
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Other Side of the World Reworked Onkeydown Tutorial
What’s onkeydown? Well, it’s only our favourite keyboard event (of all time), facilitating web application “hotkey” logics that get given that “autocomplete” modern day moniker. The “hotkey” thinking is that at every keyboard character pressed logic follows, regarding an HTML … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged API, autocompletion, code, country, country code, dropdown, dropdowns, emoji, emoji flag, flag, focus, geodata, geographicals, hotkey, HTML, IFRAME, input, ISO, iso code, ISO-3166, Javascript, keyboard, latitude, longitude, lookup, lookups, onblur, onkeydown, place, placename, programming, select, textbox, timezone, tutorial, Wikipedia, world
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Region Picker GeoChart Region Local Popups Tutorial
There is little doubt that popup windows can distract users in terms of the “user experience” as of yesterday’s Region Picker GeoChart Region Wikipedia Representations Tutorial. And that is … if we are talking URLs all on the same domain … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, above the fold, absolute, address bar, API, argument, attribute, background, background-position, bearing, breadcrumbs, button, canvas, cartography, circle, click, client, clientside, clip-path, colour, colour code, colour matching, column, content, context, continent, country, country code, CSS, data, data attributes, degree, delimiter, details, Did you know, distance, document.getElementsByTagName, DOM, double click, dropdown, dynamic, Earth, element, emoji, emoji flag, error, event, event.stopPropagation, fill, flag, font size, form, GD, geo chart, geography, geojson, gesture, getElementById, global data attributes, Google chart, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Translate, graphics, hash, hashtag, hashtagging, hotkey, hover, HTML, IFRAME, image, image chart, img, inhouse, innerHTML, innerText, inode, integration, internationalization, iso code, iso country code, ISO-3166, Javascript, keyboard, language, left, leg, legend, length, link, Linux, location.hash, lookup, magnify, Mapping, margin-left, margin-top, marker, mathematics, menu, Mercator, mobile, navigation, Object Oriented Programming, offset, onblur, onclick, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onload, onmousemove, OOP, opacity, overlay, parameter, PHP, picker, pixel, pole, popup, popup window, post, programming, projection, prompt, property, pulldown, pulldown menu, realia, reality, region, regional, regional indicator, representation, request, resize, reveal, right click, scale, select, setAttribute, setTimeout, shade, shading, static, sticky, summary, SVG, text, textbox, timezone, top, touch, translate, translation, trip, trip planner, tutorial, unix, url, user experience, UX, vertical bar, view, web browser, who framed roger rabbit, Wikipedia,, workflow, world, wrapper, z-index, zoom
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Region Picker GeoChart Region Wikipedia Representations Tutorial
We’re starting down the long and windy road, further to the recent Region Picker GeoJson Area of Interest Tutorial, of providing “workaround Google Chart Geo Chart solutions to semi-cover the loss (because nothing will be quite as good, as far … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, above the fold, absolute, address bar, API, argument, attribute, background, background-position, bearing, breadcrumbs, button, canvas, cartography, circle, click, client, clientside, clip-path, colour, colour code, colour matching, column, content, context, continent, country, country code, CSS, data, data attributes, degree, delimiter, details, Did you know, distance, document.getElementsByTagName, DOM, double click, dropdown, dynamic, Earth, element, emoji, emoji flag, error, event, event.stopPropagation, fill, flag, font size, form, GD, geo chart, geography, geojson, gesture, getElementById, global data attributes, Google chart, Google Directions, Google Earth, Google Translate, graphics, hash, hashtag, hotkey, hover, HTML, IFRAME, image, image chart, img, inhouse, innerHTML, innerText, inode, integration, internationalization, iso code, iso country code, ISO-3166, Javascript, keyboard, language, left, leg, legend, length, link, Linux, location.hash, lookup, magnify, Mapping, margin-left, margin-top, marker, mathematics, menu, Mercator, mobile, navigation, Object Oriented Programming, offset, onblur, onclick, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onload, onmousemove, OOP, opacity, overlay, PHP, picker, pixel, pole, popup, popup window, post, programming, projection, prompt, property, pulldown, pulldown menu, realia, reality, region, regional, regional indicator, representation, request, resize, reveal, right click, scale, select, setAttribute, setTimeout, shade, shading, static, sticky, summary, SVG, text, textbox, timezone, top, touch, translate, translation, trip, trip planner, tutorial, unix, url, user experience, UX, vertical bar, view, web browser, who framed roger rabbit, Wikipedia,, workflow, world, z-index, zoom
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Animated GIF Slide Extraction Applied CSS Styling Tutorial
We dedicate today’s blog posting to the English phrase (that maybe works in other languages) … Same, same but different … as it is about the pros and cons of HTML iframe integration, especially as it applies to CSS styling. … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], acceptance testing, action, Ajax, align, alignment, animated gif, animation, annotate, annotating, answer, Apache, argument.arguments, automation, background, background colour, background-color, below the fold, bottom, btoa, button, canvas, child, clearRect, client, client pre-emptive iframe, color picker, colour, colour picker, comma separated list, component, contenteditable, convert, CSS, cursor, data, data limits, data uri, data url, drawImage, duration, emoji, ffmpeg, fill, fillRect, fillStyle, fold, font, font colour, font family, font size, form, Google, Google PageSpeed, grandparent, graphics, IFRAME, image, ImageMagick, interactive, interface, interfacing, justification, justify, line feed, local web server, localhost, MAMP, navigation, oncontextmenu, ondblclick, onload, parent, PHP, php://input, popup, position, programming, pros and cons, question, quiz, right click, score, scribble, scroll, server, slide, slides, span, speed test, style, styling, SVG, svg quiz, svg+xml, target, text, textbox, toDataURL, toggle, tool, top, transparency, transparent, tutorial, up, url, user acceptance, user experience, utf-8, UX, watermark, web server, window, window.btoa,, window.opener
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