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Tag Archives: timesheet
Image and Text PDF More Toast Tutorial
In our current “Image and Text Nodes PDF Creator” PHP web application project, it is stage 2, primarily, that we want to make more “featureful“, shall we say! It was as we were constructing yesterday’s Image and Text PDF Rotation … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, animation, API, co-ordinates, command line, convert, CSS, data uri, data url, direction, exec, filling in, form, fpdf, glow, glowing, glowing toast, image, ImageMagick, input, keyframes, navigation, PDF, PHP, programming, rotation, Safari, share, sharing, style, styling, text, timesheet, toast, tutorial, uniquifier, units, url, user, user interaction, web share api
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Image and Text PDF Rotation and Direction Tutorial
Yesterday’s Image and Text PDF Glowing Toast Tutorial allowed for text … where the size could be changed where the style could be changed where the font family could be changed … but users may want, particularly if they are … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, animation, API, co-ordinates, command line, convert, CSS, data uri, data url, direction, exec, filling in, form, fpdf, glow, glowing, glowing toast, image, ImageMagick, input, keyframes, navigation, PDF, PHP, programming, rotation, Safari, share, sharing, style, styling, text, timesheet, toast, tutorial, uniquifier, units, url, user, user interaction, web share api
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Image and Text PDF Glowing Toast Tutorial
Lemon curry? No, it’s Glowing Toast today! Huh?! Glowing Toast Well, it’s a way to temporarily show a very noticeable overlaid message box … <style> .custom-alert { display: inline-block; /* visibility: visible; */ background-color: rgba(102,102,102,0.8); color: #fff; text-align: enter; margin: … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, animation, API, co-ordinates, command line, convert, CSS, data uri, data url, exec, filling in, form, fpdf, glow, glowing, glowing toast, image, ImageMagick, input, keyframes, navigation, PDF, PHP, programming, Safari, share, sharing, style, styling, text, timesheet, toast, tutorial, uniquifier, units, url, user, user interaction, web share api
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Image and Text PDF Interaction Tutorial
Many web applications benefit from user interaction to make them dynamically useful. The idea is you, as the programmer, set up the default scenario of there being “nothing to go on yet” with a reasonably easily understood way for the … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, $_POST, API, co-ordinates, command line, convert, data uri, data url, exec, filling in, form, fpdf, image, ImageMagick, input, navigation, PDF, PHP, programming, Safari, share, sharing, text, timesheet, tutorial, uniquifier, units, url, user, user interaction, web share api
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Image and Text PDF Sharing Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s Image and Text PDF Primer Tutorial “Image and Text PDF” creator start, today we wanted to link in with our previous Web Share API Primer Tutorial work to offer some of our users the chance to share their … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged API, co-ordinates, command line, convert, exec, filling in, fpdf, image, ImageMagick, PDF, PHP, programming, Safari, share, sharing, text, timesheet, tutorial, uniquifier, units, web share api
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Image and Text PDF Primer Tutorial
We are restarting our interest in our “Timesheet Filling In Automator” web application long standing dream from another angle today. We want to … create PDF data via the FPDF PHP library … where we … base the PDF on … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged co-ordinates, filling in, fpdf, image, PDF, PHP, programming, text, timesheet, tutorial, units
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HTML Square Horizontal Rule Image Map Jigsaw Timesheet Tutorial
If you are a regular reader at this blog, you may know that over some time now, several years in fact, we’ve longed to write code to help with Timesheets, and have come at this from … HTML5 canvas usage … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged area, array, Bezier curves, browse, button, canvas, canvas background, cards, cell, chart, child, circle, collaboration, column, communication, contenteditable, copy, CSS, deck, dictionary, div, DOM, dropdown, email, emoji, equation, eval, event, file, game, games, geometry, getBoundingClientRect, getImageData, Google Charts, graph, graphics, grid, guillotine, hangman, hash, hashtag, home, home screen, horizontal rule, HTML, icon, IFRAME, image, image map, induction, innerHTML, integration, iOS, iPad, ispell, Javascript, jigsaw, line, line graph, linear equation, linear gradient, location.hash, map, match, mathematics, Memories, mobile, mobile app, multiple, multiple hashtag, navigation, onchange, onion, onmousemove, ontouchmove, overlay, pan, parent, PHP, placeholder, polygon, polynomial, position, programming, prompt, proof of concept, propogation, putImageData, QuickTime Player, random, rectangle, reveal, rotate, rubberband, script, select, share, software integration, square, SVG, table, textarea, timesheet, transform, translate, tutorial, url, window, word, word game, YouTube, z-index
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Signature Signature Supervisor PDF Writing Tutorial
We come at progress with our User of Signature Signature web application that we last left off at Signature Signature Supervisor PDF Reconstruction Tutorial from two different directions today … we build up more means by which to share the … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged append, body, cache, canvas, click, cookie, cookies, copy, cross-domain, CSS, CSS3, eLearning, eLearning attachment, email, emoji, event, exec, flip, flop, form, Gmail, hash, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, ImageMagick, internationalization, Javascript, Mail, MAMP, md5, method, modularisation, module, mouse, onclick, onmousedown, onmousemove, opacity, order, output, overlay, PDF, PHP, post, programming, regexp, reorder, rotation, share, sharing, standing order, supervisor, text, timesheet, touch, touchstart, tutorial, Tutorials, Tutorials background image, undo, uniquifier, web inspector, YouTube