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Tag Archives: timestamp
Javascript Lazy Evaluation Bearing Game Tutorial
Let’s just suppose you’ve got a “hardy crow” (like those in Javascript Lazy Evaluation Crow Fly Game Tutorial) and it doesn’t mind “a bit of chill” on occasions. To minimize the distance it flies to get to a given destination … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged async, asynchronous, background, bearing, capital, capital city, client pre-emptive iframe, clue, code, code syntax, colour, colour code, context, country, country code, crow, date, datetime, day of week, daylight saving, distance, dropdown, eager, emoji, emoji flag, equation, evaluation, fixed, flag, function, game, geo chart, geographicals, geography, gmt, Google chart, hint, hover, IFRAME, image, integer, internationalization, intl, ISO, iso 639-2, Javascript, kilometers, language, latitude, lazy, lazy evaluation, link, locale, longitude, map, map chart, mathematical sentence, mathematics, Mercator, now, object, offset, onload, onmouseover, PATH, popup, position, programming, programming.tutorial, projection, promise, promise object, reveal, scale, scrollIntoView, select, sentence, setTimeout, stop press, SVG, svg path, syntax, time, timer, timestamp, timezone, tutorial, utl, variable, when, where, Wikipedia, window,, world
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Javascript Lazy Evaluation Crow Fly Game Tutorial
To be a crow on the Mercator Projection is to be the “moron” in oxymoron. Yes, have a read of Why is the ‘straight line’ path across continent so curved? Or do they have a “shot of Mercator” and move … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged async, asynchronous, background, capital, capital city, client pre-emptive iframe, clue, code, code syntax, colour, colour code, context, country, country code, crow, date, datetime, day of week, daylight saving, distance, dropdown, eager, emoji, emoji flag, equation, evaluation, fixed, flag, function, game, geo chart, geographicals, geography, gmt, Google chart, hint, hover, IFRAME, image, integer, internationalization, intl, ISO, iso 639-2, Javascript, kilometers, language, latitude, lazy, lazy evaluation, link, locale, longitude, map, map chart, mathematical sentence, mathematics, Mercator, now, object, offset, onload, onmouseover, PATH, popup, position, programming, programming.tutorial, projection, promise, promise object, reveal, scale, scrollIntoView, select, sentence, setTimeout, stop press, SVG, svg path, syntax, time, timer, timestamp, timezone, tutorial, utl, variable, when, where, Wikipedia, window,, world
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Javascript Lazy Evaluation Geographicals Game Tutorial
Today, we’ve arrived back at our … Javascript Lazy Evaluations themed … Drag and Drop themed … Geography Quiz themed … … blog posting thread we last visited with the recent Javascript Lazy Evaluation Timestamp Game Tutorial. Why? Well, there … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged async, asynchronous, background, capital, capital city, client pre-emptive iframe, clue, code, code syntax, colour, colour code, context, country, country code, date, datetime, day of week, daylight saving, dropdown, eager, emoji, emoji flag, equation, evaluation, fixed, flag, function, game, geo chart, geographicals, geography, gmt, Google chart, hint, hover, IFRAME, image, integer, internationalization, intl, ISO, iso 639-2, Javascript, language, latitude, lazy, lazy evaluation, link, locale, longitude, map, map chart, mathematical sentence, mathematics, now, object, offset, onload, onmouseover, PATH, popup, position, programming, programming.tutorial, promise, promise object, reveal, scale, scrollIntoView, select, sentence, setTimeout, stop press, SVG, svg path, syntax, time, timer, timestamp, timezone, tutorial, utl, variable, when, where, Wikipedia, window,, world
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Javascript Lazy Evaluation Timestamp Game Tutorial
Where does your “good value” index lie? We ask, because an underlying principle of this blog, is that we are most interested in online facilities that are free. Always have been. Always will be. Let me talk about a few … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Games, Tutorials
Tagged async, asynchronous, background, capital, capital city, client pre-emptive iframe, clue, code, code syntax, colour, colour code, context, country, country code, date, datetime, day of week, daylight saving, dropdown, eager, emoji, emoji flag, equation, evaluation, fixed, flag, function, game, geo chart, geography, gmt, Google chart, hint, hover, IFRAME, image, integer, internationalization, intl, ISO, iso 639-2, Javascript, language, lazy, lazy evaluation, link, locale, map, map chart, mathematical sentence, mathematics, now, object, offset, onload, onmouseover, PATH, popup, position, programming, programming.tutorial, promise, promise object, reveal, scale, scrollIntoView, select, sentence, setTimeout, stop press, SVG, svg path, syntax, time, timer, timestamp, timezone, tutorial, utl, variable, when, where, Wikipedia, window,, world
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SVG Network Clock Start Local Time Favicon Tutorial
Today we’re revisiting the SVG Network Clock we last talked about with SVG Network Clock Minimize Tutorial. Why? Well, we were re-researching the topic of Favicon (those images on the tabs of your web browser tabs) that we talked about … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged clock, date, date object, datetime, documentElement, DOM, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, external Javascript, favicon, focus, GUI, HTML, information, intl, Javascript, local time, minimize, Page Visibility API, PHP, programming, SVG, svg text, svg+xml, tab, text, time, timestamp, tutorial, Tutorials and tagged API, web browser
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Perl CGI macOS TimeZone Simulation Tutorial
Do you remember how with the recent Perl CGI Spreadsheet Download Detector Tutorial‘s web application, in its results webpage, we showed both a … Server current datetime … down below a … Local current datetime … and that the Local … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, action, Apache, audio, CGI, cgi-bin, client, clientsize, column, command, command line, connect, content, crontab, data, database, database table, date, datetime, DBD, DBI, details, download, downloading, email, Excel, executable, field, form, Google Translate, HTML, html entity, hyperlink, IFRAME, interactive, intranet, Korn, korn shell, language, language code, LibreOffice, listener, local, macOS, method, module, MySql, navigation, Perl, permissions, port, post, programming, region, relative, reveal, row, say, scheduled, server, simulation, sort, sorting, split, spreadsheet, srcdoc, summary, system preferences, testing, text to audio, timestamp, timezone, tutorial, url, webpage
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Perl CGI Spreadsheet Download Detector Tutorial
The Intranet Audio functionality within yesterday’s Perl CGI Intranet Audio and Translations Tutorial‘s hello_get HTML and Perl web application relied on all of … macOS … underlying operating system, hosting … MAMP local Apache/PHP/MySql web server on port 8888 … … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, action, Apache, audio, CGI, cgi-bin, client, column, command, command line, connect, content, crontab, data, database, database table, date, datetime, DBD, DBI, details, download, downloading, email, Excel, executable, field, form, Google Translate, HTML, html entity, hyperlink, IFRAME, interactive, intranet, Korn, korn shell, language, language code, LibreOffice, listener, macOS, method, module, MySql, navigation, Perl, permissions, port, post, programming, relative, reveal, row, say, scheduled, server, sort, sorting, split, spreadsheet, srcdoc, summary, text to audio, timestamp, timezone, tutorial, url, webpage
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Perl CGI Intranet Audio and Translations Tutorial
Yesterday’s Perl CGI Intranet Audio Tutorial gave us “an in” to audio functionality, but if you get into the innards of the macOS say command you’ll see how an audio voice is our connection with a translation language code. And … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged absolute, action, Apache, audio, CGI, cgi-bin, client, column, connect, content, data, database, database table, date, datetime, DBD, DBI, details, download, downloading, Excel, executable, field, form, Google Translate, HTML, html entity, hyperlink, IFRAME, intranet, language, language code, LibreOffice, macOS, method, module, MySql, navigation, Perl, permissions, post, programming, relative, reveal, row, say, server, sort, sorting, split, spreadsheet, srcdoc, summary, text to audio, timestamp, timezone, tutorial, url, webpage
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