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Tag Archives: user entry
HTML/Javascript Letters In Word Game Tutorial
Michelangelo had an interesting strategy regarding his sculpture. He’d go to a lot of trouble visiting the quarry himself to pick out the source material he’d produce his masterpieces from. He would envisage from the look of the stone how … Continue reading
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_GET, Ajax, arguments, button, cell, Chat, child, click, collaboration, comments, conduit, conic-gradient, CSS, CSS property, data, data source, dimensions, DOM, dropdown, email, emoji, Event-Driven Programming, file_get_contents, file_put_contents, font, font size, form, FormData, function, game, games, Gmail, grid, HTML, IFRAME, inline html email, inline HTML email form, input, invitation, Javascript, legibility, linear gradient, localStorage, mailto, makeover, mathematics, maths, mode, name, notification, notifications, number, onblur, onclick, onkeydown, parent, personalization, PHP, popup, programming, property, recall, select, share, sharing, SMS, spread gesture, style, styling, sudoku, table, text, textarea, textbox, tutorial, Tutorials, typing, user, user entry, window, zoom
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Google Organizational Chart Emoji Tutorial
Our PHP web application interfacing to the great Google Chart Organizational Chart and talked about with Taxonomic Categorization Primer Tutorial has had a weakness up until today. We’ve seen this category of weakness before and it often involves one of … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged ansi, emoji, Google chart, HTML entities, interfacing, keyboard, Organizational Chart, PHP, programming, text, text data, tutorial, user, user entry
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HTML/Javascript Letters In Word Game Mode Tutorial
It’s the day after yesterday. And that makes it the day after the “proof of concept” HTML/Javascript Letters In Word Game Tutorial start to our English “Letters In” word game. In amongst the web application improvements, we thought of … … Continue reading →