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Tag Archives: validation
XML Lint Validation Tutorial
Do you remember when we discussed the Sanitizer API, talked about at Sanitizer API Primer Tutorial, regarding it as a web application HTML (and more) validation tool? Well, we’ve based a new “validator” of HTML or XML using the XML … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged cell, command line, form, HTML, Linux, operating system, PHP, programming, serverside, shell_exec, table, td, textarea, tutorial, validation, XML, xmllint
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Trust This Computer Issue on iPhone Tutorial
We think we introduced a problem with the way our iPhone charges (or is hard to) recently, and we think we got “out of synch” with using the iPhone as a debugging tool (as we show with Just Javascript Card … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Hardware, iOS, Tutorials
Tagged alert, Apple, buzz, connection, debug, debugging, hardware, iOS, iPhone, issue, lead, MacBook Air, macOS, port, power, powering off, powering on, problem, security, setting, trust, tutorial, USB, USB port, validation, vibrate, white lead
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Colour Coded Mobile Form With Onsubmit Captcha Tutorial
Yes, am sure lots of you could have told me about yesterday’s Colour Coded Form With Onsubmit Captcha Tutorial … But what about mobile? Well, it’s your turn to say … Told you so. It’s the scenario whereby there is … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, iOS, Tutorials
Tagged answer, button, canvas, captcha, click, colour, colour blindness, colour code, defer, disable, event, external Javascript, form, getImageData, Go, HTML, HTML5, human, image, img, inert, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Javascript, keyboard, logic, mondrian, navigation, onclick, onload, onsubmit, pixel, position, primary colours, programming, question, readonly, real person, script, security, submit, test, textbox, tool, tutorial, user, validation, webpage
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Colour Coded Form With Onsubmit Captcha Tutorial
We suspected there would be difficulties when, elaborating on yesterday’s Colour Coded Form Captcha Tutorial‘s start … dynamically adding Captcha Colour Code logic (via the use of external Javascript) to an HTML webpage form … which had no form onsubmit … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged answer, button, canvas, captcha, click, colour, colour blindness, colour code, defer, event, external Javascript, form, getImageData, HTML, HTML5, human, image, img, Javascript, logic, mondrian, navigation, onclick, onload, onsubmit, pixel, position, primary colours, programming, question, real person, script, security, submit, test, tool, tutorial, user, validation, webpage
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Colour Coded Form Captcha Tutorial
Are you human? This is not such a silly question, in the online world. There are ways to access software with no real human intervention among … legitimately usefully unintendedly maliciously … and if you design a web application looking … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged answer, button, canvas, captcha, click, colour, colour blindness, colour code, defer, event, external Javascript, form, getImageData, HTML, HTML5, human, image, img, Javascript, logic, mondrian, navigation, onclick, onload, onsubmit, pixel, position, primary colours, programming, question, real person, script, security, submit, test, tool, tutorial, user, validation, webpage
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PdfImages PDF Output Media Zipping via PHP Tutorial
We’ve both tailored and taken an interest (in the first place) with incorporating PHP’s talents with zipping (via *.zip files) ever since we started PDF to HTML Pdftohtml usage, in today’s work. Why? Well, well, well, we think sharing the … Continue reading →
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, archive, bubble, bubbling, button, case, command, command line, concatenate, constraint, curb, DOM, event, event.preventDefault, event.stopPropagation,, event.type, gesture, Google, hierarchy, HTML, inheritance, Javascript, left, middle, mouse, mouse wheel, nesting, nursery rhyme, onclick, operating system, Oracle, pdftohtml, pdfunite, poem, poetry, pointing device, popup, preventDefault, programming, propagation, rhyme, right, scrolling, sestet, stopPropagation, switch, sys_get_temp_dir, target, touch, tutorial, type, unzip, validation, wheel,, XML, zip, zipping
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Pdfunite PDF Concatenation via PHP Tutorial
In a similar line of thinking as with yesterday’s Pdftohtml PDF to HTML via PHP Tutorial we discovered the “brew install poppler” also gave us macOS command line access to the Pdfunite way of concatenating PDFs … pdfunite(1) General Commands … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Ajax, bubble, bubbling, button, case, command, command line, concatenate, constraint, curb, DOM, event, event.preventDefault, event.stopPropagation,, event.type, gesture, Google, hierarchy, HTML, inheritance, Javascript, left, middle, mouse, mouse wheel, nesting, nursery rhyme, onclick, operating system, Oracle, pdftohtml, pdfunite, poem, poetry, pointing device, popup, preventDefault, programming, propagation, rhyme, right, scrolling, sestet, stopPropagation, switch, sys_get_temp_dir, target, touch, tutorial, type, validation, wheel,, XML
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PHP Tokeniser Primer Tutorial
Validation is a big subject area for programmers (we last discussed with XML Lint Validation Tutorial), and “when in a real pickle” I’ve turned to online HTML validators such as this one, but more often the web browser’s web inspector … Continue reading →