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Tag Archives: viewport
Viewport and CSS Calc Screen Resize Tutorial
As well as the … intersection resizing concerns of Viewport and CSS Calc Intersection Resize Tutorial … there is also … screen resizing to consider … like with the recent WordPress Emoji Menu Screen Resize Tutorial heads up regarding how … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged calc, CSS, delay, document.body, event, HTML, Javascript, onresize, screen, setTimeout, style, viewport, web browser
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YouTube Video API Event Playlist Generations Tutorial
Recently, on this current YouTube API interfacing Song Playing web application, further to the recent YouTube Video API Event Playlist User Settings Tutorial, we’ve been referring a lot to … top.document.title … as a place to store settings in which … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged audio, background colour, background image, border-radius, broadcast, broadcasting, bubble, bubbling, button, click, colour, confirm, continous, cookie, CSS, DOM, email, emoji, emoji button, event, event.stopPropagation, generation, gesture, grandchild, grandparent, greatgrandparent, hash, hashtag, hierarchy, HTML, IFRAME, inheritance, intersessional, iOS, iPad, Javascript, localStorage, loop, media, meta, mobile, music, mute, parent, play, playing, playlist, programming, radio, recall, scroll, scrolling, share, sharing, shuffle, SMS, song, Spotify, stopPropagatin, store, top, transistor, transistor radio, tutorial, Tutorials API, url, user preference, video, viewport, volume, YouTube, YouTube API
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YouTube Video API Event Playlist User Settings Tutorial
We’re happy to be talking about three new pieces of functionality to add to our recent YouTube API interfacing Song Playing web application last talked about with the recent YouTube Video API Event Playlist Background Image Tutorial, those being … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Not Categorised, Tutorials
Tagged audio, background colour, background image, border-radius, broadcast, broadcasting, bubble, bubbling, button, click, colour, confirm, continous, cookie, CSS, DOM, email, emoji, emoji button, event, event.stopPropagation, gesture, hash, hashtag, hierarchy, HTML, IFRAME, inheritance, intersessional, iOS, iPad, Javascript, localStorage, loop, media, meta, mobile, music, mute, play, playing, playlist, programming, radio, recall, scroll, scrolling, share, sharing, shuffle, SMS, song, Spotify, stopPropagatin, store, transistor, transistor radio, tutorial, Tutorials API, url, user preference, video, viewport, volume, YouTube, YouTube API
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YouTube Video API Event Playlist Background Image Tutorial
Our current project last talked about with YouTube Video API Event Playlist Shuffle and Loop Tutorial started as a … “proof of concept” one to allow for user testing of event.stopPropagation() Javascript event bubbling control usage … and yet, is … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged background image, border-radius, broadcast, broadcasting, bubble, bubbling, button, click, confirm, continous, cookie, CSS, DOM, email, emoji, emoji button, event, event.stopPropagation, gesture, hash, hashtag, hierarchy, HTML, IFRAME, inheritance, intersessional, iOS, iPad, Javascript, localStorage, loop, media, meta, mobile, music, mute, play, playing, playlist, programming, radio, recall, share, sharing, shuffle, SMS, song, Spotify, stopPropagatin, store, transistor, transistor radio, tutorial, Tutorials API, url, user preference, video, viewport, volume, YouTube, YouTube API
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GeoJson World Colour Wheel Wikipedia Integration Tutorial
Further to yesterday’s GeoJson World Coastline Quiz Deployments Tutorial, with our two … GeoJson World Coastline … and … GeoJson World Countries … web applications, today we want to deepen the integration with Wikipedia on two fronts … GeoJson World … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged adverb, airport, Ajax, alert, area, array, async, asynchronous, attributes, canvas, client, color, colour coding, confirm, countries, country, data, dataset, deployment, div, DOM, emoji, emoji flag, fillRect, flag, function, geo chart, geojson, gesture, global, Global Airport Database, global data attributes, global variable, Google, Google chart, Google Directions, Google Maps, hash, hashtag, heap, HTML, IFRAME, image, image map, img, infill, infill colour, initialize, integration, intelligence, interactive input, iOS, iPhone, iso 639-2, iso 639-3, iso code, Javascript, JSON, map, map chart, memory, meta, name, navigation, noun, onclick, onmousedown, onmousemove, ontouchdowm, ontouchend, ontouchstart, OOP, overlay, override, PHP, place, plot, popup, popup window, port, programming, prompt, properties, property, quiz, reference, rgb, rgba, server, software integration, stop press, SVG, synchronous, time, timezone, touch, touch gesture, tutorial, user, user input, user interaction, variable, verb, viewport, web browser, when, where, Wikipedia, z-index, zoom
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GeoJson World Coastline Quiz Deployments Tutorial
The deployment follow up to yesterday’s GeoJson World Coastline Function Noun Naming Tutorial seems to concern mobile platform use of the new … Rivers Quiz … and newer … Populations Quiz (thanks to HTTP://‘s GeoJson populated places, downloaded and uploaded … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged adverb, airport, Ajax, alert, area, array, async, asynchronous, attributes, canvas, client, color, colour coding, confirm, countries, country, data, dataset, deployment, div, DOM, emoji, emoji flag, fillRect, flag, function, geo chart, geojson, gesture, global, Global Airport Database, global data attributes, global variable, Google, Google chart, Google Directions, Google Maps, hash, hashtag, heap, HTML, IFRAME, image, image map, img, infill, infill colour, initialize, integration, intelligence, interactive input, iOS, iPhone, iso 639-2, iso 639-3, iso code, Javascript, JSON, map, map chart, memory, meta, name, navigation, noun, onclick, onmousedown, onmousemove, ontouchdowm, ontouchend, ontouchstart, OOP, overlay, PHP, place, plot, popup, popup window, port, programming, prompt, properties, property, quiz, reference, rgb, rgba, server, software integration, stop press, SVG, synchronous, time, timezone, touch, touch gesture, tutorial, user, user input, user interaction, variable, verb, viewport, web browser, when, where, Wikipedia, z-index, zoom
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GeoJson World Coastline Function Noun Naming Tutorial
We’re working on an extension to yesterday’s GeoJson World Coastline Rivers Quiz Tutorial‘s Rivers Quiz functionality within our GeoJson World Coastlines web application, and have … settled on an approach … but … not yet finished on deployment issues … … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged adverb, airport, Ajax, alert, area, async, asynchronous, attributes, canvas, client, color, colour coding, confirm, countries, country, data, dataset, div, DOM, emoji, emoji flag, fillRect, flag, function, geo chart, geojson, gesture, Global Airport Database, global data attributes, Google, Google chart, Google Directions, Google Maps, hash, hashtag, HTML, IFRAME, image, image map, img, infill, infill colour, initialize, integration, intelligence, interactive input, iOS, iPhone, iso 639-2, iso 639-3, iso code, Javascript, JSON, map, map chart, meta, name, navigation, noun, onclick, onmousedown, onmousemove, ontouchdowm, ontouchend, ontouchstart, OOP, overlay, PHP, place, plot, popup, popup window, port, programming, prompt, properties, property, quiz, reference, rgb, rgba, server, software integration, stop press, SVG, synchronous, time, timezone, touch, touch gesture, tutorial, user, user input, user interaction, verb, viewport, web browser, when, where, Wikipedia, z-index, zoom
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GeoJson World Coastline Rivers Quiz Tutorial
It’s time to turn our attention away from GeoJson World Countries, as talked about with yesterday’s GeoJson World Countries Plotted Ports Tutorial, and back to GeoJson World Coastline ideas. Why? We want to add a … Rivers Quiz … via … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged adverb, airport, Ajax, alert, area, async, asynchronous, attributes, canvas, client, color, colour coding, confirm, countries, country, data, dataset, div, DOM, emoji, emoji flag, fillRect, flag, geo chart, geojson, gesture, Global Airport Database, global data attributes, Google, Google chart, Google Directions, Google Maps, hash, hashtag, HTML, IFRAME, image, image map, img, infill, infill colour, initialize, integration, intelligence, interactive input, iOS, iPhone, iso 639-2, iso 639-3, iso code, Javascript, JSON, map, map chart, meta, navigation, onclick, onmousedown, onmousemove, ontouchdowm, ontouchend, ontouchstart, overlay, PHP, place, plot, popup, popup window, port, programming, prompt, properties, property, quiz, reference, rgb, rgba, server, software integration, stop press, SVG, synchronous, time, timezone, touch, touch gesture, tutorial, user, user input, user interaction, viewport, web browser, when, where, Wikipedia, z-index, zoom
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