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Tag Archives: Visual Studio
Cocos Open-Source Game Development Primer Tutorial
Games development is huge on the net, and so there are good reasons to get into “Open-Source” for collaborative purposes and to pick the brains of experts in forums and blogs and chatrooms about what is good and what is … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Games, Tutorials, Visual Studio
Tagged animation, cocos, cocos2d framework, game, games, Hello World, image, open source, programming, project, Python, tutorial, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Express 2015, Windows
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Visual Studio Express 2015 Install and Early Days Tutorial
Today we’re creating a Visual Studio Express 2015 VB.Net Project for an Online Project called “Example of math variables and if statements” as an entry level project you could quickly try as your first Visual Studio 2015 Express project. We … Continue reading
Posted in Animation, eLearning, Tutorials, Visual Studio
Tagged .Net Framework, .net framework 4.5.2, application, desktop, form, IDE, Microsoft, programming, project, tutorial, VB.Net, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Express 2015, Windows
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Windows PowerShell Primer Tutorial
If you do desktop programming in Windows there is a good chance you do it under the supervision of the .Net Framework … framework … chortle, chortle. Given that .Net Framework supervision, in Windows, you can write very sophisticated desktop … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, GUI, Software, Tutorials, Visual Studio
Tagged .Net Framework, compile, desktop, GUI, Hello World, IDE, Microsoft, Photo Booth, PhotoBooth, PowerShell, programming, scripting, tutorial, VBA, VBScript, Visual Studio, webcam, Windows, WPF
VB.Net Hashtable Primer Tutorial
Yesterday we took a look at Hashtable and ArrayList functionality with Java with Java Hashtable Primer Tutorial as shown below. Today we do this again but write the code within the Windows Visual Studio (2010 Express) IDE using VB.Net, using … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Software, Tutorials, Visual Studio
Tagged .Net Framework, ArrayList, associative array, console, Hashtable, IDE, programming, tutorial, VB.Net, Visual Studio, Windows