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Tag Archives: voice
Webpage macOS Say Audio Commentary Personalization Tutorial
We want more ways for the “caller HTML” and the “external called Javascript” to co-operate, on top of the quite rigid and limited rules of yesterday’s Webpage macOS Say Audio Commentary Tutorial, and thought about “ways to add intelligence” to … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged array, attribute, audio, command, command line, commentary, data, data personalization, Document Root, element, external Javascript, global, global data attribute, HTML, intranet, Javascript, macOS, MAMP, personalization, PHP, programming, say, Text to Speech, tutorial, typeof, voice, webpage
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Windows Audio Splicing Primer Tutorial
Spliced Audio Number Announcements Tutorial talked about audio file creation and splicing, mainly from a macOS perspective, and today, we show how you can splice (perhaps voice) audio recordings via the excellent (out of the box) Windows desktop application called … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged audio, audio file, record, recorder, recording, splice, splicing, tutorial, voice, voice recorder, voice recording, Windows, Windows 10
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Haiku Multimedia via Media Record Font Tutorial
As many ways to “mix it up” regarding … animated GIF “visual” image slides … animated GIF “text” annotation overlay … accompanying audio and/or video media … going to make up our (let’s say, leaving behind “Haiku” now, just) Animated … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Adobe, Ajax, angle, Apple, attachment, audio, background, capture, client pre-emptive iframe, console.log, content, contenteditable, copy, cross-browser, curl, dictation, email, email attachment, exec, Flash, font, FormData, genericization, Gmail, haiku, hardcoding, IFRAME, inline html email, input, internationalization, language, language code, local web server, Mac OS X, macOS, MAMP, mantissa, media, microphone, mobile, multiple, opacity, operating system, paste, PHP, plugin, popup, programming, Safari, say, share, sharing, smart device, speech, speech to audio, synchronization, synchronize, text to audio, Text to Speech, textarea, tutorial, voice, voice memo, voiceover, web server, Wikipedia, window,, window.opener
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Haiku Multimedia via Media Record Genericization Tutorial
Coming at yesterday’s Haiku Multimedia via Media Record Background Tutorial … we start to allow a comma separated list of user entered image URLs into the Background URL textbox as a possibility … along the way getting into some “Data-URI … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Adobe, Ajax, Apple, attachment, audio, background, capture, client pre-emptive iframe, console.log, content, contenteditable, copy, cross-browser, curl, dictation, email, email attachment, exec, Flash, FormData, genericization, Gmail, haiku, hardcoding, IFRAME, inline html email, input, internationalization, language, language code, local web server, Mac OS X, macOS, MAMP, media, microphone, mobile, multiple, operating system, paste, PHP, plugin, popup, programming, Safari, say, share, sharing, smart device, speech, speech to audio, synchronization, synchronize, text to audio, Text to Speech, textarea, tutorial, voice, voice memo, voiceover, web server, window,, window.opener
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Haiku Multimedia via Media Record Background Tutorial
Yesterday’s Haiku Multimedia via Media Record Share Tutorial helped with the “Haiku feel” to our Haiku Creation web application. The thing is, though, as we found with the video and YouTube API interfacing talents of our (ostenbibly) Karaoke web application, … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Adobe, Ajax, Apple, attachment, audio, background, capture, client pre-emptive iframe, content, copy, cross-browser, curl, dictation, email, email attachment, exec, Flash, FormData, Gmail, haiku, IFRAME, inline html email, input, internationalization, language, language code, local web server, Mac OS X, macOS, MAMP, media, microphone, mobile, multiple, operating system, paste, PHP, plugin, popup, programming, Safari, say, share, sharing, smart device, speech, speech to audio, synchronization, synchronize, text to audio, Text to Speech, textarea, tutorial, voice, voice memo, voiceover, web server, window,, window.opener
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Haiku Multimedia via Media Record Share Tutorial
Everybody is somebody’s child. And often, in a modular I.T. woooooorrrrlllld a piece of code can be another’s child, even though they have an identity as a parent in their own right. It was the latter role we said goodbye … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Adobe, Ajax, Apple, attachment, audio, capture, client pre-emptive iframe, content, copy, cross-browser, curl, dictation, email, email attachment, exec, Flash, FormData, Gmail, haiku, IFRAME, inline html email, input, internationalization, language, language code, local web server, Mac OS X, macOS, MAMP, media, microphone, mobile, operating system, paste, PHP, plugin, popup, programming, Safari, say, share, sharing, smart device, speech, speech to audio, synchronization, synchronize, text to audio, Text to Speech, textarea, tutorial, voice, voice memo, voiceover, web server, window,, window.opener
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Media Mix Play Audio Video Mix Concatenation Tutorial
Yesterday’s Media Mix Play Audio Video Mix Emoji Tutorial gave us a basis for ongoing improved aesthetics, but to end this “Voiceover Ideas” project we go back to … the local web server (and also just macOS) idea of the … Continue reading →
Posted in Ajax, Animation, eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged Adobe, Ajax, animated emoji, animated gif, animation, Apple, aspect ratio, attachment, audio, autoplay, background, border, capture, client pre-emptive iframe, concatenation, content, copy, cross-browser, CSS, curl, dictation, DOM, dropdown, email, email attachment, emoji, exec, ffmpeg, Flash, FormData, Gmail, haiku, hashtag, IFRAME, inline html email, input, internationalization, language, language code, linear gradient, local web server, location.hash, loop, Mac OS X, macOS, MAMP, media, media mix, microphone, mobile, multiple, multiple background, operating system, overlay, paste, PHP, plugin, popup, programming, Safari, say, select, share, sharing, smart device, speech, speech to audio, styling, synchronization, synchronize, text to audio, Text to Speech, text-decoration, textarea, textbox, tutorial, vertical-align, voice, voice memo, voiceover, web server, window,, window.opener
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Webpage macOS Say Audio Commentary Access Count Tutorial
We’ve got a new player in the Webpage Audio Commentary “Intranet feeling” solution, today, on top of the progress from yesterday’s Webpage macOS Say Audio Commentary Personalization Tutorial. This new PHP intranet_access_count.php player sits in the Document Root of your … Continue reading →