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Tag Archives: voiceover
Dynamic Timer Web Browser Voiceover Tutorial
We wanted to come at the recent Reminders web application of the recent Dynamic Timer Web Browser Reminder Media Tutorial for a few “improvement angles” in the changed HTML/Javascript/CSS stparam.html live run link today … add “abscissa” logic to the … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged abscissa, aesthetics, alert, audio, autoplay, blur, browse, browsing, child, countdown, CSS, date, datetime, details, Did you know, dynamic, file API, focus, glow, HTML, image, integer, interval, Javascript, localStorage, MAMP, media, mime type, onblue, onfocus, onion, onions, onload, order, parent, popup, programming, prompt, reveal, seconds, setInterval, setTimeout, standing order, summary, timer, video, voiceover
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Voiceover Ideas My Memory Translations Tutorial
To augment the “Voiceover Ideas” web application … Voiceover Ideas Google Translate Tutorial‘s interfacing to the great Google Translate and Hear functionality … we add, today … interfacing to the excellent My Memory language Translation functionality Though straight “Language Translation” … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_SESSION, animated emoji, animated emojis, animation, audio, background, beep, button, canvas, Chat, Chrome, command line, cron, crontab, dictation, email, emoji.html entity, file API, Google, Google Chrome, Google Translate, hands free, hear, Hey Siri, image, language, language translation, Linux, listener, localStorage, media, mimetype, MyMemory, PHP, process, programming, session, SMS, speech to text, translation, tutorial, unicode, video, voiceover, Web Application
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Chat No Sockets Tidy Up Tutorial
Meanwhile … … back at Command Line … … with that crontab driven “Command Line” mode of use part of our inhouse Chat (no sockets) web application (from the one codebase) of Chat No Sockets Meta UTF-8 Tutorial, let’s harness … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged $_SESSION, animated emoji, animated emojis, animation, audio, background, beep, button, canvas, carriage return, Chat, child, Chrome, command line, content, context, cron, crontab, delay, details, dictation, DOM, dropdown.popup, email, emoji, emoji.html entity, event, event logic, file API, filemtime, glob, Google, Google Chrome, Google Translate, hands free, hear, Hey Siri, horizontal rule, idate, image, innerText, line break, line feed, Linux, listener, localStorage, media, meta, mimetype, onblur, onclick, onkeypress, parent, PHP, process, programming, return, reveal, session, setTimeout, SMS, speech to text, summary, tab, textbox, timer, tutorial, unicode, user experience, utf-8, UX, video, visibility, voiceover, Web Application
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Chat No Sockets Meta UTF-8 Tutorial
The Chat textual data used in Chat No Sockets Multiline Tutorial‘s inhouse Chat web application could involve emoji data. With the Chat web application … Output Chat Report … for … chat data that involves “media” … and so … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_SESSION, animated emoji, animated emojis, animation, audio, background, beep, button, canvas, carriage return, Chat, child, Chrome, command line, content, context, cron, crontab, delay, details, dictation, DOM, dropdown.popup, email, emoji, emoji.html entity, event, event logic, file API, Google, Google Chrome, Google Translate, hands free, hear, Hey Siri, horizontal rule, image, innerText, line break, line feed, Linux, listener, localStorage, media, meta, mimetype, onblur, onclick, onkeypress, parent, PHP, process, programming, return, reveal, session, setTimeout, SMS, speech to text, summary, tab, textbox, timer, tutorial, unicode, user experience, utf-8, UX, video, visibility, voiceover, Web Application
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Chat No Sockets Multiline Tutorial
On top of the recent Chat No Sockets Media Context Tutorial progress with our inhouse Chat web application, it is time to turn our attention to an UX (user experience) issue, which we are going to leave to your more … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_SESSION, animated emoji, animated emojis, animation, audio, background, beep, button, canvas, carriage return, Chat, child, Chrome, command line, content, context, cron, crontab, delay, details, dictation, dropdown.popup, email, emoji.html entity, event, event logic, file API, Google, Google Chrome, Google Translate, hands free, hear, Hey Siri, image, line feed, Linux, listener, localStorage, media, mimetype, onblur, onclick, onkeypress, parent, PHP, process, programming, return, reveal, session, setTimeout, SMS, speech to text, summary, tab, textbox, timer, tutorial, unicode, user experience, UX, video, voiceover, Web Application
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Chat No Sockets Media Context Tutorial
The recent Chat No Sockets Context Tutorial … “context” regarding text (and emoji) content user reports … is today supplemented by … “context” regarding media (images, video, audio) content user reports … which begs the question … Why not all … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_SESSION, animated emoji, animated emojis, animation, audio, background, beep, button, canvas, Chat, child, Chrome, command line, content, context, cron, crontab, delay, details, dictation, dropdown.popup, email, emoji.html entity, event, event logic, file API, Google, Google Chrome, Google Translate, hands free, hear, Hey Siri, image, Linux, listener, localStorage, media, mimetype, onclick, parent, PHP, process, programming, reveal, session, setTimeout, SMS, speech to text, summary, timer, tutorial, unicode, video, voiceover, Web Application
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Chat No Sockets Context Tutorial
We wanted to add some context to either/both … inviter … and … collaborator … category of users of our inhouse Chat (no sockets) web application, building on the progress of Chat No Sockets Chrome Hear It Tutorial by … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_SESSION, animated emoji, animated emojis, animation, audio, background, beep, button, canvas, Chat, Chrome, command line, context, cron, crontab, delay, details, dictation, dropdown.popup, email, emoji.html entity, event, event logic, file API, Google, Google Chrome, Google Translate, hands free, hear, Hey Siri, image, Linux, listener, localStorage, media, mimetype, onclick, PHP, process, programming, reveal, session, setTimeout, SMS, speech to text, summary, timer, tutorial, unicode, video, voiceover, Web Application
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Details Summary Button Delayed Onclick Tutorial
You might have noticed with yesterday’s Details Summary Button Onclick Primer Tutorial‘s …. details or summary element onclick logic that it relied on an assumption that … the onclick event occurs after a details element attribute “open” is finalized … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged $_SESSION, animated emoji, animated emojis, animation, audio, background, beep, button, canvas, Chat, Chrome, command line, cron, crontab, delay, details, dictation, email, emoji.html entity, event, event logic, file API, Google, Google Chrome, Google Translate, hands free, hear, Hey Siri, image, Linux, listener, localStorage, media, mimetype, onclick, PHP, process, programming, reveal, session, setTimeout, SMS, speech to text, summary, timer, tutorial, unicode, video, voiceover, Web Application
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