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Tag Archives: web design
PHP Writes PHP Vertical TextBoxes Primer Tutorial
Is there any use for PHP to write out PHP? We think so, though we readily admit such an “onion of the 4th dimension” type of concept can be worked another way. However, let me set a scenario for you … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Software, Tutorials
Tagged data integration, HTML, Javascript, PHP, programming, textarea, textbox, tutorial, web design
CSS Float Right Blockquote Primer Tutorial
The tutorial called Multiple Background Image Primer Tutorial, as shown below, dealt with some styling issues to do with the blockquote HTML elements here at this blog. Today we add nuanced CSS styling functionality to allow for blockquotes that float … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged blockquote, CSS, DIY, Firebug, Firefox, float, HTML, jQuery, local web server, MAMP, PHP, programming, styling, surfing the web, tutorial, user experince, UX, web browser, web design, webpage, website
WordPress Horizontal Rule CSS Styling Primer Tutorial
WordPress Blog websites are often based on a theme and the theme used for this one is called Twenty Ten. The theme helps you out with PHP templates to give a great foundation for the styling of your website, with … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged blog, CSS, Did you know, Firebug, Firefox, HTML, PHP, programming, styling, tutorial, TwentyTen, TwentyTen theme, usability, web design, Wordpress