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Tag Archives: web hosting
AlmaLinux DNS Changeover Activated Tutorial
And so, we arrive at performing the DNS changeover part to our CentOS to AlmaLinux migration journey, further to yesterday’s AlmaLinux DNS Changeover FileZilla sftp Tutorial progress towards this point. We wanted to have in the blog posting title a … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Networking, Tutorials
Tagged a record, Access, AlmaLinux, CentOS, configuration, cPanel, Crazy Domains, Did you know, DNS, DNS hosting, FileZilla, IP address, keychain, openssh, operator, password, sftp, ssh, system operator, tutorial, update, web hoster, web hosting, web server, Wordpress
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Apache/PHP/MySql Web Hosting Website Migration Tutorial
Regarding Apache/PHP/MySql web hosting, when you see a chance for data migration, take it. The reason being, it is rare for any business run “close to the bone” to have enough resources to organize their own data migration initiative, though … Continue reading
Posted in Database, eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged archimedes, contiguous, Crazy Domains, data migration, database, Did you know, diskspace, empirical, migration, MySql, oho, PHP, phpMyAdmin, REPAIR TABLE, table, Web Application, web hosting
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SSL Certificate Renewal Revisited Tutorial
Way back when with SSL Certificate Renewal Tutorial we renewed the SSL Certificate for the domain. What, in practical terms, does that mean? It means a URL such as … … involves encryption, offering a level of security … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged administrator, CentOS, certificate, configuration, cPanel, Crazy Domains, csr, domain, email, email address, encryption, install, IP address, key, security, ssl, ssl certificate, SSL Certifier, System Administrator, web host, web hosting, web server, WHM
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MySql User Grant via cPanel Tutorial
The previous MySql Stored Procedures User Grant Tutorial talked of arrangements regarding hosting where (the indefatigable) phpMyAdmin had access to “MySql database user creation” and “MySql database user privilege control” within its functionality. But, as you may imagine, hosting out … Continue reading
Posted in Database, eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Administration, Apache, cPanel, database, database table, database user, domain, grant, hosting, MySql, PHP, phpMyAdmin, privilege, table, tutorial, user, web hosting, web server
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SSL Certificate Renewal Tutorial
Adding the big picture around the knowledge presented in SSL Certificate Primer Tutorial below, today, we want to fill you in on the deployment of SSL (ie. being able to use URLs starting with https:) for a dedicated web server, … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged administrator, CentOS, certificate, configuration, cPanel, Crazy Domains, csr, domain, email, encryption, install, IP address, key, security, ssl, ssl certificate, SSL Certifier, System Administrator, web host, web hosting, web server, WHM
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SSL Certificate Primer Tutorial
All our recent SSL blog postings have been assuming something. That “something” is that the web server you are writing web applications for, and are configuring, has had installed a relevant SSL Certificate to “work” and undersign the encryption logic … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged configuration, Crazy Domains, csr, dedicated, domain, Google, Google Webmaster, openssl, shared, ssl, ssl certificate, subdomain, tutorial, web hosting, web server
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