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Tag Archives: web hosting
FireFTP Create File Primer Tutorial
Today’s tutorial falls into the category of “security reminder” to do with web hosting, and specifically, today, Apache web hosting. When you open a new public directory on your website and populate it with media files, for example, don’t forget … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged .Net, Apache, default.html, directory, domain, Firefox, Fireftp, folder, ftp, HTML, index.html, security, sftp, tutorial, web hosting
Google Analytics Reporting Follow Up Tutorial
We’ve had Google Analytics analyzing web traffic at now for some time after implementing it a while back with Google Analytics Implementation Primer Tutorial as shown below. We set out the case, back then, with … If you manage … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged domain, Google, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, marketing, report, reporting, sales, SEO, subdomain, tutorial, web hosting
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Google Analytics Implementation Primer Tutorial
If you manage a website you may be looking for ways in which to measure traffic to the website and the demographics of who views the website. One popular choice as a tool to facilitate this is called Google Analytics … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged domain, Google, Google Analytics, SEO, subdomain, tutorial, web hosting
WordPress Blog PHP mod_deflate Speed Improvement Tutorial
Our “quest” for speed continues, man person. This WordPress Blog (from (not is now using the PHP mod_deflate module to zip up the traffic going out on the web, in exchange for a higher CPU load for our … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, blog, Google, Google Page Speed, Google PageSpeed, gzip, mod_deflate, ob_start, PHP, programming, SEO, serach engine, speed, tutorial, web hosting, web server
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EasyApache in cPanel Primer Tutorial
This is not a Monty Python skit (though?) and there is a thought process to say that the previous relevant Google Page Speed Image Optimization Follow Up Tutorial as shown below is relevant to “EasyApache on cPanel Primer Tutorial” … … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Installers, Software, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, build, CentOS, configuration, cPanel, deflate, domain, EasyApache, gzip, install, Linux, module, mod_deflate, MySql, PHP, rebuild, tutorial, vps, web hosting, web server, WHM
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Virtual Hosts with EasyPHP Primer Tutorial
Just supposing you run one web server, and want to handle more than one domain name, with control over the handling of each name (today we end up with a url of “quiz” which means something!). This is the concept … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, DNS, EasyPHP, tutorial, Virtual Host, WAMP, web hosting, web server, Windows
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