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Tag Archives: web storage
Textarea Pointing Local Font Editing Tutorial
A basic design, as presented in the first of the “Local Font” thread of blog postings called Textarea Pointing Local Font Tutorial yesterday provided a blueprint to move forward on this project. We think we can work with its architecture. … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged alt, argument, canvas, click, data uri, delimitation, div, DOM, download, email, encodeURIComponent, essay, event, flip, flop, font, form, fpdf, graphics, grayscale, hierarchy, HTML, IFRAME, image, innerHTML, inverse, Javascript, letter, linked list, localStorage, message, onclick, outerHTML, overlay, PDF, pixel, popup, programming, rasterise, report, rotate, scale, scribble, textarea, tutorial, user experience, UX, web storage, webpage, z-index
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Textarea Pointing Local Font Tutorial
A large part of the design of a web application relates to the agreed message formats. Yesterday’s Textarea Pointing Rasterise Tutorial started us down the road of a new message format whose delimitation highlights goes like an encodeURIComponent() version of … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged alt, canvas, click, data uri, delimitation, div, DOM, download, email, encodeURIComponent, essay, event, flip, flop, font, form, fpdf, graphics, grayscale, hierarchy, HTML, IFRAME, image, innerHTML, inverse, Javascript, letter, linked list, localStorage, message, onclick, outerHTML, overlay, PDF, pixel, popup, programming, rasterise, report, rotate, scale, scribble, textarea, tutorial, web storage, webpage, z-index
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Textarea Pointing Rasterise Tutorial
Following up on yesterday’s Textarea Pointing Web Storage Tutorial and Textarea Pointing Canvas Tutorial preceeding it, we have the means now to embellish the reporting functionalities surrounding the use of HTML5 canvas element, and two extremely useful (and fundamental) … … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Not Categorised, Tutorials
Tagged alt, canvas, click, data uri, div, DOM, download, email, essay, event, flip, flop, form, fpdf, graphics, grayscale, hierarchy, HTML, IFRAME, image, innerHTML, inverse, Javascript, letter, linked list, localStorage, onclick, outerHTML, overlay, PDF, pixel, popup, programming, rasterise, report, rotate, scale, textarea, tutorial, web storage, webpage, z-index
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Textarea Pointing Web Storage Tutorial
We add some “accountability” to where we stopped off at yesterday with Textarea Pointing Canvas Tutorial today. We define “accountability” in this context, and with our rules, short of bothering with … a fully blown database solution … too much … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged alt, canvas, click, data uri, div, DOM, download, email, essay, event, form, fpdf, graphics, hierarchy, HTML, IFRAME, image, innerHTML, Javascript, letter, linked list, localStorage, onclick, outerHTML, overlay, PDF, popup, programming, report, textarea, tutorial, web storage, webpage, z-index
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PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Animation Rotation Tutorial
Onto yesterday’s PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Animation Sharing Tutorial animated image pixellation sharing capabilities, today we’d like to add some capabilities to rotate those pixellated images, mainly via PHP’s … imagerotate … GD image library method. We rotate … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, animated gif, animation, background, background image, button, cache, canvas, circle, co-ordinates, colour, data uri, density, div, DOM, email, form, GD, geometry, getComputedStyle, Google, height, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, image, input colour, Javascript, localStorage, management, mathematics, negative, ob_start, opacity, overlay, parent, pen down, pen up, PHP, pixel, plot, positive, programming, rasterize, rotate, rotation, scribble, setTimeout, shape, share, sharing, signature, stop press, submit, thickness, tutorial, user, user experience, UX, web storage, width, window.getComputedStyle
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PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Animation Sharing Tutorial
Although we had sessional accountability with the pixellation animation ideas of yesterday’s PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Animation Aesthetics Tutorial, when there is a “tool” involved in a project, such as this one, we like to make it more … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, animated gif, animation, background, background image, button, cache, canvas, circle, co-ordinates, colour, data uri, density, div, DOM, email, form, GD, geometry, getComputedStyle, Google, height, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, image, input colour, Javascript, localStorage, management, mathematics, negative, ob_start, opacity, overlay, parent, pen down, pen up, PHP, pixel, plot, positive, programming, rasterize, scribble, setTimeout, shape, share, sharing, signature, stop press, submit, thickness, tutorial, user, user experience, UX, web storage, width, window.getComputedStyle
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PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Animation Aesthetics Tutorial
We augment yesterday’s PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Management of Animation Tutorial genesis to the control or management of the pixellation animation functionalities, by today, looking at some of the management of the look, or the aesthethics, of those … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged aesthetics, animated gif, animation, background, background image, button, cache, canvas, circle, co-ordinates, colour, data uri, density, div, DOM, form, GD, geometry, getComputedStyle, Google, height, HTML, HTML5, IFRAME, image, input, Javascript, localStorage, management, mathematics, negative, ob_start, opacity, overlay, parent, pen down, pen up, PHP, pixel, plot, positive, programming, rasterize, scribble, setTimeout, shape, signature, stop press, submit, thickness, tutorial, user, user experience, UX, web storage, width, window.getComputedStyle
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PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Management of Animation Tutorial
Within yesterday’s PHP GD Image at Pixel Level Child Animation Tutorial we said … interfacing to a “child” tool iframe web application is much more flexible when that “child” iframe could do that job without the supervision by a user … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged animated gif, animation, background, background image, button, cache, canvas, circle, co-ordinates, colour, data uri, density, div, DOM, form, GD, geometry, getComputedStyle, Google, height, HTML, IFRAME, image, Javascript, localStorage, management, mathematics, negative, ob_start, opacity, overlay, parent, pen down, pen up, PHP, pixel, plot, positive, programming, rasterize, scribble, setTimeout, shape, signature, stop press, submit, tutorial, user experience, UX, web storage, width, window.getComputedStyle
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