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Tag Archives: website
Covid Vaccination Records in Australia Tutorial
Since the days of the recent QR Code Covid Safe Check-in App Camera Tutorial Australia has been vaccinating to ward off the spread of Covid-19 and try to get out of lockdowns in its two largest cities, Sydney and Melbourne. … Continue reading
Crontab Curl Once a Day Less Work Tutorial
We arrange on this RJM Programming domain, via crontab/curl means, many once a day changes to the website. But we want to stop repeating some of the work, whereby MySql queries happen too often in our Australian Eastern Standard Time … Continue reading
Australian Medicare Rebates Banking Primer Tutorial
Is Covid-19 a time for organizational matters? May…be? Is Covid-19 a time to better read “snail mail”? May…be? In amongst our “snail mail” (ie. in the letter box) recently was a piece of mail addressed to me from the Australian … Continue reading
XML-RPC on WordPress Vulnerability Primer Tutorial
If you researched XML-RPC when you read our Flickr and WordPress Integration Primer Tutorial about the capabilities of (the online image repository) Flickr and WordPress automation of blog postings, you’d have been like me, and have been very enthusiastic about … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Administration, blog, Did you know, hack, IP address, login, security, tutorial, website, Wordpress, XML-RPC
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Apache Web Server Directory Privacy via cPanel Tutorial
Some Apache/PHP/MySql web server cPanel configurations offer an option to directory protect a web server directory. We have a few questions … Why do this Apache web server directory protection? you may be developing and testing an incomplete website’s coding, … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Tutorials
Tagged Apache, configuration, Did you know, directory, file, folder, hacker, privacy, robots.txt, security, tutorial, web browser, web server, webpage, website
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WordPress Blog Posting Content Summary Primer Tutorial
We really like for the basis of this blog’s design (and recognize as a great idea for those not wanting to host their own Apache/PHP/MySql domain). And am sure you would not be surprised that I am not … Continue reading