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Tag Archives: Windows 8
Windows File History Backup Primer Tutorial
Before and after major upgrades of operating systems, it is tempting to backup your systems. With Windows, before Windows 8, the word to look for was “Backup”, but from Windows 8 and up, the term “File History” will be encountered … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged backup, Control Panel, desktop, file history, Microsoft, operating system, removable media, tutorial, upgrade, Windows, Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 9
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Windows 10 Upgrade Primer Tutorial
This coming Friday, 29th July 2016 marks the cut off day for free upgrades to Windows 10 from Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1 or Windows 9 operating systems, as you can read about here. Why do this? Read … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Installers, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged 0xc7700112, desktop, install, Microsoft, operating system, tutorial, upgrade, Windows, Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 9
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Windows 10 Primer Tutorial
The Windows 10 operating system (by Microsoft) is a breath of fresh air compared to Windows 8. This is the opinion of someone trying to teach beginner and intermediate level students confidence with Windows and the Internet. Somehow it felt … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Android, apps, desktop, Microsoft, operating system, tutorial, Windows, Windows 10, Windows 8
Windows Right Click Primer Tutorial
If you’ve used Windows (by Microsoft) as a desktop/laptop operating system a lot and then switch to a Mac OS X environment new to you, for a while, you miss a lot of the features of Windows. As with many … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, GUI, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged desktop, file, folder, GUI, icon, meny, Microsoft, operating system, right click, shortcut, Windows, Windows 8, Windows Form
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Mac VirtualBox Windows 8 IE 11 Primer Tutorial
Mac laptops are great “out of the box” but one thing they do not usually do “out of the box” is to help you with an easy way to test your web work on Internet Explorer. In this tutorial we … Continue reading →
Posted in eLearning, Hardware, Networking, Operating System, Tutorials
Tagged Apple, curl, Did you know, hardware, IE 11, Internet Explorer, Linux, Mac, Mac OS X 10.9.1, Mac Terminal, Mavericks, Microsoft, operating system, Oracle, tutorial, virtual machine, Windows, Windows 8