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Tag Archives: YouTube
YouTube Music Video External Javascript Genericization Tutorial
In yesterday’s The Wrecking Crew Peering Disco Tutorial we praised the role of external Javascript in the current YouTube Music Video Peer to Peer web applications … more twinning possibilities, easily applied, as per today’s Stop Press generic YouTube IFrame … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, OOP, Tutorials
Tagged ABC 702, API, buffer, buffering, comma separated list, cue, data, Disco, dropdown, dynamic, email, event, external Javascript, gernericization, hardcoding, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, local web server, mailto, member, method, Object Oriented Programming, onerror, OOP, pause, peer, peer to peer, placeholder, play, playlist, programming, programming.tutorial, select, span, stop press, testing, textbox, the wrecking crew, twin, video, Wikipedia, Yacht Rock, YouTube, YouTube API
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The Wrecking Crew Peering Disco Tutorial
Javascript makes the online wooooorrrrllllddd go around. External Javascript, we find, can help twin this wooooorrrrllllddd with another wooooorrrrllllddd in a “peer to peer” manner. After all, with … The Wrecking Crew Disco the changed HTML the changed HTML the_wrecking_crew.html … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, OOP, Tutorials
Tagged ABC 702, API, buffer, buffering, cue, data, Disco, dropdown, dynamic, email, event, external Javascript, hardcoding, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, local web server, mailto, member, method, Object Oriented Programming, onerror, OOP, pause, peer, peer to peer, play, playlist, programming, programming.tutorial, select, span, stop press, testing, the wrecking crew, twin, video, Wikipedia, Yacht Rock, YouTube, YouTube API
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User Controlled Dynamic Javascript YouTube Embedded API Onerror Tutorial
We happened to be retrying our YouTube IFrame Player API based web application of User Controlled Dynamic Javascript YouTube Embedded API Ordered Tutorial, brushing up on the moves?! 🕺 We’ll fix the light fitting later. It’s been a while, and … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged API, buffer, buffering, cue, data, dynamic, email, event, HTML, IFRAME, Javascript, local web server, mailto, member, method, onerror, pause, play, programming, programming.tutorial, testing, video, YouTube, YouTube API
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Karaoke YouTube Video Search Multiple Mention Tutorial
With yesterday’s Karaoke YouTube Video Search Timer Tutorial we wanted to extend the multiple entry dropdown non-mobile onclick order improvements. We wanted to now allow for a video to be repeated with the proviso … still allow a first ever … Continue reading
Posted in eLearning, Event-Driven Programming, Tutorials
Tagged checkbox, debug, delimitation, details, dropdown, eventr, IFRAME, keane, loop, mobile, multiple, onchange, order, pause, play, programming, reveal, select, setTimeout, summary, synchronize, timer, tutorial, typeof, video, YouTube, YouTube API
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