The four changed words within todayโs blog posting title โWordPress Blog Thread Story Mobile Chapter Number Progress Tutorialโ pretty much sum up what we attended to today with respect to our โStorybookโ feel Blog Posting Thread display at this blog (via changes to itโs good olโ TwentyTen themed header.php) you are reading โฆ
- Mobile โฆ to cater for mobile platform smaller widths we show a shorter โTable of Contentsโ display โฆ
- Chapter โฆ honing in on the idea of a Blog Posting equating to a โStoryโ book โChapterโ โฆ
- Number โฆ and a suitable way to give a Chapter a nickname, for display, is its โNumberโ โฆ and to tie all of this together for the user contextually and dynamically โฆ
- Progress โฆ element is now displayed helping with how far the user has read into the โStoryโ compared to that โStoryโ total (โChapterโ count) length
โฆ as our โtweakedโ approach further to yesterdayโs WordPress Blog Thread Story Table of Contents Tutorial โฆ
<?php echo โ
var threaddivs=[], threaddivstwo=[], thisthre='', thisthrei=-1, thisthrerecttop=-1, xelms=[], lastthre=null;
function storyreorder(atofind) {
var ivd=0, hrparts=[], hroh='', reorderedcontent='', hrih='', hrdone=false, hrplus='', hrcnt=0, midbit='';
var atobr=atofind.getBoundingClientRect();
if (document.getElementById('upto')) {
thisthre='' +;
thisthrerecttop=eval('' + atofind.getBoundingClientRect().top);
//if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
// alert('' + thisthrerecttop);
if (('' + atofind.getAttribute('data-w')) == '0') {
atofind.setAttribute('data-w',('' + atobr.width));
atofind.setAttribute('data-h',('' + atobr.height));
atofind.setAttribute('data-st',('' + document.body.scrollTop));
for (ivd=0; ivd<threaddivs.length; ivd++) {
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd])) {
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf(atofind.outerHTML) != -1 && !hrdone) {
atofind.setAttribute('data-done', 'y');
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
var pwis=0;
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) {
pwis=eval('' + document.getElementById('primary').getBoundingClientRect().width);
}'' + eval(-40 + eval('' + document.getElementById('container').getBoundingClientRect().width) - pwis) + 'px';
} else {'' + eval(-40 + eval('' + document.getElementById('container').getBoundingClientRect().width) - eval('' + document.getElementById('primary').getBoundingClientRect().width)) + 'px';
}'rgb(70,70,70)';'-0.5px 0.5px 0.5px #952dff';'scroll';'1px dashed red';'touch';
<?php echo $atofind; ?>
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf('<hr title=') != -1) { hrplus=' title='; }
hrparts=document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.split('<hr' + hrplus);
if (eval('' + hrparts.length) > 1) {
hrih='<hr' + hrplus + hrparts[1].split('>')[0] + '>';
if (hrih.indexOf('/>') == -1 && document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf('</hr>') != -1) {
hroh='<hr' + hrplus + hrparts[1].split('>')[0].replace(/\//g,'') + '></hr>';
if (hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') != -1 && hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') < 100) {
reordercontent='<div style=display:none;>' + hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'') + '</div>';
} else {
reordercontent=hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'');
if (reordercontent.indexOf('<hr') != -1) {
reordercontent=reordercontent.replace('<hr', '<hr class=hrabove id=bloghr' + hrcnt);
for (var iivd=eval(-2 + eval('' + hrparts.length)); iivd>=0; iivd--) {
if (hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') != -1 && hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') < 100) {
if (hroh.indexOf('<hr') != -1) {
midbit='class=hrabove id=bloghr' + hrcnt + ' ';
reordercontent+=hroh.replace('<hr','<hr ' + midbit + 'style="display:none;"');
reordercontent='<div style=display:none;>' + hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'') + '</div>';
} else {
if (hroh.indexOf('<hr') != -1) {
midbit='class=hrabove id=bloghr' + hrcnt + ' ';
reordercontent+=hroh.replace('<hr', '<hr ' + midbit);
reordercontent+=reordercontent=hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'');
if (reordercontent != '') {
atofind.innerHTML+='<br><details title="Thread story ..." open><summary title="Thread story ..."></summary><br>' + reordercontent + '</details>';
if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i) || 8 == 8) {
xelms = document.body.querySelectorAll('.hrabove');
for (let element of xelms) {
if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
setInterval(function() { storyhrcheck(; }, 2000);
} else {
setInterval(function() { storyhrcheck(; }, 200);
function storyhrcheck(inhroid) {
var inhro=document.getElementById(inhroid);
var vsi=-1, thisvsi=-2, arrangedprefix='', derivedtitle='';
if (lastthre != null) {
vsi=eval('' + ('' +'bloghr')[1]);
thisvsi=eval('' + ('' + inhroid).split('bloghr')[1]);
if (eval('' + inhro.getBoundingClientRect().top) < eval('' + thisthrerecttop)) { // && !navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) { //document.URL.indexOf('scrollcheck=') != -1) {
if (lastthre == null) {
//alert('' + thisthrerecttop + ' vs ' + inhro.getBoundingClientRect().top + ' 0:' + inhro.outerHTML);
if (document.getElementById('myrprogress')) {
document.getElementById('myrprogress').value='' + eval(1 + eval('' + document.getElementById('myrprogress').value));
if (document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].indexOf('>Previous relevant <a ') == -1 && document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].indexOf('="entry-title"') != -1) {
arrangedprefix=inhro.outerHTML + '<p>Previous relevant <a target="_blank" title="' + derivedtitle + '" href="//' + derivedtitle.toLowerCase().replace("+","").replace("/","").replace(" ","-").replace("/","").replace(" ","-").replace("/","").replace(" ","-").replace("/","").replace(" ","-").replace("/","").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(/---/g,"-").replace(/--/g,"-") + '/">' + derivedtitle + '</a> is shown below ...</p>';
if (document.getElementById('myrprogress')) {
document.getElementById('myrprogress').value='' + document.getElementById('myrprogress').max;
} //else if (document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].indexOf('>Previous relevant <a ') == -1) {
//alert('huh ' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0]);
if (document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].indexOf('>Previous relevant <a ') != -1 || document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].indexOf('="entry-title"') != -1) {
if (!document.getElementById('upto')) {
if (document.getElementById('bleft')) {
document.getElementById('bleft').innerHTML+='<div style="display:inline-block;position:fixed;top:50px;left:0px;z-index:99;width:' + Math.max(80,Math.min(document.getElementById('main').getBoundingClientRect().left, document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).getBoundingClientRect().left)) + 'px;" id=upto><a ' + storyshortmaybe(thisvsi,(arrangedprefix + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML).split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0]) + '</a> <progress id=myrprogress style=display:inline-block;opacity:0.4; value=1 min=0 max=' + eval(-1 + eval('' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split('<hr class=').length)) + '></progress></div>';
} else {
//alert('<a style="position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;" id=upto ' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0] + '</a>');
document.body.innerHTML+='<div style="display:inline-block;position:fixed;top:50px;left:0px;z-index:99;width:' + Math.max(80,Math.min(document.getElementById('main').getBoundingClientRect().left, document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).getBoundingClientRect().left)) + 'px;" id=upto><a ' + storyshortmaybe(thisvsi,(arrangedprefix + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML).split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0]) + '</a> <progress id=myrprogress style=display:inline-block;opacity:0.4; value=1 min=0 max=' + eval(-1 + eval('' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split('<hr class=').length)) + '></progress></div>';
} else if (5 == 5) {
if (document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML == '') {
document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML+='<br><br><a ' + storyshortmaybe(thisvsi,(arrangedprefix + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML).split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0]) + '</a> <progress id=myrprogress style=display:inline-block;opacity:0.4; value=1 min=0 max=' + eval(-1 + eval('' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split('<hr class=').length)) + '></progress>';
} else {
document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML+='<br><br><a ' + storyshortmaybe(thisvsi,(arrangedprefix + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML).split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0]) + '</a>';
} else {
document.getElementById('upto').href=(arrangedprefix + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML).split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split(' href="')[1].split('"')[0];
document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML=storyshortmaybe(thisvsi,(arrangedprefix + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML).split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0]);
} else if (thisvsi > vsi && eval('' + inhro.getBoundingClientRect().top) > 0) {
if (document.getElementById('myrprogress')) {
document.getElementById('myrprogress').value='' + eval(1 + eval('' + document.getElementById('myrprogress').value));
if (document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].indexOf('>Previous relevant <a ') == -1 && document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].indexOf('="entry-title"') != -1) {
arrangedprefix=inhro.outerHTML + '<p>Previous relevant <a target="_blank" title="' + derivedtitle + '" href="//' + derivedtitle.toLowerCase().replace("+","").replace("/","").replace(" ","-").replace("/","").replace(" ","-").replace("/","").replace(" ","-").replace("/","").replace(" ","-").replace("/","").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(/---/g,"-").replace(/--/g,"-") + '/">' + derivedtitle + '</a> is shown below ...</p>';
if (document.getElementById('myrprogress')) {
document.getElementById('myrprogress').value='' + document.getElementById('myrprogress').max;
} //else if (document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].indexOf('>Previous relevant <a ') == -1) {
//alert('Huh ' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0]);
//alert('' + thisthrerecttop + ' vs ' + inhro.getBoundingClientRect().top + ' 1:' + inhro.outerHTML);
if (document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].indexOf('>Previous relevant <a ') != -1 || document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].indexOf('="entry-title"') != -1) {
if (!document.getElementById('upto')) {
if (document.getElementById('bleft')) {
document.getElementById('bleft').innerHTML+='<div style="display:inline-block;position:fixed;top:50px;left:0px;z-index:99;width:' + Math.max(80,Math.min(document.getElementById('main').getBoundingClientRect().left, document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).getBoundingClientRect().left)) + 'px;" id=upto><a ' + storyshortmaybe(thisvsi,(arrangedprefix + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML).split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0]) + '</a> <progress id=myrprogress style=display:inline-block;opacity:0.4; value=1 min=0 max=' + eval(-1 + eval('' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split('<hr class=').length)) + '></progress></div>';
} else {
document.body.innerHTML+='<div style="display:inline-block;position:fixed;top:50px;left:0px;z-index:99;width:' + Math.max(80,Math.min(document.getElementById('main').getBoundingClientRect().left, document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).getBoundingClientRect().left)) + 'px;" id=upto><a ' + storyshortmaybe(thisvsi,(arrangedprefix + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML).split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0]) + '</a> <progress id=myrprogress style=display:inline-block;opacity:0.4; value=1 min=0 max=' + eval(-1 + eval('' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split('<hr class=').length)) + '></progress></div>';
} else if (5 == 5) {
if (document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML == '') {
document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML+='<br><br><a ' + storyshortmaybe(thisvsi,(arrangedprefix + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML).split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0]) + '</a> <progress id=myrprogress style=display:inline-block;opacity:0.4; value=1 min=0 max=' + eval(-1 + eval('' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split('<hr class=').length)) + '></progress>';
} else {
document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML+='<br><br><a ' + storyshortmaybe(thisvsi,(arrangedprefix + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML).split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0]) + '</a>';
} else {
document.getElementById('upto').href=(arrangedprefix + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML).split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split(' href="')[1].split('"')[0];
document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML=storyshortmaybe(thisvsi,(arrangedprefix + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML).split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0]);
function storyshortmaybe(nvers, cvers) {
var ioff=0;
if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
return cvers;
if (document.getElementById('upto')) {
if (document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML.indexOf('</a>')) {
nvers=eval('' + document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML.split('</a>').length);
} else {
} else {
if (cvers.indexOf('>') == -1) { return ' ' + nvers; }
//alert(cvers.replace('>' + cvers.split('>')[1].split('<')[0], '>' + nvers));
return cvers.replace('>' + cvers.split('>')[1].split('<')[0], '> ' + nvers);
โ; ?>
โฆ in good olโ header.php of our TwentyTen themed WordPress Blog you are currently reading.
Previous relevant WordPress Blog Thread Story Table of Contents Tutorial is shown below.
Today, onto yesterdayโs WordPress Blog Thread Story Background Gradients Tutorialโs progress with our Story Mode Blog Posting Threads here, at least for non-mobile platforms we make use of that whitespace over to the left presenting a โฆ
Table of Contents
โฆ style of โaโ links to what you might like to think of as โchaptersโ to the blog posting thread โStoryโ.
Why only non-mobile here? Well, we have to think of another non-intrusive strategy for mobile platforms without enough of that left hand side whitespace available.
This Table of Contents is built upon as the user is reading and scrolling down the โstoryโ.
So what was most useful to making this happen? In brief terms, it is two Javascript techniques โฆ
- using HTML DOM querySelectorAll() Method โฆ and โฆ
- using [element].getBoundingClientRect() method
โฆ particularly as the latter, when comparing โapples versus applesโ does not need any reference to anything like [element].scrollTop โฆ at least on non-mobile โฆ
<?php echo โ
var threaddivs=[], threaddivstwo=[], thisthre='', thisthrei=-1, thisthrerecttop=-1, xelms=[], lastthre=null;
function storyreorder(atofind) {
var ivd=0, hrparts=[], hroh='', reorderedcontent='', hrih='', hrdone=false, hrplus='', hrcnt=0, midbit='';
var atobr=atofind.getBoundingClientRect();
if (document.getElementById('upto')) {
thisthre='' +;
thisthrerecttop=eval('' + atofind.getBoundingClientRect().top);
if (('' + atofind.getAttribute('data-w')) == '0') {
atofind.setAttribute('data-w',('' + atobr.width));
atofind.setAttribute('data-h',('' + atobr.height));
atofind.setAttribute('data-st',('' + document.body.scrollTop));
for (ivd=0; ivd<threaddivs.length; ivd++) {
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd])) {
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf(atofind.outerHTML) != -1 && !hrdone) {
atofind.setAttribute('data-done', 'y');
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
var pwis=0;
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) {
pwis=eval('' + document.getElementById('primary').getBoundingClientRect().width);
}'' + eval(-40 + eval('' + document.getElementById('container').getBoundingClientRect().width) - pwis) + 'px';
} else {'' + eval(-40 + eval('' + document.getElementById('container').getBoundingClientRect().width) - eval('' + document.getElementById('primary').getBoundingClientRect().width)) + 'px';
}'rgb(70,70,70)';'-0.5px 0.5px 0.5px #952dff';'scroll';'1px dashed red';'touch';
<?php echo $atofind; ?>
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf('<hr title=') != -1) { hrplus=' title='; }
hrparts=document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.split('<hr' + hrplus);
if (eval('' + hrparts.length) > 1) {
hrih='<hr' + hrplus + hrparts[1].split('>')[0] + '>';
if (hrih.indexOf('/>') == -1 && document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf('</hr>') != -1) {
hroh='<hr' + hrplus + hrparts[1].split('>')[0].replace(/\//g,'') + '></hr>';
if (hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') != -1 && hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') < 100) {
reordercontent='<div style=display:none;>' + hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'') + '</div>';
} else {
reordercontent=hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'');
if (reordercontent.indexOf('<hr') != -1) {
reordercontent=reordercontent.replace('<hr', '<hr class=hrabove id=bloghr' + hrcnt);
for (var iivd=eval(-2 + eval('' + hrparts.length)); iivd>=0; iivd--) {
if (hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') != -1 && hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') < 100) {
if (hroh.indexOf('<hr') != -1) {
midbit='class=hrabove id=bloghr' + hrcnt + ' ';
reordercontent+=hroh.replace('<hr','<hr ' + midbit + 'style="display:none;"');
reordercontent='<div style=display:none;>' + hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'') + '</div>';
} else {
if (hroh.indexOf('<hr') != -1) {
midbit='class=hrabove id=bloghr' + hrcnt + ' ';
reordercontent+=hroh.replace('<hr', '<hr ' + midbit);
reordercontent+=reordercontent=hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'');
if (reordercontent != '') {
atofind.innerHTML+='<br><details title="Thread story ..." open><summary title="Thread story ..."></summary><br>' + reordercontent + '</details>';
if (!navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
xelms = document.body.querySelectorAll('.hrabove');
for (let element of xelms) {
setInterval(function() { storyhrcheck(; }, 2000);
function storyhrcheck(inhroid) {
var inhro=document.getElementById(inhroid);
var vsi=-1, thisvsi=-2;
if (lastthre != null) {
vsi=eval('' + ('' +'bloghr')[1]);
thisvsi=eval('' + ('' + inhroid).split('bloghr')[1]);
if (eval('' + inhro.getBoundingClientRect().top) < eval('' + thisthrerecttop) && !navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) { //document.URL.indexOf('scrollcheck=') != -1) {
if (lastthre == null) {
//alert('' + thisthrerecttop + ' vs ' + inhro.getBoundingClientRect().top + ' 0:' + inhro.outerHTML);
if (document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].indexOf('>Previous relevant <a ') != -1) {
if (!document.getElementById('upto')) {
if (document.getElementById('bleft')) {
document.getElementById('bleft').innerHTML+='<div style="display:inline-block;position:fixed;top:50px;left:0px;z-index:99;width:' + Math.min(document.getElementById('main').getBoundingClientRect().left, document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).getBoundingClientRect().left) + 'px;" id=upto><a ' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0] + '</a></div>';
} else {
//alert('<a style="position:fixed;top:0px;left:0px;" id=upto ' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0] + '</a>');
document.body.innerHTML+='<div style="display:inline-block;position:fixed;top:50px;left:0px;z-index:99;width:' + Math.min(document.getElementById('main').getBoundingClientRect().left, document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).getBoundingClientRect().left) + 'px;" id=upto><a ' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0] + '</a></div>';
} else if (5 == 5) {
document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML+='<br><br><a ' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0] + '</a>';
} else {
document.getElementById('upto').href=document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split(' href="')[1].split('"')[0];
document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML=document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0];
} else if (thisvsi > vsi && eval('' + inhro.getBoundingClientRect().top) > 0) {
//alert('' + thisthrerecttop + ' vs ' + inhro.getBoundingClientRect().top + ' 1:' + inhro.outerHTML);
if (document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].indexOf('>Previous relevant <a ') != -1) {
if (!document.getElementById('upto')) {
if (document.getElementById('bleft')) {
document.getElementById('bleft').innerHTML+='<div style="display:inline-block;position:fixed;top:50px;left:0px;z-index:99;width:' + Math.min(document.getElementById('main').getBoundingClientRect().left, document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).getBoundingClientRect().left) + 'px;" id=upto><a ' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0] + '</a></div>';
} else {
document.body.innerHTML+='<div style="display:inline-block;position:fixed;top:50px;left:0px;z-index:99;width:' + Math.min(document.getElementById('main').getBoundingClientRect().left, document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).getBoundingClientRect().left) + 'px;" id=upto><a ' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0] + '</a></div>';
} else if (5 == 5) {
document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML+='<br><br><a ' + document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('</a>')[0] + '</a>';
} else {
document.getElementById('upto').href=document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split(' href="')[1].split('"')[0];
document.getElementById('upto').innerHTML=document.getElementById(threaddivstwo[thisthrei]).innerHTML.split(inhro.outerHTML)[1].split('<hr')[0].split('>Previous relevant <a ')[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0];
โ; ?>
โฆ in good olโ header.php of our TwentyTen themed WordPress Blog you are currently reading.
Previous relevant WordPress Blog Thread Story Background Gradients Tutorial is shown below.
Today weโre nuancing the โstorybookโ styling we developed in yesterdayโs WordPress Blog Thread Story Border SVG Image Tutorial where you may have been wondering about the papers part to codeline โฆ
$atofind="\n atofind.className='storybook papers'; \n atofind.oncontextmenu=function(event){'' + eval(0.05 + eval('' +; }; \n";
? Well, that was to do with how we wanted to not only make โฆ
- the left hand border have that โring binderโ feel โฆ but we also wanted โฆ
- some sort of effect applied to the โstorybookโ background as some sort of feel whereby we might think โpaperโ
We did not want to involve any images or CSS that was too complicated. We came across this excellent webpage and it gave us the inspiration for new such CSS styling โฆ
.storybook {
border-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg style="font-size:26px;background-color:rgb(255,255,240,0.8);border-right:1px solid black;" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="//"><text style="opacity:0.5;" x="15%" y="80%">โ</text><rect x="18.5" y="0" width="1.5" height="20" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="black" fill="black"></rect></svg>');
border-image-slice: 0 0 0 100;
border-image-width: 20px;
border-image-outset: 1px;
border-image-repeat: repeat;
padding-left: 20px;
if (isset($_GET['putpaper']) || 1 == 1) { // thanks to
echo " .papers {
background-color: #fefefe;
background-image: linear-gradient(
rgba(83,148,253,0.05) 12%,
transparent 12.5%,
transparent 87%,
rgba(83,148,253,0.05) 87.5%,
rgba(83,148,253,0.05) 12%,
transparent 12.5%,
transparent 87%,
rgba(83,148,253,0.05) 87.5%,
rgba(83,148,253,0.05) 12%,
transparent 12.5%,
transparent 87%,
rgba(83,148,253,0.05) 87.5%,
rgba(83,148,253,0.05) 12%,
transparent 12.5%,
transparent 87%,
rgba(83,148,253,0.05) 87.5%,
rgba(83,148,253,0.05) 25%,
transparent 25.5%,
transparent 75%,
rgba(83,148,253,0.05) 75%,
rgba(83,148,253,0.05) 25%,
transparent 25.5%,
transparent 75%,
rgba(83,148,253,0.05) 75%,
background-size: 48px 84px;
0 0,
0 0,
24px 42px,
24px 42px,
0 0,
24px 42px;
โฆ helped out by tweaked header.php Javascript code โฆ
<?php echo โ
function storyizecollect() {
var divsall=document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var ivd=0; ivd<divsall.length; ivd++) {
if (divsall[ivd].outerHTML.split('>')[0].indexOf(' post type-post ') != -1) {
threaddivs.push('' + divsall[ivd].id);
function storyresize(atoo) {'' + atoo.getAttribute('data-w') + 'px';
//'' + atoo.getAttribute('data-h') + 'px';'rgba(255,155,55,0.3)';'hidden';
return atoo;
function storyreorder(atofind) {
var hrparts=[], hroh='', reorderedcontent='', hrih='', hrdone=false, hrplus='';
var atobr=atofind.getBoundingClientRect();
if (('' + atofind.getAttribute('data-w')) == '0') {
atofind.setAttribute('data-w',('' + atobr.width));
atofind.setAttribute('data-h',('' + atobr.height));
atofind.setAttribute('data-st',('' + document.body.scrollTop));
for (var ivd=0; ivd<threaddivs.length; ivd++) {
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd])) {
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf(atofind.outerHTML) != -1 && !hrdone) {
atofind.setAttribute('data-done', 'y');
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
var pwis=0;
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) {
pwis=eval('' + document.getElementById('primary').getBoundingClientRect().width);
}'' + eval(-40 + eval('' + document.getElementById('container').getBoundingClientRect().width) - pwis) + 'px';
} else {'' + eval(-40 + eval('' + document.getElementById('container').getBoundingClientRect().width) - eval('' + document.getElementById('primary').getBoundingClientRect().width)) + 'px';
}'rgb(70,70,70)';'-0.5px 0.5px 0.5px #952dff';'scroll';'1px dashed red';'touch';
<?php echo $atofind; ?>
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf('<hr title=') != -1) { hrplus=' title='; }
hrparts=document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.split('<hr' + hrplus);
if (eval('' + hrparts.length) > 1) {
hrih='<hr' + hrplus + hrparts[1].split('>')[0] + '>';
if (hrih.indexOf('/>') == -1 && document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf('</hr>') != -1) {
hroh='<hr' + hrplus + hrparts[1].split('>')[0].replace(/\//g,'') + '></hr>';
if (hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') != -1 && hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') < 100) {
reordercontent='<div style=display:none;>' + hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'') + '</div>';
} else {
reordercontent=hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'');
for (var iivd=eval(-2 + eval('' + hrparts.length)); iivd>=0; iivd--) {
if (hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') != -1 && hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') < 100) {
reordercontent+=hroh.replace('<hr','<hr style="display:none;"');
reordercontent='<div style=display:none;>' + hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'') + '</div>';
} else {
reordercontent+=reordercontent=hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'');
if (reordercontent != '') {
atofind.innerHTML+='<br><details title="Thread story ..." open><summary title="Thread story ..."></summary><br>' + reordercontent + '</details>';
function storymember(inoh) {
if (inoh.indexOf('<div data-w=') == 0) { return true; }
if (inoh.indexOf('<details') == 0) { return true; }
if (inoh.indexOf('<div class="entry-content"') == 0) { return true; }
return false;
โ; ?>
โฆ to create a more convincing effect for the user, weโre hoping!
Previous relevant WordPress Blog Thread Story Border SVG Image Tutorial is shown below.
The border-image CSS property, used well, can be a really powerful web design tool. We decided to show a user they were in, like, โstorybook modeโ reading our blog, further to yesterdayโs WordPress Blog Thread Story Mode Tutorial, by applying a new โฆ
- border-image โฆ ala โring binderโ (via use of โ ☌ โconjunctionโ emoji symbol), only on the left โฆ via (header.php, again) โฆ
- SVG โฆ
- text
โฆ using new CSS styling โฆ
.storybook {
border-image: url('data:image/svg+xml,<svg style="font-size:20px;" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="//"><text x="10%" y="80%">โ</text></svg>');
border-image-slice: 0 0 0 100;
border-image-width: 20px;
border-image-outset: 2px;
border-image-repeat: repeat;
padding-left: 20px;
โฆ referenced in a newly introduced PHP variable โฆ
$atofind="\n atofind.className='storybook papers'; \n atofind.oncontextmenu=function(event){'' + eval(0.05 + eval('' +; }; \n";
โฆ used in โstorybookโ class specific Javascript โฆ
<?php echo โ
function storyizecollect() {
var divsall=document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var ivd=0; ivd<divsall.length; ivd++) {
if (divsall[ivd].outerHTML.split('>')[0].indexOf(' post type-post ') != -1) {
threaddivs.push('' + divsall[ivd].id);
function storyresize(atoo) {'' + atoo.getAttribute('data-w') + 'px';
//'' + atoo.getAttribute('data-h') + 'px';'rgba(255,155,55,0.3)';'hidden';
return atoo;
function storyreorder(atofind) {
var hrparts=[], hroh='', reorderedcontent='', hrih='', hrdone=false, hrplus='';
var atobr=atofind.getBoundingClientRect();
if (('' + atofind.getAttribute('data-w')) == '0') {
atofind.setAttribute('data-w',('' + atobr.width));
atofind.setAttribute('data-h',('' + atobr.height));
atofind.setAttribute('data-st',('' + document.body.scrollTop));
for (var ivd=0; ivd<threaddivs.length; ivd++) {
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd])) {
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf(atofind.outerHTML) != -1 && !hrdone) {
atofind.setAttribute('data-done', 'y');
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
var pwis=0;
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)) {
pwis=eval('' + document.getElementById('primary').getBoundingClientRect().width);
}'' + eval(-40 + eval('' + document.getElementById('container').getBoundingClientRect().width) - pwis) + 'px';
} else {'' + eval(-40 + eval('' + document.getElementById('container').getBoundingClientRect().width) - eval('' + document.getElementById('primary').getBoundingClientRect().width)) + 'px';
}'scroll';'1px dashed red';'touch';
<?php echo $atofind; ?>
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf('<hr title=') != -1) { hrplus=' title='; }
hrparts=document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.split('<hr' + hrplus);
if (eval('' + hrparts.length) > 1) {
hrih='<hr' + hrplus + hrparts[1].split('>')[0] + '>';
if (hrih.indexOf('/>') == -1 && document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf('</hr>') != -1) {
hroh='<hr' + hrplus + hrparts[1].split('>')[0].replace(/\//g,'') + '></hr>';
if (hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') != -1 && hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') < 100) {
reordercontent='<div style=display:none;>' + hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'') + '</div>';
} else {
reordercontent=hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'');
for (var iivd=eval(-2 + eval('' + hrparts.length)); iivd>=0; iivd--) {
if (hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') != -1 && hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') < 100) {
reordercontent+=hroh.replace('<hr','<hr style="display:none;"');
reordercontent='<div style=display:none;>' + hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'') + '</div>';
} else {
reordercontent+=reordercontent=hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'');
if (reordercontent != '') {
atofind.innerHTML+='<br><details title="Thread story ..." open><summary title="Thread story ..."></summary><br>' + reordercontent + '</details>';
function storymember(inoh) {
if (inoh.indexOf('<div data-w=') == 0) { return true; }
if (inoh.indexOf('<details') == 0) { return true; }
if (inoh.indexOf('<div class="entry-content"') == 0) { return true; }
return false;
โ; ?>
โฆ โretweakedโ reworking of the โblog posting threadโ order from oldest through to most recent, like a โstoryโ view of the โblog posting threadโ ideas and development. You might notice that we often start a โthreadโ involving the word โPrimerโ in the blog posting title.
Previous relevant WordPress Blog Thread Story Mode Tutorial is shown below.
We feel a โtweakโ coming on. Itโs been a while since the last such โtweakโ. Weโre talking about doing the frequent โฆ
- good olโ โtweakingโ of header.php โฆ owned by our โฆ
- based WordPress Blog โฆ
- theme TwentyTen โฆ means by which we โฆ
- can โtweakโ in the morning, at supper time, and in small cubicles the look and feel and โway it worksโ aspects to the blog you are reading
Yes, itโs mainly header.php we use, though do remember functions.php, footer.php, 404.php and some plugins as well, but the โtweakingโ of header.php is the easiest, for most jobs.
Picking up from the, largely, document.body onload event interventions we make happen this way, we latch onto a previous intervention, and โretweakโ that (past work related to WordPress Is Mentioned By Less Recently Modified Tutorial), today, to add โฆ
New "Story Mode" display of a thread of WordPress blog postings
โฆ this use of โthreadโ not being a technical term, rather how we describe how we string together related blog postings (that usually follow each other reverse chronologically (ie. latest blog posting first)) into, what we term, a โblog posting threadโ.
But yesterday, suddenly, it dawned on us, that this โblog posting threadโ can be confusing for readers coming in to the discussion half way through, or near the end, so why not offer them a new (📖 โฆ ie. story) based (adding to a global var threaddivs=[]; statement part) โฆ
<?php echo โ
function storyizecollect() {
var divsall=document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var ivd=0; ivd<divsall.length; ivd++) {
if (divsall[ivd].outerHTML.split('>')[0].indexOf(' post type-post ') != -1) {
threaddivs.push('' + divsall[ivd].id);
function storyresize(atoo) {
//'' + atoo.getAttribute('data-w') + 'px';
//'' + atoo.getAttribute('data-h') + 'px';'rgba(255,155,55,0.3)';'hidden';
return atoo;
function storyreorder(atofind) {
var hrparts=[], hroh='', reorderedcontent='', hrih='', hrdone=false, hrplus='';
var atobr=atofind.getBoundingClientRect();
atofind.setAttribute('data-w',('' + atobr.width));
atofind.setAttribute('data-h',('' + atobr.height));
atofind.setAttribute('data-st',('' + document.body.scrollTop));
for (var ivd=0; ivd<threaddivs.length; ivd++) {
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd])) {
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf(atofind.outerHTML) != -1 && !hrdone) {
atofind.setAttribute('data-done', 'y');'scroll';'1px dashed red';'touch';'0.4';
if (document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf('<hr title=') != -1) { hrplus=' title='; }
hrparts=document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.split('<hr' + hrplus);
if (eval('' + hrparts.length) > 1) {
hrih='<hr' + hrplus + hrparts[1].split('>')[0] + '>';
if (hrih.indexOf('/>') == -1 && document.getElementById(threaddivs[ivd]).innerHTML.indexOf('</hr>') != -1) {
hroh='<hr' + hrplus + hrparts[1].split('>')[0].replace(/\//g,'') + '></hr>';
if (hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') != -1 && hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') < 100) {
reordercontent='<div style=display:none;>' + hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'') + '</div>';
} else {
reordercontent=hrparts[eval(-1 + eval('' + hrparts.length))].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'');
for (var iivd=eval(-2 + eval('' + hrparts.length)); iivd>=0; iivd--) {
if (hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') != -1 && hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'').indexOf('If this' + ' was interesting ') < 100) {
reordercontent+=hroh.replace('<hr','<hr style="display:none;"');
reordercontent='<div style=display:none;>' + hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'') + '</div>';
} else {
reordercontent+=reordercontent=hrparts[iivd].replace(hrih.replace('<hr' + hrplus,''),'');
if (reordercontent != '') {
atofind.innerHTML+='<br><details title="Thread story ..." open><summary title="Thread story ..."></summary><br>' + reordercontent + '</details>';
function storymember(inoh) {
if (inoh.indexOf('<div data-w=') == 0) { return true; }
if (inoh.indexOf('<details') == 0) { return true; }
return false;
function is_mentioned_by() {
//rppspana=docgetclass("widget-title", "h3");
var zspare,xspare,xxspare,ximb,xpspana=docgetclass("entry-title", "h2"); // search URL returns
for (ximb=0; ximb<xpspana.length; ximb++) {
xspare=xxspare[eval(-1 + xxspare.length)];
zspare=xspare.toLowerCase().replace(String.fromCharCode(35), "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace("+", "").replace("+", "").replace("'", "").replace('%27','').replace(/\//g, "").replace(/,/g, "").replace("---","-").replace("---","-").replace(/--/g,"-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-");
if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf('d' + zspare) == -1) {
xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div style="display:inline-block;border:3px solid rgba(255,165,0,0.4); background-color:rgba(255,255,0,0.3); " id=cc' + zspare + '><a target=_blank style="cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;text-decoration:none; font-size:12px;" ondblclick="dblrplatern(' + String.fromCharCode(39) + xspare + String.fromCharCode(39) + ');" ' + oncm + '"rcrplatern(' + String.fromCharCode(39) + xspare + String.fromCharCode(39) + ');" href=//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + ' " title="Cut to the Chase ... double click ' + oncmt + ' for blog posting image involvement ... to (the gist of) ' + (xspare) + '" id=tcc' + zspare + '>✂</a><a target=_blank style="background: rgba(0,255,0,0.3); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left top, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); background: -o-linear-gradient(bottom right, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom right, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;text-decoration:none;transform: scale(-1, 1); -o-transform: scale(-1, 1); -moz-transform: scale(-1, 1); -ms-transform: scale(-1, 1); -webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1); font-size:12px;" ondblclick="dblrplatern(' + String.fromCharCode(39) + xspare + String.fromCharCode(39) + ');" ' + oncm + '"rcrplatern(' + String.fromCharCode(39) + xspare + String.fromCharCode(39) + ');" href=//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + ' " title="Cut to the Chase ... double click ' + oncmt + ' for blog posting image involvement ... to (the gist of) ' + (xspare) + '" id=ttcc' + zspare + '>🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏼‍♂️</a><iframe style=display:none; id=icc' + zspare + ' src=></iframe></div>';
xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div style="display:inline; background-color:rgba(255,255,0,0.3);" id=d' + zspare + '><a style="cursor:pointer;display:inline;text-decoration:none; border:2px solid yellow;" onclick=" preresize_font(this); document.getElementById(,String.fromCharCode(105))).src=' + "'" + '//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + "'" + '; setTimeout(precheckclass,3000); " title="' + (xspare) + ' is mentioned by ..." id=t' + zspare + '>☞</a><iframe style=display:none; id=i' + zspare + ' src=></iframe></div>';
xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div data-w="0" data-h="0" data-st="0" data-style="-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;overflow:scroll;" data-done="" onclick=" if (' + "('' + " + ' == || 1 == 1) { if (this.getAttribute(' + "'data-done'" + ').length == 0) { storyreorder(this); } else if (storymember( {; storyresize(this).innerHTML=' + "'📖'" + '; this.setAttribute(' + "'data-done',''" + '); window.scrollTo(0,this.getAttribute(' + "'data-st'" + ')); } } " title="Reorder thread blog postings to read like a story ..." style="display:inline-block; text-decoration:none; cursor:pointer; background-color:rgba(255,155,55,0.3);" id=r' + zspare + '>📖</div>';
xpspana=docgetclass("entry-title", "h1"); // real blog postings
for (ximb=0; ximb<xpspana.length; ximb++) {
xspare=xxspare[eval(-1 + xxspare.length)];
zspare=xspare.toLowerCase().replace(String.fromCharCode(35), "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace("+", "").replace("+", "").replace("'", "").replace('%27','').replace(/\//g, "").replace(/,/g, "").replace("---","-").replace("---","-").replace(/--/g,"-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-");
if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf('d' + zspare) == -1) {
xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div style="display:inline-block;border:3px solid rgba(255,165,0,0.4); background-color:rgba(255,255,0,0.3); " id=cc' + zspare + '><a target=_blank style="cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;text-decoration:none; font-size:12px;" ondblclick="dblrplatern(' + String.fromCharCode(39) + xspare + String.fromCharCode(39) + ');" ' + oncm + '"rcrplatern(' + String.fromCharCode(39) + xspare + String.fromCharCode(39) + ');" href=//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + ' " title="Cut to the Chase ... double click ' + oncmt + ' for blog posting image involvement ... to (the gist of) ' + (xspare) + '" id=tcc' + zspare + '>✂</a><a target=_blank style="background: rgba(0,255,0,0.3); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left top, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); background: -o-linear-gradient(bottom right, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom right, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;text-decoration:none;transform: scale(-1, 1); -o-transform: scale(-1, 1); -moz-transform: scale(-1, 1); -ms-transform: scale(-1, 1); -webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1); font-size:12px;" ondblclick="dblrplatern(' + String.fromCharCode(39) + xspare + String.fromCharCode(39) + ');" ' + oncm + '"rcrplatern(' + String.fromCharCode(39) + xspare + String.fromCharCode(39) + ');" href=//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + ' " title="Cut to the Chase ... double click ' + oncmt + ' for blog posting image involvement ... to (the gist of) ' + (xspare) + '" id=ttcc' + zspare + '>🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏼‍♂️</a><iframe style=display:none; id=icc' + zspare + ' src=></iframe></div>';
xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div style="display:inline; background-color:rgba(255,255,0,0.3);" id=d' + zspare + '><a style="cursor:pointer;display:inline;text-decoration:none; border:2px solid yellow;" onclick=" preresize_font(this); document.getElementById(,String.fromCharCode(151))).src=' + "'" + '//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + "'" + '; " setTimeout(precheckclass,3000); title="' + (xspare) + ' is mentioned by ..." id=t' + zspare + '>☞</a><iframe style=display:none; id=i' + zspare + ' src=></iframe></div>';
xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div data-w="0" data-h="0" data-st="0" data-style="-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch;overflow:scroll;" data-done="" onclick=" if (' + "('' + " + ' == || 1 == 1) { if (this.getAttribute(' + "'data-done'" + ').length == 0) { storyreorder(this); } else if (storymember( {; storyresize(this).innerHTML=' + "'📖'" + '; this.setAttribute(' + "'data-done',''" + '); window.scrollTo(0,this.getAttribute(' + "'data-st'" + ')); } } " title="Reorder thread blog postings to read like a story ..." style="display:inline-block; text-decoration:none; cursor:pointer; background-color:rgba(255,155,55,0.3);" id=r' + zspare + '>📖</div>';
โ; ?>
โฆ reworking of the โblog posting threadโ order from oldest through to most recent, like a โstoryโ view of the โblog posting threadโ ideas and development. You might notice that we often start a โthreadโ involving the word โPrimerโ in the blog posting title.
Previous relevant WordPress Is Mentioned By Less Recently Modified Tutorial is shown below.
Supposing you came in here paying scant attention to the Blog Posting Title and its Animated GIF Tutorial picture Iโd like to set you the challenge to look at the build up to organizing the use of the theme for todayโs tutorial, and you try to anticipate what that may be? Up to the challenge? We hope so, because, with respect to the recent WordPress Is Mentioned By Recently Modified Tutorialโs โฆ
- MySql SQL โฆ
$res = mysql_query("SELECT " . $tname . ".post_title, " . $tname . ".guid, " . $tname . ".post_content, LOCATE('" . $ourtitle . "'," . $tname . ".post_content) as tfind, LOCATE('" . $ourother . "'," . $tname . ".post_title) as tother, " . $tname . ".post_date as post_date FROM " . $tname . "
WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . "
AND (1 = 1 OR LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) != LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "')) " . "
AND (" . $tname . ".post_content like CONCAT(CONCAT('%?p='," . $tname . ".guid), '%') " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',permalinkit($ourtitle)) . "%' " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourother) . "%' " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourtitle) . "%') " . " UNION SELECT " . $tname . ".post_title, " . $tname . ".post_content as guid, ' ' as post_content, -1 as tfind, -1 as tother, " . $tname . ".post_modified as post_date FROM " . $tname . " WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' AND " . $tname . ".post_modified > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK " . " UNION SELECT 'Code Download Table' as post_title, " . $tname . ".post_content as guid, '' as post_content, 1 as tfind, 0 as tother, CURTIME() as post_date FROM " . $tname . "
WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . "
AND LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) = LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "') " . "
AND " . $tname . ".post_content like '%GETME%' ORDER BY post_date ");
โฆ we changed it to be โฆ
$res = mysql_query("SELECT " . $tname . ".post_title, " . $tname . ".guid, " . $tname . ".post_content, LOCATE('" . $ourtitle . "'," . $tname . ".post_content) as tfind, LOCATE('" . $ourother . "'," . $tname . ".post_title) as tother, " . $tname . ".post_date as post_date FROM " . $tname . "
WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . "
AND (1 = 1 OR LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) != LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "')) " . "
AND (" . $tname . ".post_content like CONCAT(CONCAT('%?p='," . $tname . ".guid), '%') " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',permalinkit($ourtitle)) . "%' " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourother) . "%' " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourtitle) . "%') " . " UNION SELECT " . $tname . ".post_title, " . $tname . ".post_content as guid, ' ' as post_content, -1 as tfind, (-480 + TIMESTAMPDIFF(MINUTE,NOW()," . $tname . ".post_modified)) as tother, " . $tname . ".post_modified as post_date FROM " . $tname . " WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' AND " . $tname . ".post_modified > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH " . " UNION SELECT 'Code Download Table' as post_title, " . $tname . ".post_content as guid, '' as post_content, 1 as tfind, 0 as tother, CURTIME() as post_date FROM " . $tname . "
WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . "
AND LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) = LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "') " . "
AND " . $tname . ".post_content like '%GETME%' ORDER BY post_date ");
โฆ to fit in with โฆ - we changed themodified is_mentioned_by
phpโs SQL result set logic โif logic frameworkโ โฆ from โฆ
while (($r_array = mysql_fetch_row($res))) {
if ($r_array[3] == "-1" && strtolower($r_array[3]) == strtolower($r_array[4])) {
// this is a member of the modified list (via middle UNION SELECT) of the MySQL SQL query result set
} else if (strtolower($r_array[0]) == strtolower($ourtitle)) {
// matches current post logic goes here
} else {
// does not match current post logic goes here
โฆ to โฆ
while (($r_array = mysql_fetch_row($res))) {
if ($r_array[3] == "-1" && strpos(("" . $r_array[4]), "-") !== false) {
// this is a member of the modified (and less recently modified) list (via middle UNION SELECT) of the MySQL SQL query result set
} else if (strtolower($r_array[0]) == strtolower($ourtitle)) {
// matches current post logic goes here
} else {
// does not match current post logic goes here
โฆ turning a โbinaryโ piece of logic into a โternaryโ (and above) one โฆ as well as, for good olโ header.php we add some global Javascript variables โฆ
var coption='option';
var cdisabled='disabled';
var chidden='hidden';
var cblank='_blank';
Is it apparent to you now what we are using to achieve some new โLess Recently Modified Tutorialโ list data onto the โRecently Modified Tutorialโ list data of below? But how do we go about doing that, that has been an enthusiasm around here, of recent times? What if we could say โฆ
- we changed themodified is_mentioned_by
phpโs SQL result set logic โwithin that top if logicโ โฆ from โฆ
if ($secresult == "") {
$secresult=" <span id=xdrpl><select style=\"background-color:orange;display:inline-block;width:80px;\" id=mr" . permalinkit($ourtitle) . ",\"_blank\"); title=\"Modified recently (over last week)\"><option value=\"\">Modified</option></select></span> ";
$secresult=str_replace('>Modified</option>','>Modified</option><option value=' . permalinkit($r_array[0]) . '>' . $r_array[0] . '</option>', $secresult);
โฆ to โฆ
if ($secresult == "") {
$secresult=" <span id=xdrpl><select style=\"background-color:orange;display:inline-block;width:80px;\" id=mr" . permalinkit($ourtitle) . " onchange=\"if (this.value.trim().length == 0) { var optslst=document.getElementsByTagName(coption); for (var ioptslst=0; ioptslst<optslst.length; ioptslst++) { if (optslst[ioptslst].outerHTML.indexOf(this.value) != -1) { if (optslst[ioptslst].outerHTML.indexOf(cdisabled) != -1) { optslst[ioptslst].removeAttribute(cdisabled); } if (optslst[ioptslst].outerHTML.indexOf(chidden) != -1) { optslst[ioptslst].removeAttribute(chidden); } } } } else {,cblank); }\" title=\"Modified recently (over last week)\"><option value=\"\">Modified</option></select></span> ";
if ($r_array[4] <= -11520) {
$blks=(40 - floor((0 - $r_array[4]) / (24 * 60)));
$optv='<option value="">Enable and show through to ' . (40 - $blks) . ' days';
$altv=' title=""';
for ($iblks=0; $iblks<$blks; $iblks++) {
$altv=str_replace(' title="', ' title=" ', $altv);
$optv=str_replace(' value="', ' value=" ', $optv);
if (strpos($secresult, $optv) !== false) { $secresult=str_replace($optv . " ... ",$optv . " ... " . $r_array[0] . " and ",$secresult); $optv=""; } else { $optv .= " ... " . $r_array[0] . "</option>"; }
$secresult=str_replace('>Modified</option>','>Modified</option>' . $optv . '<option' . $altv . ' value=' . permalinkit($r_array[0]) . ' disabled hidden>' . $r_array[0] . '</option>', $secresult);
} else {
$secresult=str_replace('>Modified</option>','>Modified</option><option value=' . permalinkit($r_array[0]) . '>' . $r_array[0] . '</option>', $secresult);
?> - and does the disabled hidden above tell you more?
Yes, back with the recent Emoji Circuit Quiz Animated Emoji Tutorial you might recall โฆ
Weโve also long been interested in HTML select (dropdown) element option (subelement) disabling and/or hiding (statically or dynamically (as with todayโs Javascript work)), and today, for the first time for us, we put this into action
โฆ and weโve found a new (probably youโd say, โmore aptโ) use of this idea. We differentiate the โฆ
- arguably more potent โweekโs worthโ of modified postings list (as per WordPress Is Mentioned By Recently Modified Tutorialโs situation) โฆ still as is, and โsingly selectableโ โฆ with โฆ
- new less potent (you could argue) โolder than one week and up to one monthโ of modified postings list that can be made โsingly selectableโ by the user (but donโt start that way, because they initially have โhiddenโ and โdisabledโ option element attributes set) โฆ and โฆ
- in order to save space and honour those platforms that really render the โhiddenโ option tags we add โolder than one week and up to one monthโ blog posting titles onto the โselectable day ageโ ones (all causing a select (dropdown) element value property of blank (if trimmed โฆ ie. their length matches (40 โ number of days age)) so that that new Javascript onchange logic can just look for a select element value existing in an option (list) member outerHTML property in order to decide whether to remove the โdisabledโ and โhiddenโ properties initially populated into those option โolder than one week and up to one monthโ elements
Now can we recommend turning off the โscant attentionโ and having a look at todayโs animated GIF tutorial picture showing a bit of how this new functionality works in practice here at the WordPress TwentyTen themed blog you are reading up with the โ emoji button (you click) above.
For biassed moi, just another reason to keep on admiring and using the ever useful HTML select (dropdown) element in our web applications.
Previous relevant WordPress Is Mentioned By Recently Modified Tutorial is shown below.
Administering this blog there are two major criteria that would cause a blog postingโs modified date to change, that being โฆ
- at this blog we schedule one new blog post per day โฆ and โฆ
- as we see things, on an ad hoc basis, weโll make changes
โฆ but that โRecent Postsโ widget you see at this blog only reflects blog post criteria 1 above. Supposing you are following a thread of blog posts or an old blog post, try out the code and see that there is something amiss. How could this possibly be so! Yes, humanity rainsreigns, and we are scouring the postings you might visit to see what you might see, as a basis for revisits to code of the past.
And pretty naturally, if we find an issue, and can do something about it, with that category 2 blog posting type above, we may change one or other or both of โฆ
- the underlying code of said category 2 blog posting โฆ and/or, as applicable โฆ
- the blog posting content of said category 2 blog posting
โฆ the latter of which will cause that blog postingโs modified date to change, and as of today, adding onto yesterdayโs WordPress Is Mentioned By Posting Order Tutorial, your clicking of โIs Mentioned Byโ โ โemoji buttonโ above to change the โRecent Postsโ widget title to โRecent Postsโ, that (select element) dropdown populated in chronological order by a weekโs worth of modified date changes at this blog. Using this, you may get an update to something you cannot figure, else drop us a line.
What needed to change for this? Well, first off, weโd like to thank the inspiration of 27 Handy SQL Query Hacks for WordPress for the means by which wechanged is_mentioned_byphpโs central SQL SELECT (DML) statement should receive a new UNION clause as per โฆ
$res = mysql_query("SELECT " . $tname . ".post_title, " . $tname . ".guid, " . $tname . ".post_content, LOCATE('" . $ourtitle . "'," . $tname . ".post_content) as tfind, LOCATE('" . $ourother . "'," . $tname . ".post_title) as tother, " . $tname . ".post_date as post_date FROM " . $tname . "
WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . "
AND (1 = 1 OR LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) != LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "')) " . "
AND (" . $tname . ".post_content like CONCAT(CONCAT('%?p='," . $tname . ".guid), '%') " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',permalinkit($ourtitle)) . "%' " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourother) . "%' " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourtitle) . "%') " . " UNION SELECT " . $tname . ".post_title, " . $tname . ".post_content as guid, ' ' as post_content, -1 as tfind, -1 as tother, " . $tname . ".post_modified as post_date FROM " . $tname . " WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' AND " . $tname . ".post_modified > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK " . " UNION SELECT 'Code Download Table' as post_title, " . $tname . ".post_content as guid, '' as post_content, 1 as tfind, 0 as tother, CURTIME() as post_date FROM " . $tname . "
WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . "
AND LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) = LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "') " . "
AND " . $tname . ".post_content like '%GETME%' ORDER BY post_date ");
โฆ that -1 as tfind, -1 as tother an intentional ploy to fit in with a new โifโ clause in the PHP (that loops through database record reads of the MySql SQL query above) as per โฆ
if ($res == 0) {
if (1 == 2) echo("<b>Error " . mysql_errno() . ": " . mysql_error() . "</b>");
} else if (mysql_num_rows($res) == 0) {
if (1 == 2) echo("<b>Query executed successfully</b>");
$retval = str_replace(" }", " parent.document.getElementById('d" . permalinkit($ourtitle) . "').innerHTML='<select style=background-color:yellow; id=" . permalinkit($ourtitle) . ",\"_blank\"); title=\"Is mentioned by\"><option value=\"\">Sadly, this tutorial is not mentioned by any others, yet</option></select>'; }", $retval);
} else {
while (($r_array = mysql_fetch_row($res))) {
if ($r_array[3] == "-1" && strtolower($r_array[3]) == strtolower($r_array[4])) {
if ($secresult == "") {
$secresult=" <span id=xdrpl><select style=\"background-color:orange;display:inline-block;width:80px;\" id=mr" . permalinkit($ourtitle) . ",\"_blank\"); title=\"Modified recently (over last week)\"><option value=\"\">Modified</option></select></span> ";
$secresult=str_replace('>Modified</option>','>Modified</option><option value=' . permalinkit($r_array[0]) . '>' . $r_array[0] . '</option>', $secresult);
} else if (strtolower($r_array[0]) == strtolower($ourtitle)) {
$retval = str_replace(" }", " isize++; theseopts=theseopts.replace(' size=' + eval(-1 + isize) + ' ', ' size=' + isize + ' ').replace('>','><option value=" . permalinkit($r_array[0]) . " selected>" . $r_array[0] . pluckfirstreal($r_array[2]) . "</option>'); }", $retval);
} else {
$pdate = $r_array[1];
if ($retval == "") {
$retval = str_replace(" }", " var theseoptions='<select style=background-color:yellow; id=" . permalinkit($ourtitle) . ",\"_blank\"); title=\"Is mentioned by\"><option value=\"\">This tutorial is mentioned by ...</option></select>'; }", $retval);
$retval = str_replace(" }", " var theseopts='<select si' + 'ze=0 style=width:100%;background-color:#f0f0f0; class=select_ms id=z" . permalinkit($ourtitle) . " onchange=changed(this.value,ocb); title=\"Is part of a blog posting thread ... and you can select multiple tutorials to show\"></selec' + 't>'; }", $retval);
if ($r_array[3] != "0") $retval = str_replace(" }", " theseoptions=theseoptions.replace('</select>','<option value=" . permalinkit($r_array[0]) . ">" . $r_array[0] . "</option></select>'); }", $retval);
if ($criteria != "") {
if (str_replace($criteria, "", $r_array[0]) != $r_array[0] && $r_array[4] != "0") {
$found = true;
$retval = str_replace(" }", " isize++; theseopts=theseopts.replace(' size=' + eval(-1 + isize) + ' ', ' size=' + isize + ' ').replace('>','><option value=" . permalinkit($r_array[0]) . ">" . $r_array[0] . pluckfirstreal($r_array[2]) . "</option>'); }", $retval);
if ($retval != "") {
if (!$found) {
$retval = str_replace(" }", " theseopts=''; }", $retval);
} else {
$retval = str_replace(" }", " theseoptions+=(' ' + theseopts); }", $retval);
$retval = str_replace(" }", " parent.document.getElementById('d" . permalinkit($ourtitle) . "').innerHTML=theseoptions; parent.checkclass(\"\"); }", $retval);
mysql_close($link); // close the MySql database connection
if ($retval != "") {
if ($secresult != "") {
$retval=str_replace("></selec' + 't>';", "></selec' + 't>' + '" . $secresult . "'; ", $retval);
echo $retval; // this get communicated back to TwentyTen theme's header.php changes as explained below ...
โฆ teaming up with this blogโs TwentyTen themeโs (good olโ) header.php changes (to suit above) that go โฆ
var rppspana=null;
function rpcheck() {
if (rppspana == null) {
var h3sare=document.getElementsByTagName('h3');
for (var ih3sare=0; ih3sare<h3sare.length; ih3sare++) {
if (('' + h3sare[ih3sare].innerHTML).indexOf('cent Post') != -1) { rppspana=h3sare[ih3sare]; }
if (rppspana != null && document.getElementById('xdrpl')) {
if (rppspana.innerHTML.indexOf('cent Post') != -1 && document.getElementById('xdrpl').innerHTML != '') {
var dx=document.getElementById('xdrpl').innerHTML;
rppspana.innerHTML=rppspana.innerHTML.replace('cent Post', 'cent ' + dx + ' Post');
} else {
setTimeout(rpcheck, 4000);
} else if (document.getElementById('xdrpl')) {
setTimeout(rpcheck, 4000);
} else if (rppspana != null) {
setTimeout(rpcheck, 4000);
function preresize_font(aois) {
setTimeout(rpcheck, 3000);'t','d');
function is_mentioned_by() {
var zspare,xspare,xxspare,ximb,xpspana=docgetclass("entry-title", "h2"); // search URL returns
for (ximb=0; ximb<xpspana.length; ximb++) {
xspare=xxspare[eval(-1 + xxspare.length)];
zspare=xspare.toLowerCase().replace(String.fromCharCode(35), "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace("+", "").replace("+", "").replace("'", "").replace('%27','').replace(/\//g, "").replace(/,/g, "").replace("---","-").replace("---","-").replace(/--/g,"-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-");
if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf('d' + zspare) == -1) {
xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div style="display:inline-block;border:3px solid rgba(255,165,0,0.4); background-color:rgba(255,255,0,0.3); " id=cc' + zspare + '><a target=_blank style="cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;text-decoration:none; font-size:12px;" href=//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + ' " title="Cut to the Chase to (the gist of) ' + (xspare) + '" id=tcc' + zspare + '></a><a target=_blank style="background: rgba(0,255,0,0.3); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left top, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); background: -o-linear-gradient(bottom right, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom right, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;text-decoration:none;transform: scale(-1, 1); -o-transform: scale(-1, 1); -moz-transform: scale(-1, 1); -ms-transform: scale(-1, 1); -webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1); font-size:12px;" href=//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + ' " title="Cut to the Chase to (the gist of) ' + (xspare) + '" id=ttcc' + zspare + '>
</a><iframe style=display:none; id=icc' + zspare + ' src=></iframe></div>';
xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div style="display:inline; background-color:rgba(255,255,0,0.3);" id=d' + zspare + '><a style="cursor:pointer;display:inline;text-decoration:none; border:2px solid yellow;" onclick=" preresize_font(this); document.getElementById(,String.fromCharCode(105))).src=' + "'" + '//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + "'" + '; setTimeout(precheckclass,3000); " title="' + (xspare) + ' is mentioned by ..." id=t' + zspare + '>โ</a><iframe style=display:none; id=i' + zspare + ' src=></iframe></div>';
xpspana=docgetclass("entry-title", "h1"); // real blog postings
for (ximb=0; ximb<xpspana.length; ximb++) {
xspare=xxspare[eval(-1 + xxspare.length)];
zspare=xspare.toLowerCase().replace(String.fromCharCode(35), "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace("+", "").replace("+", "").replace("'", "").replace('%27','').replace(/\//g, "").replace(/,/g, "").replace("---","-").replace("---","-").replace(/--/g,"-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-");
if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf('d' + zspare) == -1) {
xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div style="display:inline-block;border:3px solid rgba(255,165,0,0.4); background-color:rgba(255,255,0,0.3); " id=cc' + zspare + '><a target=_blank style="cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;text-decoration:none; font-size:12px;" href=//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + ' " title="Cut to the Chase to (the gist of) ' + (xspare) + '" id=tcc' + zspare + '></a><a target=_blank style="background: rgba(0,255,0,0.3); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left top, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); background: -o-linear-gradient(bottom right, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom right, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, rgba(0,255,0,0.3), rgba(255,255,0,0.3)); cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;text-decoration:none;transform: scale(-1, 1); -o-transform: scale(-1, 1); -moz-transform: scale(-1, 1); -ms-transform: scale(-1, 1); -webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1); font-size:12px;" href=//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + ' " title="Cut to the Chase to (the gist of) ' + (xspare) + '" id=ttcc' + zspare + '>
</a><iframe style=display:none; id=icc' + zspare + ' src=></iframe></div>';
xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div style="display:inline; background-color:rgba(255,255,0,0.3);" id=d' + zspare + '><a style="cursor:pointer;display:inline;text-decoration:none; border:2px solid yellow;" onclick=" preresize_font(this); document.getElementById(,String.fromCharCode(151))).src=' + "'" + '//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + "'" + '; " setTimeout(precheckclass,3000); title="' + (xspare) + ' is mentioned by ..." id=t' + zspare + '>โ</a><iframe style=display:none; id=i' + zspare + ' src=></iframe></div>';
โฆ to move this newly created โModifiedโ (select element) dropdown from the Blog Posting content area over to the title of the Recent Posts widget to become that โRecent Postsโ dropdown populated with a weekโs worth of modified date changed blog posting titles that if selected navigate the user onto that blog posting.
Previous relevant WordPress Is Mentioned By Posting Order Tutorial is shown below.
We are revisiting the WordPress Blog โIs Mentioned Byโ functionality talked about at WordPress Is Mentioned By Posting Thread Tutorial for a few reasons โฆ
- the order of blog postings that could end up on dropdowns as a result of this PHP code was not always chronological โฆ and โฆ
- the โฆ โglimpse intoโ wording on the dropdown options told us (the users) nothing โฆ and โฆ
- the navigation off a user selected dropdown option was flaky and sporadic
โฆ so letโs talk about these in more depth below โฆ
- the order of blog postings that could end up on dropdowns as a result of this PHP code was not always chronological โฆ so โฆ wechanged is_mentioned_by
phpโs central bit of SELECT (DML) SQL as per โฆ
$res = mysql_query("SELECT " . $tname . ".post_title, " . $tname . ".guid, " . $tname . ".post_content, LOCATE('" . $ourtitle . "'," . $tname . ".post_content) as tfind, LOCATE('" . $ourother . "'," . $tname . ".post_title) as tother, " . $tname . ".post_date as post_date FROM " . $tname . "
WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . "
AND (1 = 1 OR LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) != LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "')) " . "
AND (" . $tname . ".post_content like CONCAT(CONCAT('%?p='," . $tname . ".guid), '%') " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',permalinkit($ourtitle)) . "%' " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourother) . "%' " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourtitle) . "%') UNION SELECT 'Code Download Table' as post_title, " . $tname . ".post_content as guid, '' as post_content, 1 as tfind, 0 as tother, CURTIME() as post_date FROM " . $tname . "
WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . "
AND LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) = LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "') " . "
AND " . $tname . ".post_content like '%GETME%' ORDER BY post_date ");
โฆ noting that ORDER BY clause fields should appear in the (SELECT) column list, and we chose to put it at the end (of that list) to avoid any array indexing code changes - the โฆ โglimpse intoโ wording on the dropdown options told us (the users) nothing โฆ so โฆ wechanged is_mentioned_by
phpโs โfunction pluckfirstrealโ as per โฆ
function pluckfirstreal($pcont) {
if (strpos($xpcont, "[/caption]</p>") !== false) {
$xpcont=explode("[/caption]</p>", $pcont)[1];
} else if (strpos($xpcont, "[/caption]") !== false) {
$xpcont=explode("[/caption]", $pcont)[1];
$paras = explode("</p", str_replace("<p", "</p", $xpcont));
if (sizeof($paras) > 2) {
$oth = explode("<", $paras[1]);
$retval = " ... ";
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($oth); $i++) {
$huh = explode(">", $oth[$i]);
$retval .= str_replace("'", "`", str_replace("}", " ", str_replace("{", " ", $huh[-1 + sizeof($huh)])));
return substr($retval,0,200);
return "";
?> - the navigation off a user selected dropdown option was flaky and sporadic โฆ so โฆ in (good olโ) header.php of the WordPress Blog TwentyTen theme folder we changed โฆ
function changed(inval,intxt) {
if (1 == 1 || navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
if (callwhat.length == 0) {
if (callwhat.length > 1) {
if (prevxcmd != "") {
} else if (prevcmd != "") {
prevxcmd="parentwino('" + inval + "','" + intxt.toLowerCase() + "','top=50,left=50,width=600,height=600')";
} else if (callwhat.length == 1) {
if (sitlist.indexOf(',') != -1) {
var invala=sitlist.split(',');
for (var ip=0; ip<invala.length; ip++) {
if (prevxcmd != "") {
} else if (prevcmd != "") {
prevxcmd="parentwino('" + invala[ip] + "','" + intxt.toLowerCase() + "','top=50,left=50,width=600,height=600')";
} else if (1 == 1) {
} else {
if (prevcmd != "") {
} else if (prevxcmd != "") {
eval(prevxcmd.replace("'top=50,left=50,width=600,height=600'", "''"));
prevcmd="parentwino('" + inval + "','" + intxt.toLowerCase() + "','')";
function antiaway() {
if (document.getElementById('hfloater') && document.getElementById('aaway')) {
document.getElementById('hfloater').innerHTML=document.getElementById('hfloater').innerHTML.replace(' ' + document.getElementById('aaway').outerHTML, '');
function parentwino(a, b, c) {
var woisp=null, eqas=null;
if (c == "") {
try {
if (woisp == null && document.getElementById('hfloater')) { // && !navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
document.getElementById('hfloater').innerHTML+=' <a id="aaway" target="_blank" href="' + a + '" style="display:none;">WOpen</a>';
setTimeout(antiaway, 4300);
} else {,b);
} catch(eqas) {
return woisp; //,b);
} else {
try {
if (woisp == null && document.getElementById('hfloater')) { // && !navigator.userAgent.match(/Android|BlackBerry|iPhone|iPad|iPod|Opera Mini|IEMobile/i)) {
document.getElementById('hfloater').innerHTML+=' <a id="aaway" target="_blank" href="' + a + '" style="display:none;">WOpen</a>';
setTimeout(antiaway, 4300);
} else {,b,c);
} catch(eqas) {
return woisp; //,b,c);
โฆ helping reduce the amount of Javascript we call (and use) - query the MySql database with a more complex query that results in data for โฆ
- โis mentioned byโ and โis part of a blog posting threadโ are represented by two separate dropdowns โฆ and โฆ
- in order to show you the context of the current blog posting in a blog posting โthreadโ we have an HTML select size property set to the number of dropdown records โฆ alas, mobile platforms do not honour the
size property regarding their display of dropdowns โฆ display and set the selected property to the current blog postingโs entry, with this entry consisting of โฆ - a blog posting title and the first paragraph of content are put into the โis part of a blog posting threadโ dropdown option text to enhance the context for the user, shown this list with the most recent posting first down in reverse chronological order to the older blog posting of the โthreadโ down the bottom
- clicking the action item of HTML at the parent โฆ all the way through to โฆ
- the responder โchildโ, often serverside code (for us, PHP), finishing its work and fixing the parent webpage to indicate that it has finished its work
- if you are writing commercial software code there could well be an UX expectation that you would code for this, to keep the user informed at all times โฆ and โฆ
- it could be the case that the database crashes at that very โclickingโ moment, and though your responder may not get back to the parent with information, at least if youโve coded for the scenario back at the client, at least the user will know something is being attempted, even if it doesnโt appear to be succeeding, which is less frustrating than getting no information at all, which could be mistaken for software code โhangingโ โฆ definitely not a great UX feel, or look
- additional progress bar โฆ like
- additional meter โฆ like
- something you just clicked, changing appearance cyclically over time
- one blog posting bit of HTML body HTML โฆ
- the is_mentioned_by function renamed to was_is_mentioned_by and a new is_mentioned_by worked until it works, tested via the Safari web browserโs Develop menuโs Web Inspector (similar to the Firefox Firebug web inspector we tend to go on and on and on and on and on and on about at this blog)
- wreck the connection to MySql โฆ and then intervene to โฆ
- change the die message to instead sleep(18) before showing โSadly, this tutorial is not mentioned by any others, yetโ โฆ at which time our changes should look good UX wise for the user
- we build on yesterdayโs WordPress Is Mentioned By Code Download Navigation Tutorial changes involving the Code Download Table and the GET parameter calling methods, but this time come at it from a styling perspective that would have been referenced with PHP Blog Summary Follow Up Tutorial โฆ so we โฆ
- change the PHP that creates the HTML for displaying the Code Download Table, and that is accessed by our web server at RJM Programming using the Crontab/Curl โdynamic duoโ (we often look at) โฆ that uses โฆ
- changes to Javascript jQuery code to dynamically change CSS (we were last talking about with Javascript jQuery More Filtering Tutorial) โฆ sometimes mimicing โฆ
- CSS Complex Selector functionality (weโve last talked about with WordPress Blog Complex Selectors Tutorial), but via the use of jQuery methods like parent() and siblings() methods โฆ and only being called, as for yesterdayโs scenario, where โฆ
- the window.document.hashtag property contains โGETMEโ (a navigation approach we were last exploring with Navigation Scrolling Trapping Image Tutorial some time back)
- A blog posting being referred to โฆ back, optionally, as a link, to โฆ
- A blog posting that mentioned that blog posting currently being viewed
- โฆ using the hashtagging for a date โฆ as you see with these changes to is_mentioned_byphp at the left hand column of the Code Download Table โฆ did a couple of unit tests seeing the first one work, the second one work if you take it a day back, and the third one not work at all, at which point it tweaked with us that the date in the Code Download Table is a date reflected by the software code fileโs modified date, not the WordPress Blog Posting publication date, that we can derive off our amended query โฆ so that being less friendly than we envisaged we end up โฆ
- โฆ using the very interesting hashtagging that particularizes the filename, where the read file extension (minus all the โGETMEโ and โ-โโs and โ_โโs that is) is taken out of the prefix to the hashtag, and made into a suffix โฆ like โanalogue_clock.-GETMEhtmlโ for Analogue Clock Timezone Tutorial that is exemplified in todayโs tutorial
picture and as you can see the changes for at this is_mentioned_byphp link
- see the image in your favoured web browser with the URL //localhost:8888/image.jpg โฆ then โฆ
- change that image somehow with an image editor โฆ and โฆ
- refresh, or revisit the image with the URL //localhost:8888/image.jpg โฆ and youโll probably see the cached web server version โฆ unless you havenโt got web browser caching going โฆ so amend this to โฆ
- revisit the image with the URL //localhost:8888/image.jpg?random=7456536 โฆ and this time we think youโll see the amended image that happened with your image editing โฆ and yes, you can add GET parameters to your URLs even for image URLs (often, most helpfully with image URLs, actually)
- A blog posting being referred to โฆ back, optionally, as a link, to โฆ
- A blog posting that mentioned that blog posting currently being viewed
- a blog posting that was referred to by others โฆ and โฆ
- a blog posting that wasnโt โฆ doh! โฆ but if you donโt change something about the โlook of thingsโ youโll confuse the user as to whether the web application just took notice of their click (via the onclick event) โฆ so this is of mild importance, but we grant you that it is not as important as the first scenarioโs workings
To try this, try the โ โemoji buttonโ above.
Previous relevant WordPress Is Mentioned By Posting Thread Tutorial is shown below.
At this blog we are keen for users to learn one off ideas and on occasions linked โthreadedโ (or blog postings of a theme) ones.
The last WordPress Blog (TwentyTen theme) โIs Mentioned byโ functionality is good for certain scenarios, but what if you arrive at a blog posting that is part of a โthreadedโ series of blog postings? We normally show you older ones and thatโs fine. But Iโm not so much talking about the avid reader here who follows it โhot off the pressโ but more the users finding things off search engines, coming to this blog, and the posting they get to may not be the last in the โthreadโ. Below the blog posting they log in at, the reader can read all the information of the past to do with the thread, but what of getting it into context, relative to the entire โthreadโ up to that point, or out more recently โbeyondโ it? Well, that is the purpose of todayโs extension of functionality to the WordPress Blog โIs Mentioned byโ functionality we last finished up discussing with WordPress Is Mentioned By Code Download Progress Tutorial as shown below.
Surprisingly the WordPress Blog TwentyTen themeโs header.php does not need to change to make this happen. The PHP that queries the WordPress MySql database can handle all the change today, and ended up looking like is_mentioned_byphp changing thisway.
The method is to โฆ
Below in bold is how the MySql query got more complex โฆ
$res = mysql_query("SELECT " . $tname . ".post_title, " . $tname . ".guid, " . $tname . ".post_content, LOCATE('" . $ourtitle . "'," . $tname . ".post_content) as tfind, LOCATE('" . $ourother . "'," . $tname . ".post_title) as tother FROM " . $tname . "
WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . "
AND (1 = 1 OR LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) != LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "')) " . "
AND (" . $tname . ".post_content like CONCAT(CONCAT('%?p='," . $tname . ".guid), '%') " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',permalinkit($ourtitle)) . "%' " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourother) . "%' " . "
OR " . $tname . ".post_content like '%" . str_replace('youllneverfindthis','%',$ourtitle) . "%') UNION SELECT 'Code Download Table' as post_title, " . $tname . ".post_content as guid, '' as post_content, 1 as tfind, 0 as tother FROM " . $tname . "
WHERE " . $tname . ".post_status = 'publish' " . "
AND LOWER(" . $tname . ".post_title) = LOWER('" . $ourtitle . "') " . "
AND " . $tname . ".post_content like '%GETME%'");
where the (new) variable $ourother is set to being the first few words of the blog posting title.
In order to โpluck outโ one paragraph from the content (of variable $pcont) we use โฆ
function pluckfirstreal($pcont) {
$paras = explode("</p", str_replace("<p", "</p", $pcont));
if (sizeof($paras) > 2) {
$oth = explode("<", $paras[1]);
$retval = " ... ";
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($oth); $i++) {
$huh = explode(">", $oth[$i]);
$retval .= str_replace("'", "`", str_replace("}", " ", str_replace("{", " ", $huh[-1 + sizeof($huh)])));
return substr($retval,0,200);
return "";
โฆ to append to the blog posting title as the userโs dropdown text for contextual purposes.
Stop Press
Was this a Bad Day at Black Rock? We revisit this work with WordPress Is Mentioned By Posting Order Tutorial.
Previous relevant WordPress Is Mentioned By Code Download Progress Tutorial is shown below.
There are various approaches with user experience (UX) considerations regarding putting a web application user at their ease as they wait for a response. Iโm talking about where the response is coming from a separate serverside script doing something that may take a while, such as querying a database for instance, and that responder will do the work back at its parent to say it has finished its job. Given all this, you may be asking โWhat is there left to worry about, with the user, if the responder is doing this?โ. Well, there is that amount of time between โฆ
Now, we all hope this time period is short, and, hopefully, most of the time, it is short, and perhaps it is โoverkillโ to worry about doing anything here. However there are some things to consider โฆ
Now there are a variety of client code approaches for showing โprogressโ, such as โฆ
That last one appeals to us for a recent bit of functionality we added to this WordPress Blog you are reading, as well as for the fact that what we show โprogressโ on is difficult to numerically quantify as far as completion time is concerned, and so the first two above are not as suitable. We actually change the HTML div element font size to make an emoji โbuttonโ pressed โthrobโ while the user waits for the PHP and MySql query to respond back. Do you remember our thread of blog posting that used to end with WordPress Is Mentioned By Code Download CSS Tutorial? Thatโs the functionality weโre talking about today, as we do at WordPress 4.1.1โs WordPress Is Mentioned By Code Download Progress Tutorial.
Now reading that previous linkโs content below, you may see that we have considered the scenario of the child responder not finding any mentions and responding with โฆ
Sadly, this tutorial is not mentioned by any others, yet
โฆ which is good, but it may either take a long time for the responder to work this out, or, as weโve indicated above, the responderโs mechanism for finding out may fail, and weโre dealing with that, from the perspective of the user looking at the client webpage, and waiting for information after clicking that emoji link we introduced when we did that work in that tutorial.
We decided to prove our method with a โproof of conceptโ local MAMP web server HTML and Javascript and CSS parent taking โฆ
โฆ that took the form of this imb_pochtml โฆ supervising the reworked PHP serverside code is_mentioned_by.php on MAMP that is, deliberately, made to โฆ
We must stress this about โproof of conceptโ. Donโt waste time on โproof of conceptโ with too much fine grain simulation of the original scenario, if it is not involved in what you are proving, that is different, and is what is being tested here. See how it can even be that it suits the purposes of some โproof of conceptโ scenarios, like todayโs, that you wreck the MySql connection in a progress โproof of conceptโ scenario, for example?
We made these WordPress Blog changes in good olโ TwentyTen themed header.php, as we so often do, and show changed code bold below โฆ
var ourfs=21, zzzspare='';
// ...
// lots of other Javascript code
// ...
// down to ...
function preresize_font(aois) {'t','d');
function resize_font() {
ourfs=eval((ourfs + 5) % 45);
if (document.getElementById(zzzspare).innerHTML.indexOf('<select ') != -1) {
} else {
setTimeout(resize_font, 500);
document.getElementById(zzzspare).style.fontSize='' + ourfs + 'px';
function is_mentioned_by() {
var zspare,xspare,xxspare,ximb,xpspana=docgetclass("entry-title", "h2");
for (ximb=0; ximb<xpspana.length; ximb++) {
xspare=xxspare[eval(-1 + xxspare.length)];
zspare=xspare.toLowerCase().replace(String.fromCharCode(35), "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace("+", "").replace("+", "").replace("'", "").replace('%27','').replace(/\//g, "").replace(/,/g, "").replace("---","-").replace("---","-").replace(/--/g,"-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-");
if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf('d' + zspare) == -1) xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div style="display:inline;" id=d' + zspare + '><a style="cursor:pointer;display:inline;text-decoration:none; border:2px solid yellow;" onclick=" preresize_font(this); document.getElementById(,String.fromCharCode(105))).src=' + "'" + '//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + "'" + '; " title="' + (xspare) + ' is mentioned by ..." id=t' + zspare + '>โ</a><iframe style=display:none; id=i' + zspare + ' src=></iframe></div>';
xpspana=docgetclass("entry-title", "h1");
for (ximb=0; ximb<xpspana.length; ximb++) {
xspare=xxspare[eval(-1 + xxspare.length)];
zspare=xspare.toLowerCase().replace(String.fromCharCode(35), "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace("+", "").replace("+", "").replace("'", "").replace('%27','').replace(/\//g, "").replace(/,/g, "").replace("---","-").replace("---","-").replace(/--/g,"-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-");
if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf('d' + zspare) == -1) xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div style="display:inline;" id=d' + zspare + '><a style="cursor:pointer;display:inline;text-decoration:none; border:2px solid yellow;" onclick=" preresize_font(this); document.getElementById(,String.fromCharCode(151))).src=' + "'" + '//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + "'" + '; " title="' + (xspare) + ' is mentioned by ..." id=t' + zspare + '>โ</a><iframe style=display:none; id=i' + zspare + ' src=></iframe></div>';
โฆ where is_mentioned_by function is called by the document.body onload event, to trigger all this. You can see some of all this with todayโs tutorial picture, and by trying to click some of the right pointing emoji โ โis mentioned byโ functionality โbuttonsโ you see next to Blog Posting Titles around you here at this WordPress TwentyTen themed blog, but hereโs hoping you donโt see too many throbbing emojis โฆ heaven forbid?!
Stop Press
More regarding this CSS cursor property tomorrow.
Previous relevant WordPress Is Mentioned By Code Download CSS Tutorial is shown below.
A few things come together for todayโs user experience (UX) inspired tutorial whereby โฆ
โฆ to make what we are doing stand out more for the user, who may โswimโ in a large table devoid of any styling to focus their attention.
Weโll leave you with modified PHP, that writes out the HTML Code Download Table manipulator, you could call getmelistphp and which changed in thisway to make the Code Download Table be more usercentric with its presentation of hashtagged calls linking a WordPress Blog Posting at this blog with a particular piece of software code of interest in our Code Download Table.
Hope you try this functionality out for yourself.
Previous relevant WordPress Is Mentioned By Code Download Navigation Tutorial is shown below.
Weโre following up on some recent WordPress navigation logic today, that we started with WordPress Is Mentioned By Navigation Primer Tutorial as shown below, for blog posting relationships between โฆ
โฆ and looking at this premise, it stands to reason that as helpful as this concept looks on paper, if a regular reader expects a recent posting be referred to by others โhot off the pressโ theyโd be expecting quite a lot, and though what they get in this scenario โฆ
Sadly, this tutorial is not mentioned by any others, yet
โฆ probably does a good job tweaking them to the dilemma of โhot off the pressโ being โtoo recent to be referred toโ it still remains a disappointment, perhaps. So, thinking a tad laterally on this, what is going to help out here will be to particularize the scenario for what we do around here โฆ and am sorry if this annoys, but we are showing a line of thinking here โฆ and allow for Blog Posts that contain the word โGETMEโ โฆ our favourite code download mechanism around here โฆ to add a โCode Download Tableโ dropdown option, that if selected will lob the user directly onto the RJM Programming Code Download Table entry for the first โGETMEโ file link found in that blog posting. This additional scouring of the MySql database, that utilizes the SQL UNION operator (the โadding an extra clause or paragraphโ SQL operator, we like to think of it as) with its query, will not be relevant to all unmentioned blog postings, but it will help those that talk about software coding, which is quite a few.
That functionality had us looking back at how the Code Download Table was constructed in terms of its hashtagging when we discussed PHP Blog Summary Follow Up Tutorial. In this way, we had a first try at โฆ
So it panned out to make this happen the original Code Download Table code did not need any tweaking, not good olโ WordPress TwentyTen theme header.php โฆ just is_mentioned_byphp โฆ but we hope you try out clicking some โWhite Right Pointing Indexโ emoji โฆ
โฆ at this WordPress blog sometime soon.
Did you know?
What gives with the &tsp=[someBigNumber] GET parameter โฆ like is yellow highlighted in todayโs tutorialpicture โฆ in the โCode Download Tableโ lookup URLs? This is so that we end up with different URLs each time a user accesses this functionality. This is because web browsers often try to help you out with speeding up your browsing, and use the web browser cache to โregurgitateโ a previously visited URL should that have happened since the last clearing of any web browser cache, to โslapโ the cache version quickly on the screen. But we donโt want any โslappingโ to go on around our functionality today, and a way to force the web browser to reconsider the real lookup, and go back to the real web server again for data, is to make your URL be unique. A curiosity here you can try is to use something like a local MAMP (for Mac or EasyPHP for Windows) local web server to, for an image file called image.jpg that is put into the Apache web serverโs Document Root โฆ
Previous relevant WordPress Is Mentioned By Navigation Primer Tutorial is shown below.
Weโve written some new WordPress navigation logic today, for blog posting relationships between โฆ
โฆ done, because we see that it is not only the โverticalโ type linking of blog postings into a โthreadโ that helps understanding โฆ we hope โฆ but also to jump around among commonalities between concepts (like โhorizontalโ โdegrees of separationโ), perhaps. This functionality involves MySql database queries, and is best suited to a user clicks something (rather than pre-emptive content loading) to reach the functionality so that our database query has a post title to work with, and also so that every blog post does not overload the web server with a query ahead of time whose work may not be accessed anyway. The something that is clicked is an HTML a tag whose โlookโ is an Emoji.
We also wrote a proof of concept, before applying that proof of concept live. To us, a โproof of conceptโ is not much use if it is as involved as what it is trying to prove, and in todayโs scenario we did a proof of concept for two scenarios, that being โฆ
We quite often adopt a proof of concept scenario which tests the workings of a child (often in an HTML iframe element), in this case, PHP server side, piece of code, by introducing a simplified and pared down parent, in this case HTML piece of code. At the end of successful testing you are left with a good, and close to totally suitable child piece of code, to slot into the functionality of the real and live parent code.
That proof of concept was definitely a good โunit testingโ thing to do, but nevertheless, donโt feel overconfident as you go live โฆ living with other real โgoings onโ on the live website are things to consider, and test โฆ it took us half an hour to iron out these types of issues.
The other good thing to have on your side is a Web Inspector like on Safari, similar to the Firefox Firebug web inspector we tend to go on and on and on and on and on and on about at this blog. Weโre giving you a Safari rest on that today, and we want to show you an โearly daysโ view โฆ
โฆ in the proof of concept help that the Safari Web Inspector gave us, delving in under the called (by HTML parent) PHPโs actions. This type of information makes server side programming, like you do with PHP, that much easier โฆ much easier than ideas where you write out web server files, with information, for your own benefit, or the other one we often like, during testing, is to write information out to top.document.title or perhaps to an alert box or to use console.log (on the debugging window, down the bottom).
Youโll never guess where we made this change to our WordPress TwentyTen themed blog? Give up โฆ yes, good olโ header.php changed in the bold Javascript new function way below โฆ
function is_mentioned_by() {
var zspare,xspare,xxspare,ximb,xpspana=docgetclass("entry-title", "h2");
for (ximb=0; ximb<xpspana.length; ximb++) {
xspare=xxspare[eval(-1 + xxspare.length)];
zspare=xspare.toLowerCase().replace(String.fromCharCode(35), "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace("+", "").replace("+", "").replace("'", "").replace('%27','').replace(/\//g, "").replace(/,/g, "").replace("---","-").replace("---","-").replace(/--/g,"-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-");
if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf('d' + zspare) == -1) xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div style="display:inline;" id=d' + zspare + '><a style="display:inline;text-decoration:none; border:2px solid yellow;" onclick=" document.getElementById(,String.fromCharCode(105))).src=' + "'" + '//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + "'" + '; " title="' + (xspare) + ' is mentioned by ..." id=t' + zspare + '>☞</a><iframe style=display:none; id=i' + zspare + ' src=></iframe></div>';
xpspana=docgetclass("entry-title", "h1");
for (ximb=0; ximb<xpspana.length; ximb++) {
xspare=xxspare[eval(-1 + xxspare.length)];
zspare=xspare.toLowerCase().replace(String.fromCharCode(35), "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace(".", "").replace("+", "").replace("+", "").replace("'", "").replace('%27','').replace(/\//g, "").replace(/,/g, "").replace("---","-").replace("---","-").replace(/--/g,"-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-").replace(" ","-");
if (document.body.innerHTML.indexOf('d' + zspare) == -1) xpspana[ximb].innerHTML+=' <div style="display:inline;" id=d' + zspare + '><a style="display:inline;text-decoration:none; border:2px solid yellow;" onclick=" document.getElementById(,String.fromCharCode(151))).src=' + "'" + '//' + encodeURIComponent(xspare) + "'" + '; " title="' + (xspare) + ' is mentioned by ..." id=t' + zspare + '>☞</a><iframe style=display:none; id=i' + zspare + ' src=></iframe></div>';
โฆ called by โฆ
<body onload=" checkonl(); setTimeout(initpostedoncc, 3000); widgetcon(); precc(); courseCookies(); cookie_fonts(); is_mentioned_by(); " <?php body_class(); ?>>
Team that with some new PHP source code you could call is_mentioned_byphp and you have todayโs new WordPress blog TwentyTen theme โIs Mentioned Byโ functionality.
The proof of concept parent HTML was is_mentioned_byhtml for your perusal.
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