WordPress Emoji Menu Screen Resize Tutorial

WordPress Emoji Menu Screen Resize Tutorial

WordPress Emoji Menu Screen Resize Tutorial

Occasionally resizing, and we include in here โ€œpinchingโ€ and โ€œstretchingโ€ mobile platform gestures, presents situations you donโ€™t feel like you can โ€œlet go through to the keeperโ€ coding and testing web applications on a web browser.

Our recent Emoji Menu work, with its โ€œonclick scenarioโ€ inhouse webpages, as talked about with WordPress Emoji Menu Revamp Tutorial, is a case in point for us. It used to be that zooming in left unused webpage โ€œreal estateโ€ to the right and bottom, and we thought we could improve on that.

What gets you to an intervention point with web browser screen resizing? There may be some window object method, but we usually apply an โ€ฆ

  • onresize โ€ฆ event call, and event code โ€ฆ to โ€ฆ
  • document.body โ€ฆ along with some onload event timed interventions, to help, as well โ€ฆ


    <script type=text/javascript>

    var sw=0;

    var sh=0;

    var rectis=null;

    var ifb='ifblank';

    function donow() {


    sw=eval('' + screen.width);

    sh=eval('' + screen.height);



    function resz() {

    //alert('sw=' + sw + ' and now window.innerWidth=' + window.innerWidth);

    document.getElementById('ifblank').style.width='' + eval(eval('' + rectis.width) * eval(sw / window.innerWidth)) + 'px';

    document.getElementById('ifblank').style.height='' + eval(eval('' + rectis.height) * eval(sh / window.innerHeight)) + 'px';




    <body style=width:100%;height:100%; onresize=resz(); onload=donow(); title="Double click in blank option toggles between displaying web application to right (as now) or in new window." ondblclick=fliptog();>

โ€ฆ where, as you can surmise, we actually did some work to understand the behaviour of window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight and we were gobsmacked when they got smaller when the webpage became bigger (ie. zooming in). In the meantime, on this MacBook Airโ€™s web browser screen.width and screen.height remained unchanged during our tests, and so it tweaked with us that using them all together can determine dpi (dots per inch) resolution aspects, and that we could better use the resized screen better via those โ€ฆ

document.getElementById('ifblank').style.width='' + eval(eval('' + rectis.width) * eval(sw / window.innerWidth)) + 'px';

document.getElementById('ifblank').style.height='' + eval(eval('' + rectis.height) * eval(sh / window.innerHeight)) + 'px';

โ€ฆ recalculations of the hosted HTML iframe element dimensions weโ€™re now using to the right of the dropdown Emoji Menu in thechanged emoji_widget_ideaโšซhtm standalone Emoji Menu web application.

Previous relevant WordPress Emoji Menu Revamp Tutorial is shown below.

WordPress Emoji Menu Revamp Tutorial

WordPress Emoji Menu Revamp Tutorial

We really like HTML iframe usage around here. In terms of โ€ฆ

Software Need Not Be Hard

โ€ฆ being our company byline, they tick a lot of boxes. Youโ€™ll read online, though, issues with security and whatnot regarding them, so, as with all these matters, it is better to read around. However, if you intend building up lots of web applications in your domain, online, HTML iframe elements โ€ฆ

  1. allow for chance to modularize โ€ฆ
  2. without it, necessarily, looking clunky โ€ฆ as well as โ€ฆ
  3. is a means to introduce onload event logic not tied to document.body onload event โ€ฆ like a chance to โ€œresetโ€ โ€ฆ as well as โ€ฆ
  4. can be a means, what we like to call โ€œClient Pre-emptive Iframeโ€ thinking, to test for the existence of a URL โ€ฆ as well as โ€ฆ
  5. the HTML iframe name attribute can tee up with second argument of Javascript window.open to think of โ€œthe dreaded popup window actually being the more acceptable iframe window (relatively speaking)โ€ โ€ฆ as well as โ€ฆ
  6. the HTML iframe src attribute is a good Javascript DOM access point to use an iframe when you know the URL โ€ฆ versus โ€ฆ
  7. the HTML iframe srcdoc attribute is a good Javascript DOM access point to use an iframe when you know the content

Hence, iframe usage got front and centre when thinking on how to revamp the Emoji Menu arrangements, at this blog, talked about at WordPress Emoji Menu Primer Tutorial. That old arrangement opened new (second _blank arguments to window.open) to new windows, only, and felt a bit over the top, to us, especially because these Emoji Menus predominantly showcased Inhouse Web Applications. Why not, at least, involve HTML iframe elements into the mix?

That got us adjusting a WordPress โ€œEmoji Menuโ€ Page for โ€œclicking the Emoji Menu, here at this blog (or in new window), purposesโ€ scenario and then there was thechanged emoji_widget_ideaโšซhtm standalone Emoji Menu web application we wrote for the โ€œhovering over the Emoji Menu, here at this blog, purposesโ€ scenario.

We think the filling in of webpage space to the right of the Emoji Menu dropdown element is more elegant. What do you think?

Previous relevant WordPress Emoji Menu Primer Tutorial is shown below.

WordPress Emoji Menu Primer Tutorial

WordPress Emoji Menu Primer Tutorial

The Emoji Menu concept mentioned in the previous Fixed Sticky Header Top Window Document Tutorial has been the inspiration to โ€ฆ

  • add a new WordPress primary menu level โ€œEmoji Menuโ€ option (via the WordPress administration sectionโ€™s Add Page option) โ€ฆ that โ€ฆ
  • onclick calls a (WordPress) Page that is a select (dropdown) element size=9 (for non-mobile browser usefulness) whose innerHTML (ie. what you see) consists of emojis โ€ฆ and on a selection โ€ฆ
  • opens into a new webpage a web application from the RJM Programming domain โ€ฆ similarly for the โ€ฆ
  • onmouseover (hover (Ajax feeling functionality), for non-mobile browser usefulness) immediate display of a (smaller) select (dropdown) element directly below the โ€œEmoji Menuโ€ option heading โ€ฆ facilitated by a changed header.php coding change โ€ฆ

    <script type="text/javascript">

    function donow() {

    var sbitis='<select size=9 id="emojih" onchange=window.open(this.value,"_blank");><option title="Web Audio" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;font-size:36px;" target="iweb_audio" id="aweb_audio" value="//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/web_audio.htm">&#128266;</option><option title="Square Hr Tracing" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;font-size:36px;" target="isquare_hr_tracing" id="asquare_hr_tracing" value="//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/square_hr_tracing.htm">&#128207;</option><option title="Emoji Walk Animation" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;font-size:36px;" target="iemoji_walk_animation" id="aemoji_walk_animation" value="//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/emoji_walk_animation.htm">&#127939;&#127998;&#8205;&#9792;&#65039;</option><option title="Fruits" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;font-size:36px;" target="ifruits" id="afruits" value="//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/fruits.html">&#127820;</option><option title="Name Your Mascot" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;font-size:36px;" target="iname_your_mascot" id="aname_your_mascot" value="//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/name_your.html">&#128231;</option><option title="Sushi Train" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;font-size:36px;" target="isushi_train" id="asushi_train" value="//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/circuit.htm">&#127857;</option><option title="Flag Quiz" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;font-size:36px;" target="iflag_quiz" id="aflag_quiz" value="//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/flagquiz.htm">&#127462;&#127465;</option><option title="Emoji Overlay" style="cursor:pointer;text-decoration:none;font-size:36px;" target="iemoji_overlay" id="aemoji_overlay" value="//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/emoji_overlay.htm">&#128285;</option><option value="" selected></option></select>';

    sbitis='<iframe src="//www.rjmprogramming.com.au/HTMLCSS/emoji_widget_idea.htm"></iframe>';

    var isdone=0, is2done=0;

    if (document.getElementsByClassName){

    var x304x = document.getElementsByClassName('page-item-304');

    x304x[0].onmouseover = function() { var xl=document.getElementById('x2language'); xl.style.display = 'block'; };

    isdone = 1;

    var x46544x = document.getElementsByClassName('page-item-46575');

    x46544x[0].onmouseover = function() { if (this.innerHTML.replace('iframe ','select ').indexOf('select ') == -1) { this.innerHTML+=sbitis; } };

    is2done = 1;

    } else { // IE

    //var qis = document.getElementById("pick_content").contentWindow.document;

    var ilis = 0;

    var eleis, ele2is;

    var lisis = document.getElementsByTagName("li");

    while (eleis = lisis[ilis++]) {

    if (eleis.className == "page-item-304" && isdone == 0) {

    eleis.onmouseover = function() { var xl=document.getElementById('x2language'); xl.style.display = 'block'; };

    isdone = 1;


    if (eleis.className.indexOf("page-item-46575") != -1 && is2done == 0) {

    eleis.onmouseover = function() { var xl2=document.getElementById('emojih'); xl2.style.display = 'block'; };

    is2done = 1;







โ€ฆ that HTML iframe emoji_widget_ideaโšซhtm content (liveโœ‚run) preference above arising from our desire to add more flexibility to this content down the track.

Previous relevant Fixed Sticky Header Top Window Document Tutorial is shown below.

Fixed Sticky Header Top Window Document Tutorial

Fixed Sticky Header Top Window Document Tutorial

The recent Fixed Sticky Header Primer Tutorial involved โ€ฆ

  • a supervisory โ€œemoji menuโ€ web application hosting โ€ฆ
  • supervised iframe element hosted web applications

โ€ฆ and you may think, if all this is going on with web applications on the same domain, whatโ€™s the big deal? What could go wrong? (These words always bringing a knowing chuckle around here!)

For the most part, itโ€™s true, there were no issues, but one โ€œsupervised iframe element hosted web applicationโ€ we tried did not behave with all its functionality happening. Lo and behold, applying a web inspector showed up an error, with a codeline (in Javascript) that went โ€ฆ


โ€ฆ and then we summed this up in two different strands of thought โ€ฆ

  • can we write a generic external piece of Javascript called just before </body> that can pluck out lines of code, with corresponding line codes, and see if โ€œparent.documentโ€ or โ€œtop.documentโ€ occur in them and effectively โ€œbetter debugโ€ within an errorHandler function that further examines this โ€œnullโ€ return error โ€ฆ which looking into is not as easy as first optimistically envisaged โ€ฆ versus โ€ฆ
  • get in there specifically with the web inspector, adjust the code of the โ€œsupervised iframe element hosted web applicationโ€ and have it work being โ€ฆ
    1. additionally supervised this way โ€ฆ and more importantly โ€ฆ
    2. still work the way it used to unsupervised, as ever it has worked up to now

โ€ฆ via the simple (age old) paradigm, involving debugging (web applications, at the client level) via tools like (the web browser) Safariโ€™s Web Inspector โ€ฆ

  • Using Web Inspector type tools:

    Identify the issue via โ€ฆ

    Error line
    Error line number
  • Using Web Inspector type tools:

    Fix the issue until no errors happen

And what would have been the better generic coding for a web application that may become a โ€œsupervised web applicationโ€ (in different ways) into the future.

Donโ€™t just โ€ฆ

if (window.top.document) {

if (window.top.document != window.document) {


if (window.top.document != window.parent.document) {




// more logic here

} else {




// more logic here




But do โ€ฆ

if (top.window && parent.window) { // if (window.top.document) {

var plcp=parent.document.getElementById('lcp');

if (window.top.document != window.document) {


if (window.top.document != window.parent.document && parent.document.getElementById('lcp')) {




// more logic here

} else if (parent.window && plcp) {




// more logic here




โ€ฆ in other words, check window object existence, before you assume document object existence, with thechanged emoji_slideshowโšซhtm part within the emojiโœ‚menu supervisor live run linkโ€™schanged fixed_topโšซhtml code.

Previous relevant Fixed Sticky Header Primer Tutorial is shown below.

Fixed Sticky Header Primer Tutorial

Fixed Sticky Header Primer Tutorial

Just like with the W3schools How To series inspired HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Levelling Tutorial we have another W3schools inspired web application idea called โ€œSticky Headerโ€.

To quote W3schools regarding the design aspects to the fixed_topโšซhtml โ€œproof of conceptโ€ web application โ€ฆ

On Scroll Sticky Header
The header will stick to the top when you reach its scroll position.
Scroll back up to remove the sticky effect.

Which takes us to what we wanted to try as an inhouse addition to functionality. We like emojis, as โ€œtext meets button designโ€. Hence, we also like the โ€œtextโ€ emoji being like an โ€œaโ€ link โ€œbuttonโ€, for two biggish reasons โ€ฆ

  • emoji buttons save space
  • emoji buttons can look like images that can attract user attention, and be like an Internationizational improvement to your web application, given some careful consideration

โ€ฆ that lead us to want to have the โ€œSticky Headerโ€ contain an โ€œemoji menuโ€ of โ€œemoji buttonsโ€, the โ€œonclickโ€ events of which show content below the โ€œSticky Headerโ€ in a one row table that pushes the latest content to the left of that row (so that our hashtagging logic will still see the emojis along with the latest selected content), yet allow an intrepid user venture right to โ€œuncontrolled lands of functionalityโ€ should they wish. Weโ€™re sticking left โ€ฆ chortle, chortle.

Previous relevant HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Levelling Tutorial is shown below.

HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Levelling Tutorial

HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Levelling Tutorial

With the โ€œterrestrialโ€ side to Land Surveying (ie. that of the small distances kind), two โ€œget out there and do itโ€ skills spring to mind, those being โ€ฆ

  • performing a traverse via the use of a theodolite (or โ€œtotal stationโ€) (as the web application works the mathematics of, off the field book, with the previous HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Traverse Tutorial) working out the (โ€œXโ€,โ€Yโ€) of 2D โ€œlifeโ€ โ€ฆ and today, we add to that with โ€ฆ
  • performing a levelling run via the use of a level (or โ€œtotal stationโ€) โ€ฆ

โ€ฆ and with todayโ€™s web application we simulate, to some degree, minus โ€œhow to level a levelโ€, looking through the โ€œlevelโ€ viewer towards a โ€œsurveying staffโ€ (held level and straight) on a point of something you want to know the elevation (or (3D โ€œlifeโ€) โ€œZโ€) of in terrestrial terms, relative to known elevations you will probably want to start pointing at (the โ€œsurveying staffโ€ being on) with your first (often a known โ€œdatumโ€) โ€ฆ

  • Backsight โ€ฆ then โ€ฆ
  • (however many Inter Sights followed by a) Foresight (and then back to Backsight, as necessary)

โ€ฆ series of measurements (or โ€œreadingโ€) to derive โ€œreduced levelsโ€ for each point the โ€œsurveying staffโ€ visits. This, in most practice, involves alternately leapfrogging (each other, at different times) โ€ฆ

  • Land Surveyor recording and levelling the โ€œlevelโ€ โ€ฆ and a โ€ฆ
  • Chainperson levelling and straightening the โ€œsurveying staffโ€

โ€ฆ the โ€œsurveying staffโ€ we simulate in our web application (somewhat) thanks to Cody.

Thatโ€™s the โ€œwhatโ€ of the web application, but what about the โ€œhowโ€ (let alone the who)? Here, we thank the great W3schools parallax ideas.

The โ€œcentral CSS smartโ€ of these parallax ideas is the idea of โ€ฆ


/* Create the parallax scrolling effect */

background-attachment: fixed;

background-position: center;

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-size: contain;


So take a look at parallax_exampleโšซhtmlโ€˜s liveโœ‚run link to see what we mean.

Previous relevant HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Traverse Tutorial is shown below.

HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Traverse Tutorial

HTML and Javascript and CSS Survey Traverse Tutorial

Here is a tutorial showing some client-side basics in HTML and Javascript and CSS all in the one HTML file, to simplify concepts. The tutorial subject matter is a webpage to perform Survey Traverse calculations. A Survey Traverse is:

Traverse is a method in the field of surveying to establish control networks.[1] It is also used in geodesy. Traverse networks involve placing survey stations along a line or path of travel, and then using the previously surveyed points as a base for observing the next point. Traverse networks have many advantages, including:

Less reconnaissance and organization needed;
While in other systems, which may require the survey to be performed along a rigid polygon shape, the traverse can change to any shape and thus can accommodate a great deal of different terrains;
Only a few observations need to be taken at each station, whereas in other survey networks a great deal of angular and linear observations need to be made and considered;
Traverse networks are free of the strength of figure considerations that happen in triangular systems;
Scale error does not add up as the traverse is performed. Azimuth swing errors can also be reduced by increasing the distance between stations.

The traverse is more accurate than triangulateration[2] (a combined function of the triangulation and trilateration practice).[3]

Letโ€™s see some simple HTML in action in a tutorial โ€ฆ

Link to HTML โ€œspiritual homeโ€ โ€ฆ at W3Schools has many tutorials.
Link to Survey Traverse live run โ€ฆ here.
Link to Survey Traverse live run (additional Google Line Chart functionality) here.
Link to Survey Traverse information โ€ฆ from Wikipedia from which quote above comes.
Link to some downloadable HTML code โ€ฆ rename to SurveyTraverseโšซhtml which packages up a lot of Javascript and a little bit of CSS โ€ฆ or JaCvasScriptS โ€ฆ not sure whether this would ever catch on.
Link to some downloadable PHP programming code (additional Google Line Chart functionality) โ€ฆ rename to SurveyTraverseโšซphp

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