Xgimi Projector Android TV Web Browser Tutorial

Xgimi Projector Android TV Web Browser Tutorial

Xgimi Projector Android TV Web Browser Tutorial

For some time now, we’ve had no Android phone to test web applications with. This can be like “flying blind” regarding a big sector of the online user cohort.

There are simulators out there, but we thought of another idea early this morning. The recent Projector Viewing Primer Tutorial talked about …

… and we thought that with that word “Android” involved, if the Google Play has an app to support a web browser accessible via the Xgimi projector, then we “might be cooking with gas”.

The second such web browser related app called “Browser”, of many, hit that nail on its head, mentioning in its credentials “Android” in amongst the …

alert('navigator.userAgent=' + ('' + navigator.userAgent)); // via codeline ... // aconto.getElementById('mytable').ondblclick=function(){ alert('navigator.userAgent=' + ('' + navigator.userAgent)); };

… test we conducted for each new Browser app installed.

And using this environment to call our RJM Programming Landing Page links to blog posts like below’s Projector Viewing Primer Tutorial show, at least, two issues …

  1. Landing Page clicks of “those blue backgrounded” thumbnails did not succeed in opening the relevent WordPress Blog post … and …
  2. at that relevant WordPress Blog post clicking the main blog post image failed too

We found, with Android, navigation was friendliest using …


… Javascript code arrangements, and in both cases we fell short, with existant code so that we needed to attend to …

  1. Landing Page clicks of “those blue backgrounded” thumbnails did not succeed in opening the relevent WordPress Blog post … was fixed via

    function check_if(iois) {
    if (iois != null) {
    var aconto = (iois.contentWindow || iois.contentDocument);
    if (aconto != null) {
    if (aconto.document) { aconto = aconto.document; }
    if (aconto.body != null) {
    if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)) {
    aconto.body.innerHTML=aconto.body.innerHTML.replace(/\=one_o_five\;\"/g, "=one_o_five; if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)) { if (parent.document.getElementById('ibelow')) { top.location.href=('' + this.parentNode.href); } }" + '"');

    var igs=aconto.getElementsByTagName('img');
    for (var jigs=0; jigs<igs.length; jigs++) {
    if (igs[jigs].src.indexOf('?rand') != -1) { igs[jigs].src+='' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 456) + '&x=x'; }
    //aconto.getElementById('mytable').ondblclick=function(){ alert('navigator.userAgent=' + ('' + navigator.userAgent)); };

    … and …
  2. at that relevant WordPress Blog post clicking the main blog post image failed too … and fixed via TwentyTen theme header.php changes …
    <?php echo ”

    var imgi = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
    for (iyt=0; iyt<imgi.length; iyt++) {
    if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)) {
    if (iyt == 0) {
    document.getElementById('styleandroid').innerHTML='<sty' + "le> .wp-caption-text { text-decoration: underline; } .wp-caption-text::before { content: '\\01F517 '; } </sty" + 'le>';
    if (imgi[iyt].parentElement) {
    if (imgi[iyt].parentNode.href) {
    imgi[iyt].parentNode.ontouchend=function(event){ top.location.href=event.target.href; };
    //imgi[iyt].ontouchstart=function(evt){ top.location.href=evt.target.parentNode.href; };

    altis = imgi[iyt].alt;
    titleis = imgi[iyt].title;
    if (altis == null) {
    if (titleis != null) {
    if (titleis != '') {
    imgi[iyt].alt = titleis;
    } else if (altis == '') {
    if (titleis != null) {
    if (titleis != '') {
    imgi[iyt].alt = titleis;

    “; ?>

… all possible because of this new Xgimi Google Play and Android TV app called “Browser” (you all might be able to see) on today’s animated GIF presentation showing this install process.

Previous relevant Projector Viewing Primer Tutorial is shown below.

Projector Viewing Primer Tutorial

Projector Viewing Primer Tutorial

Are you interested in swapping out a television viewing system of watching entertainment for a projector based one?

We recently acquired an Xgimi projector, and after setting up the projector with a decent screen to project to, found the setting up of streaming applications through Google Play, via, perhaps, a Gmail account, very easy, to the point we got the usual big players there, as well as the crossover to Apple TV via the Apple ID we had, and no need for the Apple TV hardware! It’s all there ready to go with the one Xgimi projector device (and stand, we found useful).

We’re sure it’s a pros and cons decision for you going this way, or not, but we found …

  • people feel less guilty coming and going from the entertainment viewing when there is no one television screen present (and we saw this as a pro)
  • the viewing screen is naturally big, rather than “damaging to the earth” big, as plasma screens can be
  • there are far fewer leads involved
  • only one remote works everything
  • when not watching (and we’d say, even when watching) the projector system it is not there unnecessarily soaking up attention
  • like back in school, some smart Alec, or stupid Alec, or both, might get to say …

    Down in front!

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