<!doctype html>
<title>Emoji Walk Animation - RJM Programming - January, 2018</title>
* { overflow-x: visible; }
td.runner { width: 50px; word-wrap: break-word; font-size: 36px;
transform: scale(-1, 1); -o-transform: scale(-1, 1); -moz-transform: scale(-1, 1); -ms-transform: scale(-1, 1); -webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1);
tr { max-height: 40px; }
<script type='text/javascript'>
var running_woman='🏃🏾‍♀️';
var thisone=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], thiso=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], prevone=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], splits=[0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0];
var text_align=['left','left','left']; //'center','right'];
var istart=0, lastht=0, eight=[8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8], callitoff=false, endr=800000;
var iend=eval(Math.floor(eval(eval('' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 208)) + 656) / 10) * 10);
while (eval(Math.round(iend) % 100) != 0) {
while (eval(Math.round(iend) % 20) != 0) {
var kend=eval(iend * 1), extras=0;
var twenty=eval(10-9);
var laps=0,ilaps=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], elapsed=0.0;
var lastgood=-1, lastoid='';
function premoref700000() {
setTimeout(premoref700000, Math.floor(Math.random() * eight[7]) + 40);
function premoref600000() {
setTimeout(premoref600000, Math.floor(Math.random() * eight[6]) + 40);
function premoref500000() {
setTimeout(premoref500000, Math.floor(Math.random() * eight[5]) + 40);
function premoref400000() {
setTimeout(premoref400000, Math.floor(Math.random() * eight[4]) + 40);
function premoref300000() {
setTimeout(premoref300000, Math.floor(Math.random() * eight[3]) + 40);
function premoref200000() {
setTimeout(premoref200000, Math.floor(Math.random() * eight[2]) + 40);
function premoref100000() {
setTimeout(premoref100000, Math.floor(Math.random() * eight[1]) + 40);
function premoref0() {
setTimeout(premoref0, Math.floor(Math.random() * eight[0]) + 40);
function splitssuffix(at, oid, third) {
var retv="", jj=lastgood, ii, ourlastht=lastht, iz=eval('' + laps);
var meters=eval(eval(oid.split('td')[1]) % 100000);
if (lastgood == -1) {
retv='' + meters;
} else if (lastgood == -2 || at.indexOf('.0') != -1) {
//alert('oid=' + oid);
//lastgood+=eval(1 * twenty); //lastgood=meters;
retv=third; //'' + meters;
meters=eval('' + third); //eval(laps * Math.round(iend) * 10);
lastgood-=eval(1 * twenty);
} else {
lastgood+=eval(1 * twenty);
for (ii=0; ii<splits.length; ii++) {
if (('' + at).replace('.0','') == ('' + ii) || eval(splits[ii].split(".")[1].substring(0,eval(-1 + splits[ii].split(".")[1].length))) == meters) {
//retv+="<br><span id=" + meters + "_" + eval(1 + ii) + ">" + ('' + splits[ii]) + "</span>";
retv+="<br><span id=" + meters + "_" + eval(1 + ii) + ">" + splits[ii].split('.')[0].substring(0,eval(-1 + splits[ii].split('.')[0].length)) + "." + splits[ii].split('.')[0].slice(-1) + "</span>";
} else if (laps > 0) {
if (ii == 0) {
//if (at != '') alert('1: ' + iz);
iz*=eval('' + Math.round(iend));
//if (at != '') alert('*Math.round(iend): ' + iz);
//if (at != '') alert('*10: ' + iz);
iz+=eval(eval('' + ourlastht) * eval(10 - 9));
//if (at != '') alert('+lastht*10: ' + iz);
retv+="<br><span id=" + meters + "_" + eval(1 + ii) + "></span>"; // + eval(splits[ii].split(".")[1].substring(0,eval(-1 + splits[ii].split(".")[1].length))) + "_" + eval(eval(oid.split('td')[1]) % 100000);
} else {
retv+="<br><span id=" + meters + "_" + eval(1 + ii) + "></span>"; // + eval(splits[ii].split(".")[1].substring(0,eval(-1 + splits[ii].split(".")[1].length))) + "_" + eval(eval(oid.split('td')[1]) % 100000);
if (at == '' && laps > 0) alert(retv);
return retv;
function moref(ioff) {
var i,j=Math.round(eval(ioff / 100000));
var zero=ioff;
if (1 == 2 && eval((thiso[j] + 1) % (Math.round(iend) * 3)) == 0) {
var jend=eval('' + iend), once=false;
while (eval(Math.round(jend) % 100) != 0 || !once) {
if (jend < kend) {
for (i=kend; i<Math.round(jend); i++) {
document.getElementById('mytr').innerHTML+='<td class=runner style="text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';" id=td' + i + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr2').innerHTML+='<td class=runner style="text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';" id=td' + eval(i + eval(100000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr3').innerHTML+='<td class=runner style="text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';" id=td' + eval(i + eval(200000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr4').innerHTML+='<td class=runner style="text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';" id=td' + eval(i + eval(300000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr5').innerHTML+='<td class=runner style="text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';" id=td' + eval(i + eval(400000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr6').innerHTML+='<td class=runner style="text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';" id=td' + eval(i + eval(500000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr7').innerHTML+='<td class=runner style="text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';" id=td' + eval(i + eval(600000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr8').innerHTML+='<td class=runner style="text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';" id=td' + eval(i + eval(700000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr9').innerHTML+='<td style="text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';" id=td' + eval(i + eval(800000)) + '> </td>';
//alert(eval((thiso[j] + 1) % (Math.round(iend) * 3)));
thiso[j]=eval((thiso[j] + 1) % (Math.round(iend) * 3));
if (thiso[j] == 0) {
if (callitoff) return;
//while (zero <= 200000) {
document.getElementById('td' + eval(zero + eval(ioff + eval(prevone[j])))).innerHTML=' ';
document.getElementById('td' + eval(zero + eval(ioff + eval(prevone[j])))).style.textAlign='left';
if (6 == 7) {
document.getElementById('td' + eval(zero + eval(eval(thisone[j])))).innerHTML=running_woman;
} else {
thisone[j]=0; //zero;
//while (zero <= 200000) {
document.getElementById('td' + eval(zero + eval(ioff + eval(thisone[j])))).innerHTML=running_woman;
location.href='#td' + zero;
if (ilaps[j] > laps) {
alert('Sprint finished. Click to get results.');
alert(document.getElementById('td' + endr).innerText);
lastgood=-2; //+=eval(twenty * 1);
//alert('twenty=' + twenty + ' ,' + 'td' + eval(800000 + eval(lastht)) + ',' + '' + eval(eval(eval(eval(lastht) * 10) + eval(ilaps[j] * Math.round(iend) * 10))));
var trb='';
for (i=istart; i<Math.round(iend); i++) {
trb+='<td style="text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';" id=td' + eval(i + eval(800000)) + '> </td>';
//document.getElementById('td800000').innerHTML='' + laps + ' ... ' + Math.round(iend) + ' === ' + eval(laps * Math.round(iend) * 10);
document.getElementById('td' + eval(800000)).innerHTML='' + splitssuffix('' + j + '.0','td' + eval(800000), '' + eval(eval(eval(eval(eval(-twenty)) * eval(10 - 9)) + eval(ilaps[j] * Math.round(iend) * eval(10 - 9))))); //eval(eval(lastht * 10) + eval(ilaps[j] * Math.round(iend) * 10)));
lastht=eval(Math.max(0,eval(twenty + eval(0 + eval((thisone[j] + 1) % Math.round(iend))))) % 100000);
lastgood=eval(-twenty + eval(laps * iend));
//twenty=eval(20 - 18);
} else if (eval(thiso[j] % 3) == 0) {
//alert('td' + eval(ioff + eval(prevone[j])));
//while (zero <= 200000) {
if (document.getElementById('td' + eval(zero + eval(ioff + eval(prevone[j])))) == null) {
alert(ioff + ' zero=' + zero + ' prevoff[' + j + '] ... ' + 'td' + eval(zero + eval(ioff + eval(prevone[j]))));
document.getElementById('td' + eval(zero + eval(ioff + eval(prevone[j])))).innerHTML=' ';
document.getElementById('td' + eval(zero + eval(ioff + eval(prevone[j])))).style.textAlign='left';
//if (eval(eval(Math.max(zero,eval(0 + eval(zero + eval((thisone[j] + 1) % Math.round(iend))))) % 100000) % 10) == 0) {
splits[j]='' + Math.round(eval(elapsed * 10)) + '.' + eval(Math.max(zero,eval(0 + eval(zero + eval((thisone[j] + 1) % Math.round(iend))))) % 100000) + eval(1 + j);
//document.title='' + splits[j];
if (laps > 0) {
if ( eval( eval((thisone[j] + 1) % Math.round(iend)) % 10) == 0) {
var xlastht=eval(Math.min(eval(lastgood + eval(twenty)),eval(twenty + eval(zero + eval((thisone[j] + 1))))) % 100000);
//if (laps > 0) document.title=lastgood + ' ' + xlastht + ' ... ' + eval(Math.max(zero,eval(twenty + eval(zero + eval((thisone[j] + 1))))) % 100000) + ' versus (greater than) ' + lastht;
if (document.getElementById('td' + eval(800000 - twenty + eval(xlastht)))) {
//if (laps > 0) document.title=lastgood + ' ' + xlastht + ' .+. ' + eval(Math.max(zero,eval(twenty + eval(zero + eval((thisone[j] + 1))))) % 100000) + ' versus (greater than) ' + lastht;
if (document.getElementById('td' + eval(800000 - twenty + eval(xlastht))).innerHTML.replace(' ','').replace(' ','').replace(' ','').replace(' ','') == '') {
//if (laps > 0) document.title=lastgood + ' ' + xlastht + ' .=. ' + eval(Math.max(zero,eval(twenty + eval(zero + eval((thisone[j] + 1))))) % 100000) + ' versus (greater than) ' + lastht;
location.href='#td' + Math.max(zero,eval(20 + eval(zero + eval((thisone[j] + 1) % Math.round(iend)))));
//alert('' + lastht + 'td' + eval(800000 + eval(lastht)));
if (document.getElementById('td' + eval(800000 + eval(lastht))) && eval(lastht % 10) == 0) {
//splits[j]='' + Math.round(eval(elapsed * 10)) + '.' + eval(1 + j);
if (eval('' + lastht) >= eval('' + twenty)) {
if (xlastht == eval(lastgood + eval(twenty))) {
//if (eval('' + lastht) >= eval('' + twenty)) alert('look at ' + '' + eval(eval(eval(eval(-twenty + lastht) * 10) + eval(-twenty + eval(ilaps[j] * Math.round(iend)) * 10))));
document.getElementById('td' + eval(800000 - twenty + eval(lastht))).innerHTML='' + splitssuffix('' + j,'td' + eval(800000 - twenty + eval(lastht)), '' + eval(eval(eval(eval(-twenty + lastht) * eval(10 - 9)) + eval(eval(-twenty * eval(10 - 9)) + eval(ilaps[j] * Math.round(iend) * 10))))); //eval(eval(lastht * 10) + eval(ilaps[j] * Math.round(iend) * 10)));
} else {
document.getElementById('td' + eval(800000 - twenty + eval(lastht))).innerHTML='' + splitssuffix('' + j,'td' + eval(800000 - twenty + eval(lastht)), '' + eval(eval(eval(eval(-twenty + lastht) * eval(10 - 9)) + eval(ilaps[j] * Math.round(iend) * eval(10 - 9))))); //eval(eval(lastht * 10) + eval(ilaps[j] * Math.round(iend) * 10)));
} else {
if (eval(Math.max(zero,eval(twenty + eval(zero + eval((thisone[j] + 1) % Math.round(iend))))) % 100000) > lastht) {
lastht=eval(Math.max(zero,eval(twenty + eval(zero + eval((thisone[j] + 1) % Math.round(iend))))) % 100000);
//document.title='#td' + Math.max(zero,eval(20 + eval(zero + eval((thisone[j] + 1) % Math.round(iend)))));
location.href='#td' + Math.max(zero,eval(20 + eval(zero + eval((thisone[j] + 1) % Math.round(iend)))));
//alert('' + lastht + 'td' + eval(800000 + eval(lastht)));
if (document.getElementById('td' + eval(800000 + eval(lastht))) && eval(lastht % 10) == 0) {
//splits[j]='' + Math.round(eval(elapsed * 10)) + '.' + eval(1 + j);
if (eval('' + lastht) >= eval('' + twenty)) document.getElementById('td' + eval(800000 - twenty + eval(lastht))).innerHTML='' + splitssuffix('','td' + eval(800000 - twenty + eval(lastht)), '' + eval(eval(eval(eval(-twenty + lastht) * eval(10 - 9)) + eval(ilaps[j] * Math.round(iend) * eval(10 - 9))))); //eval(eval(lastht * 10) + eval(ilaps[j] * Math.round(iend) * 10)));
twenty=10; //20;
thisone[j]=eval((thisone[j] + 1) % Math.round(iend));
if (eval(thisone[j] % 10) == 0 || 1 == 1) {
if (laps > 0) document.title='' + eval(eval(laps * iend * eval(10 - 9)) + eval((thisone[j] % Math.round(iend)))) + '_' + eval(1 + j);
if (document.getElementById(thisone[j] + '_' + eval(1 + j))) {
if (laps > 0) document.title=eval(eval(laps * iend * eval(10 - 9)) + eval((thisone[j] % Math.round(iend)))) + ' ... ' + document.getElementById('mytr9').innerHTML.replace(/\>/g,'').replace(/\</g,'');
if (document.getElementById(thisone[j] + '_' + eval(1 + j)).innerHTML == '') {
//document.getElementById(thisone[j] + '_' + eval(1 + j)).innerHTML='<font size=1>' + Math.round(eval(elapsed * 10)) + '</font>';
document.getElementById(thisone[j] + '_' + eval(1 + j)).innerHTML='<font size=1>' + elapsed.toFixed(1) + '</font>';
} else if (document.getElementById(eval((thisone[j] % Math.round(iend))) + '_' + eval(1 + j))) {
if (laps > 0) document.title=eval(eval(laps * iend * eval(10 - 9)) + eval((thisone[j] % Math.round(iend)))) + ' .+. ' + document.getElementById('mytr9').innerHTML.replace(/\>/g,'').replace(/\</g,'');
if (document.getElementById(eval((thisone[j] % Math.round(iend))) + '_' + eval(1 + j)).innerHTML == '') {
//document.getElementById(eval((thisone[j] % Math.round(iend))) + '_' + eval(1 + j)).innerHTML='<font size=1>' + Math.round(eval(elapsed * 10)) + '</font>';
document.getElementById(eval((thisone[j] % Math.round(iend))) + '_' + eval(1 + j)).innerHTML='<font size=1>' + elapsed.toFixed(1) + '</font>';
} else if (document.getElementById(eval(eval(laps * iend * eval(10 - 9)) + eval((thisone[j] % Math.round(iend)))) + '_' + eval(1 + j))) {
if (laps > 0) document.title=eval(eval(laps * iend * eval(10 - 9)) + eval((thisone[j] % Math.round(iend)))) + ' .=. ' + document.getElementById('mytr9').innerHTML.replace(/\>/g,'').replace(/\</g,'');
if (document.getElementById(eval(eval(laps * iend * eval(10 - 9)) + eval((thisone[j] % Math.round(iend)))) + '_' + eval(1 + j)).innerHTML == '') {
//document.getElementById(eval(eval(laps * iend * eval(10 - 9)) + eval((thisone[j] % Math.round(iend)))) + '_' + eval(1 + j)).innerHTML='<font size=1>' + Math.round(eval(elapsed * 10)) + '</font>';
document.getElementById(eval(eval(laps * iend * eval(10 - 9)) + eval((thisone[j] % Math.round(iend)))) + '_' + eval(1 + j)).innerHTML='<font size=1>' + elapsed.toFixed(1) + '</font>';
//while (zero <= 200000) {
document.getElementById('td' + eval(zero + eval(ioff + eval(thisone[j])))).innerHTML=running_woman;
} else if (eval(thiso[j] % 3) == 1) {
if (1 == 1) document.getElementById('td' + eval(ioff + eval(thisone[j]))).style.textAlign='center';
splits[j]='' + Math.round(eval(elapsed * 10)) + '.' + eval(Math.max(zero,eval(0 + eval(zero + eval((thisone[j] + 0) % Math.round(iend))))) % 100000) + eval(1 + j);
//document.title='' + splits[j];
} else if (eval(thiso[j] % 3) == 2) {
if (1 == 1) document.getElementById('td' + eval(ioff + eval(thisone[j]))).style.textAlign='right';
splits[j]='' + Math.round(eval(elapsed * 10)) + '.' + eval(Math.max(zero,eval(0 + eval(zero + eval((thisone[j] + 0) % Math.round(iend))))) % 100000) + eval(1 + j);
//document.title='' + splits[j];
//setTimeout(moref, 100);
function startit() {
var styling='';
for (var i=istart; i<Math.round(iend); i++) {
if (i == Math.floor(eval(eval(kend * eval(10 - 9)) / 100)) * 100) styling=' style=background-color:yellow; ';
document.getElementById('mytr').innerHTML+='<td class=runner' + ' style="border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid violet;text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';' + styling.replace('style=','') + '" id=td' + i + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr2').innerHTML+='<td class=runner' + ' style="border-top: 1px solid violet; border-bottom: 1px solid indigo;text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';' + styling.replace('style=','') + '" id=td' + eval(i + eval(100000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr3').innerHTML+='<td class=runner' + ' style="border-top: 1px solid indigo; border-bottom: 1px solid blue;text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';' + styling.replace('style=','') + '" id=td' + eval(i + eval(200000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr4').innerHTML+='<td class=runner' + ' style="border-top: 1px solid blue; border-bottom: 1px solid green;text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';' + styling.replace('style=','') + '" id=td' + eval(i + eval(300000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr5').innerHTML+='<td class=runner' + ' style="border-top: 1px solid green; border-bottom: 1px solid yellow;text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';' + styling.replace('style=','') + '" id=td' + eval(i + eval(400000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr6').innerHTML+='<td class=runner' + ' style="border-top: 1px solid yellow; border-bottom: 1px solid orange;text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';' + styling.replace('style=','') + '" id=td' + eval(i + eval(500000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr7').innerHTML+='<td class=runner' + ' style="border-top: 1px solid orange; border-bottom: 1px solid red;text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';' + styling.replace('style=','') + '" id=td' + eval(i + eval(600000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr8').innerHTML+='<td class=runner' + ' style="border-top: 1px solid red; border-bottom: 1px solid black;text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';' + styling.replace('style=','') + '" id=td' + eval(i + eval(700000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('mytr9').innerHTML+='<td style="text-align:' + text_align[0] + ';' + styling.replace('style=','') + '" id=td' + eval(i + eval(800000)) + '> </td>';
document.getElementById('td800000').innerHTML='<span id=spanh style=" background-color: white;">The Rainbow Games <br>' + Math.floor(eval(eval(kend * eval(10 - 9)) / 100)) * 100 + ' metre <br>sprint</span>';
endr+=Math.floor(eval(eval(kend * eval(10 - 9)) / 100)) * 100;
document.getElementById('td' + thisone[0]).innerHTML=running_woman;
document.getElementById('td' + eval(thisone[1] + eval(100000))).innerHTML=running_woman;
document.getElementById('td' + eval(thisone[2] + eval(200000))).innerHTML=running_woman;
document.getElementById('td' + eval(thisone[3] + eval(300000))).innerHTML=running_woman;
document.getElementById('td' + eval(thisone[4] + eval(400000))).innerHTML=running_woman;
document.getElementById('td' + eval(thisone[5] + eval(500000))).innerHTML=running_woman;
document.getElementById('td' + eval(thisone[6] + eval(600000))).innerHTML=running_woman;
document.getElementById('td' + eval(thisone[7] + eval(700000))).innerHTML=running_woman;
function startgame() {
setInterval(etimer, 100);
setTimeout(premoref0, 100);
setTimeout(premoref100000, 100);
setTimeout(premoref200000, 100);
setTimeout(premoref300000, 100);
setTimeout(premoref400000, 100);
setTimeout(premoref500000, 100);
setTimeout(premoref600000, 100);
setTimeout(premoref700000, 100);
function etimer() {
<body onload='startit();'>
<table id='mytbody'>
<tbody id='mtbody'>
<tr id='mytr'></tr>
<tr id='mytr2'></tr>
<tr id='mytr3'></tr>
<tr id='mytr4'></tr>
<tr id='mytr5'></tr>
<tr id='mytr6'></tr>
<tr id='mytr7'></tr>
<tr id='mytr8'></tr>
<tr id='mytr9'></tr>
<input type=button onclick="document.getElementById('td3').innerHTML=''; startgame();" value='Start the Games'></input>