<title>Analogue Clock via Conic Gradient - RJM Programming - March, 2023</title>
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var signs=['+','-','x','/'], isign=0, issvg=0; //false;
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if (!String.fromCodePoint) { // thanks to http://xahlee.info/js/js_unicode_code_point.html
// ES6 Unicode Shims 0.1 , © 2012 Steven Levithan , MIT License
String.fromCodePoint = function fromCodePoint () {
var chars = [], point, offset, units, i;
for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
point = arguments[i];
offset = point - 0x10000;
units = point > 0xFFFF ? [0xD800 + (offset >> 10), 0xDC00 + (offset & 0x3FF)] : [point];
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function moresigns() {
if (eval('' + signs.length) == 4) {
document.getElementById('ssign').innerHTML+='<option title="Modulo operator ... we allow decimal answers" value="%">%</option>';
document.getElementById('ssign').innerHTML+='<option title="Power of operator ... we allow decimal answers" value="^">^</option>';
function stopit(incsv) {
// <stop offset='0%' stop-color='#f00'/><stop offset='100%' stop-color='#0ff'/>
var incsvs=incsv.split('%, ');
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return outstops.replace(/255/g, '127');
function emojiize(instq) {
return instq.replace(/\ \+\ /g, ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(10133) + ' ').replace(/\ \-\ /g, ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(10134) + ' ').replace(/\ \x\ /g, ' ' + String.fromCodePoint(10006) + ' ').replace('/', '' + String.fromCodePoint(10135) + '').replace('/', '' + String.fromCodePoint(10135) + '').replace('/', '' + String.fromCodePoint(10135) + '').replace('/', '' + String.fromCodePoint(10135) + '').replace('/', '' + String.fromCodePoint(10135) + '').replace('/', '' + String.fromCodePoint(10135) + '').replace('/', '' + String.fromCodePoint(10135) + '').replace('/', '' + String.fromCodePoint(10135) + '').replace('/', '' + String.fromCodePoint(10135) + '').replace('/', '' + String.fromCodePoint(10135) + '').replace(' fraction you wanted ', ' fraction (where you can substitute / for ' + String.fromCodePoint(10135) + ' below if you would prefer) you wanted ').replace(' you wanted is (', ' you wanted is ... ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + '(');
function degout(inval) {
//rotdeg+=eval('' + ('' + inval).replace('deg',''));
//rotdeg=eval(rotdeg % 360.0);
if (gprefix == 'conic' && issvg == 0) {
return ('' + inval).replace('deg','') + 'deg';
} else {
return '' + Math.round(eval(eval( eval(('' + inval).replace('deg','')) * 100.0) / 360.0)) + '%';
function eachsec() {
var inew=0, iangdeg=0.0, ii, iii;
if (document.getElementById('atend')) {
document.getElementById('atend').title='Analogue Clock via Conic Gradient or Double Click for Fractions Game toggle - RJM Programming - March, 2023 ... ' + ('' + new Date());
if (btoas.indexOf('/') != -1 && denominator == '0') {
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//} else if (btoas == '') {
if (denominator.length == 1) {
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if (denominator != '0') {
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for (ii=1; ii<eval('' + denominator); ii++) {
if (eval('' + ii) < eval('' + numerator)) {
newlist+=', ' + collist[eval(ii % 2)].split(' ')[0].replace(',0.5', ',1.0') + ' ' + degout('' + eval(ii * 360.0 / eval('' + denominator)) + 'deg');
} else {
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if (eval(iii * 360.0 / eval('' + denominator)) < 360) {
newlist+=', rgba(250,250,250,1.0) ' + degout('' + eval(iii * 360.0 / eval('' + denominator)) + 'deg');
rotdegr=eval(Math.floor(eval(360.0 * numeratortwo / denominatortwo)) % 360);
newlistr=collist[0].split(' ')[0].replace(',0.5', ',1.0') + ' ' + degout('0deg');
for (ii=1; ii<eval('' + denominatortwo); ii++) {
if (eval('' + ii) < eval('' + numeratortwo)) {
newlistr+=', ' + collist[eval(ii % 2)].split(' ')[0].replace(',0.5', ',1.0') + ' ' + degout('' + eval(ii * 360.0 / eval('' + denominatortwo)) + 'deg');
} else {
newlistr+=', rgba(250,250,250,1.0) ' + degout('' + eval(ii * 360.0 / eval('' + denominatortwo)) + 'deg');
for (iii=eval('' + denominatortwo); iii<eval('' + collist.length); iii++) {
if (eval(iii * 360.0 / eval('' + denominatortwo)) < 360) {
newlistr+=', rgba(250,250,250,1.0) ' + degout('' + eval(iii * 360.0 / eval('' + denominatortwo)) + 'deg');
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denominator='0' + denominator;
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function lcdextra(varn, vard) {
var retv='', iv=0;
for (iv=Math.min(Math.abs(varn),Math.abs(vard)); iv>=2; iv--) {
if (eval(Math.abs(varn) % iv) == 0 && eval(Math.abs(vard) % iv) == 0) {
varn /= iv;
vard /= iv;
retv+=' = ' + varn + ' / ' + vard + String.fromCharCode(10);
return retv;
function showworking(instr, realans) {
var outstr=instr;
var xnumerator=numerator, xnumeratortwo=numeratortwo, xdenominatortwo=denominatortwo, iv=0, varn=0, vard=eval('' + denominatortwo);
var varw='';
var myrealans=' = ' + realans;
if (document.getElementById('ssign').value == '+') {
if (denominatortwo == denominator.slice(-1)) {
varw+=' = (' + numerator + ' + ' + numeratortwo + ') / ' + denominatortwo + String.fromCharCode(10);
varw+=' = ' + eval(eval('' + numerator) + eval('' + numeratortwo)) + ' / ' + xdenominatortwo + String.fromCharCode(10);
varw+=lcdextra(eval(eval('' + numerator) + eval('' + numeratortwo)), eval('' + xdenominatortwo));
} else {
varw+=' = (' + numerator + ' x ' + denominatortwo + ' + ' + numeratortwo + ' x ' + denominator.slice(-1) + ') / (' + denominator.slice(-1) + ' x ' + denominatortwo + ')' + String.fromCharCode(10);
xnumeratortwo*=eval('' + denominator.slice(-1));
xdenominatortwo*=eval('' + denominator.slice(-1));
varw+=' = (' + xnumerator + ' + ' + xnumeratortwo + ') / ' + xdenominatortwo + String.fromCharCode(10);
varw+=' = ' + eval(eval('' + xnumerator) + eval('' + xnumeratortwo)) + ' / ' + xdenominatortwo + String.fromCharCode(10);
varw+=lcdextra(eval(eval('' + xnumerator) + eval('' + xnumeratortwo)), eval('' + xdenominatortwo));
} else if (document.getElementById('ssign').value == '-') {
if (denominatortwo == denominator.slice(-1)) {
varw+=' = (' + numerator + ' - ' + numeratortwo + ') / ' + denominatortwo + String.fromCharCode(10);
varw+=' = ' + eval(numerator - numeratortwo) + ' / ' + xdenominatortwo + String.fromCharCode(10);
varw+=lcdextra(eval(numerator - numeratortwo), eval('' + xdenominatortwo));
} else {
varw+=' = (' + numerator + ' x ' + denominatortwo + ' - ' + numeratortwo + ' x ' + denominator.slice(-1) + ') / (' + denominator.slice(-1) + ' x ' + denominatortwo + ')' + String.fromCharCode(10);
xnumeratortwo*=eval('' + denominator.slice(-1));
xdenominatortwo*=eval('' + denominator.slice(-1));
varw+=' = (' + xnumerator + ' - ' + xnumeratortwo + ') / ' + xdenominatortwo + String.fromCharCode(10);
varw+=' = ' + eval(eval('' + xnumerator) - eval('' + xnumeratortwo)) + ' / ' + xdenominatortwo + String.fromCharCode(10);
varw+=lcdextra(eval(eval('' + xnumerator) - eval('' + xnumeratortwo)), eval('' + xdenominatortwo));
} else if (document.getElementById('ssign').value == '/') {
varw+=' = (' + numerator + ' / ' + denominator.slice(-1) + ') x (' + denominatortwo + ' / ' + numeratortwo + ')' + String.fromCharCode(10);
varw+=' = ' + eval(eval('' + numerator) * eval('' + denominatortwo)) + ' / ' + eval(eval('' + denominator.slice(-1)) * eval('' + numeratortwo)) + String.fromCharCode(10);
varw+=lcdextra(eval(eval('' + numerator) * eval('' + denominatortwo)), eval(eval('' + denominator.slice(-1)) * eval('' + numeratortwo)));
} else if (document.getElementById('ssign').value == 'x' || document.getElementById('ssign').value == '*') {
varw+=' = (' + numerator + ' / ' + denominator.slice(-1) + ') x (' + numeratortwo + ' / ' + denominatortwo + ')' + String.fromCharCode(10);
varw+=' = ' + eval(eval('' + numerator) * eval('' + numeratortwo)) + ' / ' + eval(eval('' + denominator.slice(-1)) * eval('' + denominatortwo)) + String.fromCharCode(10);
varw+=lcdextra(eval(eval('' + numerator) * eval('' + numeratortwo)), eval(eval('' + denominator.slice(-1)) * eval('' + denominatortwo)));
} else if (document.getElementById('ssign').value == '%') {
varw+=' = (' + numerator + ' / ' + denominator.slice(-1) + ') % (' + numeratortwo + ' / ' + denominatortwo + ')' + String.fromCharCode(10);
varw+=' = ' + eval('(' + numerator + ' / ' + denominator.slice(-1) + ') % (' + numeratortwo + ' / ' + denominatortwo + ')');
} else if (document.getElementById('ssign').value == '^') {
varw+=' = (' + numerator + ' / ' + denominator.slice(-1) + ') ^ (' + numeratortwo + ' / ' + denominatortwo + ')' + String.fromCharCode(10);
// alert('' + eval('(' + numerator + ' / ' + denominator.slice(-1) + ')') + ' to the power of ' + eval('(' + numeratortwo + ' / ' + denominatortwo + ')') + ' is ' + Math.pow(eval('(' + numerator + ' / ' + denominator.slice(-1) + ')'), eval('(' + numeratortwo + ' / ' + denominatortwo + ')')));
varw+=' = ' + Math.pow(eval('(' + numerator + ' / ' + denominator.slice(-1) + ')'), eval('(' + numeratortwo + ' / ' + denominatortwo + ')'));
if (('' + myrealans).indexOf('.') == -1 && myrealans != '') { myrealans='' + myrealans + '.0'; }
return emojiize(outstr + String.fromCharCode(10) + varw + myrealans + ' ' + String.fromCharCode(10));
function oureval(ineq) {
var ineqs=ineq.split('^');
if (eval('' + ineqs.length) >= 2) {
return Math.pow(eval(ineqs[0].replace('((','(')), eval(eval(ineqs[1].replace('))',')'))));
return eval(ineq);
function ask() {
//if (!document.getElementById('ssign')) { setTimeout(ask, 1000); return ''; }
var ans='', sufans=' Enter + to solve fractional equations (+-x/) or ++ to solve (+-x/%^). Enter @ to toggle among conic and linear and radial gradient and SVG circle and rectangle display. Enter nothing with OK will reshow "cake".';
if (eqmode) { sufans=' Enter - to just solve leftmost fractional question. Enter @ to toggle among conic and linear and radial gradient and SVG circle and rectangle display. Enter nothing with OK will reshow "cake".'; }
if (!viadb) {
while (('' + ans).indexOf('/') == -1 && ('' + ans).replace(/^1$/g, '1.0').replace(/^2$/g, '2.0').replace(/^0$/g, '0.0').indexOf('.') == -1) {
if (eqmode) {
ans=prompt('What fraction of the "cake" is coloured (for ' + document.getElementById('ssign').value + ' equation)? (eg. 2/3)' + sufans, '');
} else {
ans=prompt('What fraction of the "cake" is coloured? (eg. 2/3)' + sufans, '');
if (ans == null) { ans=''; location.href=document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0]; return ''; }
if (('' + ans).trim().substring(0,1) == '+') { if (('' + ans).indexOf('++') != -1) { moresigns(); } eqmode=true; sufans=' Enter - to just solve leftmost fractional question. Enter @ to toggle among conic and linear and radial gradient and SVG circle and rectangle display.'; document.getElementById('myrtd').style.display='table-cell'; document.getElementById('mymtd').style.display='table-cell'; isign=eval(0 + Math.floor(Math.random() * signs.length)); document.getElementById('ssign').value=signs[isign]; setTimeout(ask,2000); return ''; }
if (('' + ans).trim() == '-') { eqmode=false; sufans=' Enter + to solve fractional equations. Enter @ to toggle among conic and linear and radial gradient and SVG circle and rectangle display.'; document.getElementById('myrtd').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('mymtd').style.display='none'; setTimeout(ask,2000); return ''; }
if (('' + ans).trim().substring(0,1) == '@') {
while (('' + ans).trim().substring(0,1) == '@') {
if (gprefix == 'conic') {
gprefix='linear'; fromprefix='border-radius: ' + pbr + 'px;', toprefix="margin-top: 0px;";
} else if (gprefix == 'linear') {
gprefix='radial'; toprefix='border-radius: ' + pbr + 'px;', fromprefix="margin-top: 0px;";
} else if (gprefix == 'radial') {
} else if (gprefix == 'Conic') {
} else {
gprefix='conic'; toprefix='border-radius: ' + pbr + 'px;', fromprefix="margin-top: 0px;";
document.getElementById('mytable').innerHTML=document.getElementById('mytable').innerHTML.replace(fromprefix, toprefix).replace(fromprefix, toprefix);
document.getElementById('myrtd').innerHTML=document.getElementById('myrtd').innerHTML.replace(fromprefix, toprefix);
document.getElementById('mytd').innerHTML=document.getElementById('mytd').innerHTML.replace(fromprefix, toprefix);
//alert('out of here with gprefix=' + gprefix + ' and issvg=' + issvg);
if (1 == 2) { setTimeout(ask, 4000); }
return '';
if (('' + ans).indexOf('/') == -1 && ('' + ans).replace(/^1$/g, '1.0').replace(/^2$/g, '2.0').replace(/^0$/g, '0.0').indexOf('.') == -1) {
setTimeout(ask, 3000);
return '';
if (eqmode) {
if (ans.replace(/\ /g,'').replace(/x/g,'*') == ('' + numerator + '/' + denominator.substring(1) + document.getElementById('ssign').value.replace('x','*') + numeratortwo + '/' + denominatortwo).replace(/\ /g,'').replace(/x/g,'*') || Math.abs(eval('(' + numerator + '/' + denominator.substring(1) + ') ' + document.getElementById('ssign').value.replace('x','*') + ' (' + numeratortwo + '/' + denominatortwo + ')') - oureval(('' + ans).replace(/x/g, '*'))) < 0.005) {
alert('Well done! This makes your Fractions Game score to be ' + score + ' of ' + goes);
} else {
alert(showworking('Sorry ... the fraction you wanted is ' + '(' + numerator + '/' + denominator.substring(1) + ') ' + document.getElementById('ssign').value.replace('xJUNKx','*') + ' (' + numeratortwo + '/' + denominatortwo + ')', eval('(' + numerator + '/' + denominator.substring(1) + ') ' + document.getElementById('ssign').value.replace('x','*') + ' (' + numeratortwo + '/' + denominatortwo + ')')) + ' leaving your Fractions Game score as ' + score + ' of ' + goes);
} else {
if (ans == '' + numerator + '/' + denominator.substring(1) || Math.abs(eval('' + numerator + '/' + denominator.substring(1)) - oureval(('' + ans).replace(/x/g, '*'))) < 0.005) {
alert('Well done! This makes your Fractions Game score to be ' + score + ' of ' + goes);
} else {
alert('Sorry ... the fraction you wanted is ' + numerator + '/' + denominator.substring(1) + ' leaving your Fractions Game score as ' + score + ' of ' + goes);
isign=eval(0 + Math.floor(Math.random() * signs.length));
numeratortwo='' + eval(1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 7));
while (eval('' + denominatortwo) < eval('' + numeratortwo)) {
denominatortwo='' + eval(0 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9));
numerator='' + eval(1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 7));
while (eval('' + denominator) < eval('' + numerator)) {
denominator='' + eval(0 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 9));
if (viadb) {
if (btoas == '') {
location.href=document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '?btis=' + encodeURIComponent(btoa('' + numerator + '/' + denominator));
} else {
location.href=document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0]; // + '?btis=' + encodeURIComponent(btoa('' + numerator + '/' + denominator));
function onl() {
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mySVG = "<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='500' height='500'><linearGradient id='test'><stop offset='0%' stop-color=''#f00'/><stop offset='100%' stop-color='#0ff'/> </linearGradient><circle fill='url(#test)' cx='50' cy='50' r='40' fill='none' stroke-width='6'/></svg>"; //.replace(/\~/g, String.fromCharCode(10));
var mySVG64 = window.btoa(mySVG);
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setInterval(eachsec, 1000);
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