<title>Sudoku - RJM Programming - December 2022 - Sudoku</title>
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var hrecs=['','','','','','','','',''];
var lines=['','','','','','','','',''];
var squares=['','','','','','','','',''];
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var mustnotbeguessed=location.search.split('mustnotbeguessed=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(location.search.split('mustnotbeguessed=')[1].split('&')[0]) : '';
var gls=getls();
var stemp="<select data-answer=\" \" id=xxx><option value=\" \"> </option><option value='1'>1</option><option value='2'>2</option><option value='3'>3</option><option value='4'>4</option><option value='5'>5</option><option value='6'>6</option><option value='7'>7</option><option value='8'>8</option><option value='9'>9</option></select>";
var okay=false;
var goes=0;
var easyarr=',3,4,7,10,12,14,15,19,20,27,28,29,30,32,34,39,41,44,45,49,51,52,55,57,59,61,67,68,70,71,74,75,76,80,';
var hardarr=',1,5,8,9,13,19,21,28,33,36,37,39,43,49,52,54,61,62,63,67,69,70,72,80,';
var ipuzzle=-1;
var puzzles=[
(location.search.split('thegame=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(location.search.split('thegame=')[1].split('&')[0]) : '485719362937264815612583794269456173378126549154937628543672981896341257721895436')];
if (puzzles[eval(-1 + puzzles.length)] != '485719362937264815612583794269456173378126549154937628543672981896341257721895436') {
ipuzzle=eval(-1 + puzzles.length); //Math.floor(Math.random() * puzzles.length);
function dependingdo(ans, iqs) {
var jqs=eval(1 + eval('' + iqs));
if (document.URL.indexOf('hard=') != -1) { // hard
if (hardarr.indexOf(',' + iqs + ',') != -1 || document.URL.indexOf('extremelyeasy=') != -1) {
return ans + stemp.replace('xxx','s' + iqs).replace(' value=" "',' value="' + ans + '"').replace(' data-answer=" "',' style=display:none; data-answer="' + ans + '"').replace('>' + ans + '<',' selected>' + ans + '<').replace('>', ' disabled>');
} else {
return stemp.replace('xxx','s' + iqs).replace(' data-answer=" "',' data-answer="' + ans + '"'); //.replace('>' + ans + '<',' selected>' + ans + '<').replace('>', ' disabled>');
} else if (mustbeguessed.trim() != '' && mustnotbeguessed.trim() != '') {
if (((',' + mustbeguessed.trim() + ',').indexOf(',' + jqs + ',') == -1 || (',' + mustnotbeguessed.trim() + ',').indexOf(',' + jqs + ',') != -1) || document.URL.indexOf('extremelyeasy=') != -1) {
return ans + stemp.replace('xxx','s' + iqs).replace(' value=" "',' value="' + ans + '"').replace(' data-answer=" "',' style=display:none; data-answer="' + ans + '"').replace('>' + ans + '<',' selected>' + ans + '<').replace('>', ' disabled>');
} else {
return stemp.replace('xxx','s' + iqs).replace(' data-answer=" "',' data-answer="' + ans + '"'); //.replace('>' + ans + '<',' selected>' + ans + '<').replace('>', ' disabled>');
} else if (mustbeguessed.trim() != '' && mustnotbeguessed.trim() == '') {
if ((',' + mustbeguessed.trim() + ',').indexOf(',' + jqs + ',') == -1 || document.URL.indexOf('extremelyeasy=') != -1) {
return ans + stemp.replace('xxx','s' + iqs).replace(' value=" "',' value="' + ans + '"').replace(' data-answer=" "',' style=display:none; data-answer="' + ans + '"').replace('>' + ans + '<',' selected>' + ans + '<').replace('>', ' disabled>');
} else {
return stemp.replace('xxx','s' + iqs).replace(' data-answer=" "',' data-answer="' + ans + '"'); //.replace('>' + ans + '<',' selected>' + ans + '<').replace('>', ' disabled>');
} else if (mustbeguessed.trim() == '' && mustnotbeguessed.trim() != '') {
if ((',' + mustnotbeguessed.trim() + ',').indexOf(',' + jqs + ',') != -1 || document.URL.indexOf('extremelyeasy=') != -1) {
return ans + stemp.replace('xxx','s' + iqs).replace(' value=" "',' value="' + ans + '"').replace(' data-answer=" "',' style=display:none; data-answer="' + ans + '"').replace('>' + ans + '<',' selected>' + ans + '<').replace('>', ' disabled>');
} else {
return stemp.replace('xxx','s' + iqs).replace(' data-answer=" "',' data-answer="' + ans + '"'); //.replace('>' + ans + '<',' selected>' + ans + '<').replace('>', ' disabled>');
} else { // easy
if (easyarr.indexOf(',' + iqs + ',') != -1 || document.URL.indexOf('extremelyeasy=') != -1) {
return ans + stemp.replace('xxx','s' + iqs).replace(' value=" "',' value="' + ans + '"').replace(' data-answer=" "',' style=display:none; data-answer="' + ans + '"').replace('>' + ans + '<',' selected>' + ans + '<').replace('>', ' disabled>');
} else {
return stemp.replace('xxx','s' + iqs).replace(' data-answer=" "',' data-answer="' + ans + '"'); //.replace('>' + ans + '<',' selected>' + ans + '<').replace('>', ' disabled>');
function newgame() {
var j, k, tds=document.getElementsByTagName('td'), m=-1, isq=-1;
for (var i=0; i<tds.length; i++) {
if (eval(i % 9) == 0) { m++; }
if (eval(i % 3) == 0) { isq++; }
if (eval(i % 9) == 0) { isq=eval(Math.floor(eval(i / 27)) * 3); }
//console.log('i=' + i + ' leads to isq=' + isq);
if (eval('' + ipuzzle) >= 0) {
} else {
j=Math.min(9,eval(Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 1));
while (hrecs[m].indexOf('' + j) != -1 || lines[eval(i % 9)].indexOf('' + j) != -1 || squares[isq].indexOf('' + j) != -1) {
j=Math.min(9,eval(Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 1));
if (eval('' + k) > 30) { goes++; if (1 == 2) { document.title+='' + goes; } if (1 == 11) { console.log(goes + ' at i=' + i + ' hrecs[0]=' + hrecs[0] + ' hrecs[1]=' + hrecs[1] + ' hrecs[2]=' + hrecs[2]); } return false; }
tds[i].title='Square number ' + eval(1 + eval('' + i));
tds[i].innerHTML=dependingdo('' + j, i);
hrecs[m]+='' + j;
lines[eval(i % 9)]+='' + j;
squares[isq]+='' + j;
//alert(squares[0] + ' ... ' + squares[1]);
return true;
function checksels() {
var isok=true;
var sels=document.getElementsByTagName('select');
for (var jj=0; jj<sels.length; jj++) {
if (('' + sels[jj].id) != 'smode') {
if (sels[jj].value.trim() == '') { alert('Not solved yet'); return false; }
if (sels[jj].outerHTML.indexOf(' data-answer="' + sels[jj].value + '"') == -1) { alert('Not solved yet'); return false; }
return true;
function askmaybe(indef) {
var tans='';
var tpars='';
if (indef.indexOf('tailored=') == 0) {
tans=prompt('Using square numbers of 9x9 grid from 1 to 81, specify in comma separated list, where prefixed by minus would be pre-answered else represents squares to be answered, for Sudoku game to follow. To remember for the future involve leading or trailing spaces. Involve an x to delete any pre-existing saved tailored Sudoku game configurations.', '');
if (tans == null) { tans=''; }
var atansarr=tans.replace(/x/g,'').replace(/X/g,'').split(',');
if (gls!= '' && tans.toLowerCase().indexOf('x') != -1) {
for (var it=0; it<atansarr.length; it++) {
if (('' + atansarr[it]).trim() != '') {
if (('' + atansarr[it] + ' ').indexOf('-') == 0) {
if (tpars.indexOf('mustnotbeguessed=') == -1) { tpars+='&mustnotbeguessed=' + atansarr[it].trim().substring(1); } else { tpars=tpars.replace('&mustnotbeguessed=', '&mustnotbeguessed=' + atansarr[it].trim().substring(1) + ','); }
} else {
if (tpars.indexOf('mustbeguessed=') == -1) { tpars+='&mustbeguessed=' + atansarr[it].trim(); } else { tpars=tpars.replace('&mustbeguessed=', '&mustbeguessed=' + atansarr[it].trim() + ','); }
if (tpars != '') {
if (tans.trim() != tans) {
if (getls() != '') {
window.localStorage.setItem('sudokudefs', encodeURIComponent(tpars.substring(1)));
return tpars.substring(1);
return indef;
function getls() {
return decodeURIComponent(('' + window.localStorage.getItem('sudokudefs')).replace(/^undefined/g,'').replace(/^null/g,''));
function checkls() {
if (gls != '' && document.URL.indexOf('?') == -1) {
location.href=document.URL.split('#')[0].split('?')[0] + '?' + gls;
if (document.URL.indexOf('/sudoku.htm') == -1) {
<body onload="checkls(); while (!okay) { okay=newgame(); }">
<table style="width:95%;"><tr id="ourrow"><th id="onleft">
<h1>Sudoku <select id="smode" onchange="location.href=document.URL.split('?')[0].split('#')[0] + '?' + askmaybe(this.value + '=' + this.value);"><option value='easy'>Easy</option><option value=hard>Hard</option><option value='tailored'>Tailored</option></select></h1>
<h3>RJM Programming <a id=ares href='./index.php' title='Collaboration and sharing'>-</a> December, 2022 <span id="semojis"></span></h3>
</th><tH id=toright style=display:none;><input onblur="iblur(this);" type=text placeholder="Optionally chat here ..." id=sudokui value=""></input><br><br><textarea id=tais rows=3 cols=80 value=""></textarea></tH></tr></table>
<table id=mytable style='width:95%;height:81%;cursor:progress;background-color:#f0f9f2;' border=5>
<tr id=tr1of9><td id=td11></td><td id=td21></td><td id=td31 class=bright></td><td id=td41></td><td id=td51></td><td id=td61 class=bright></td><td id=td71></td><td id=td81></td><td id=td91></td></tr>
<tr id=tr2of9><td id=td12></td><td id=td22></td><td id=td32 class=bright></td><td id=td42></td><td id=td52></td><td id=td62 class=bright></td><td id=td72></td><td id=td82></td><td id=td92></td></tr>
<tr id=tr3of9><td id=td13 class=bbottom></td><td id=td23 class=bbottom></td><td id=td33 class="bright bbottom"></td><td id=td43 class=bbottom></td><td id=td53 class=bbottom></td><td id=td63 class="bright bbottom"></td><td id=td73 class=bbottom></td><td id=td83 class=bbottom></td><td id=td93 class=bbottom></td></tr>
<tr id=tr4of9><td id=td14></td><td id=td24></td><td id=td34 class=bright></td><td id=td44></td><td id=td54></td><td id=td64 class=bright></td><td id=td74></td><td id=td84></td><td id=td94></td></tr>
<tr id=tr5of9><td id=td15></td><td id=td25></td><td id=td35 class=bright></td><td id=td45></td><td id=td55></td><td id=td65 class=bright></td><td id=td75></td><td id=td85></td><td id=td95></td></tr>
<tr id=tr6of9><td id=td16 class=bbottom></td><td id=td26 class=bbottom></td><td id=td36 class="bright bbottom"></td><td id=td46 class=bbottom></td><td id=td56 class=bbottom></td><td id=td66 class="bright bbottom"></td><td id=td76 class=bbottom></td><td id=td86 class=bbottom></td><td id=td96 class=bbottom></td></tr>
<tr id=tr7of9><td id=td17></td><td id=td27></td><td id=td37 class=bright></td><td id=td47></td><td id=td57></td><td id=td67 class=bright></td><td id=td77></td><td id=td87></td><td id=td97></td></tr>
<tr id=tr8of9><td id=td18></td><td id=td28></td><td id=td38 class=bright></td><td id=td48></td><td id=td58></td><td id=td68 class=bright></td><td id=td78></td><td id=td88></td><td id=td98></td></tr>
<tr id=tr9of9><td id=td19></td><td id=td29></td><td id=td39 class=bright></td><td id=td49></td><td id=td59></td><td id=td69 class=bright></td><td id=td79></td><td id=td89></td><td id=td99></td></tr>
<br><button style=background-color:yellow; onclick=checksels();>Check My Answers</button> <button style=background-color:orange; onclick='location.href=document.URL;'>New Game</button>