<title>Earth Scanner - RJM Programming - February, 2024 ... Thanks to https://github.com/nvkelso/natural-earth-raster/blob/master/50m_rasters/HYP_50M_SR_W/HYP_50M_SR_W.README.html</title>
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function checkll(smlong, lglat, lglong, smlat) {
for (var am=-180; am<=180; am+=10) {
if (am >= smlong && am <= lglong) {
if (eval((am + 180) % 180) == 0) {
bmeridian+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;left:' + eval(eval(am - smlong) / eval(lglong - smlong) * eval(screenwidth)) + 'px;top:90px;"> ' + (('' + am).replace('-','') + (('' + am).substring(0,1) == '-' ? 'W' : 'E')).replace(/^0E$/g,' Greenwich<br> Meridian').replace(/^180E/g,' International<br> Date<br> Line').replace(/^180W/g,'International<br> Date<br> Line').replace('E','°E').replace('W','°W') + '</span><hr class=mydm title="Meridian ' + am + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;left:' + eval(eval(am - smlong) / eval(lglong - smlong) * eval(screenwidth)) + 'px;top:0px;height:' + screenheight + 'px;width:1px;background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.5);"></hr>';
} else {
bmeridian+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;left:' + eval(eval(am - smlong) / eval(lglong - smlong) * eval(screenwidth)) + 'px;top:90px;"> ' + (('' + am).replace('-','') + (('' + am).substring(0,1) == '-' ? 'W' : 'E')).replace(/^0E$/g,' Greenwich<br> Meridian').replace(/^180E/g,' International<br> Date<br> Line').replace(/^180W/g,'International<br> Date<br> Line').replace('E','°E').replace('W','°W') + '</span><hr class=mydm title="Meridian ' + am + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;left:' + eval(eval(am - smlong) / eval(lglong - smlong) * eval(screenwidth)) + 'px;top:0px;height:' + screenheight + 'px;width:1px;background-color:rgba(0,0,255,0.5);"></hr>';
function rightchecklls(smlong, lglat, lglong, smlat, scbl) {
var joff=0;
if (lglong > 180) {
joff=eval(-180 + lglong);
for (var al=90; al>=-90; al-=10) {
if (al >= smlat && al <= lglat) {
if (topc == '90') { topc='' + eval(91 + eval(eval(lglat - al) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))); }
if (eval((al + 90) % 90) == 0) {
bcircleoflatitude+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(10 + eval(eval(lglat - al) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))) + 'px;left:0px;"> ' + (('' + al).replace('-','') + (('' + al).substring(0,1) == '-' ? 'S' : 'N')).replace(/^90N$/g,' North Pole').replace(/^90S$/g,' South Pole').replace(/^0N$/g,' Equator').replace(/^0S$/g,' Equator').replace(/S$/g,'°S').replace(/N$/g,'°N') + '</span><hr class=mydl title="Circle of latitude ' + al + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(eval(lglat - al) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight)) + 'px;left:0px;height:1px;width:' + screenwidth + 'px;background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.5);"></hr>';
} else {
bcircleoflatitude+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(10 + eval(eval(lglat - al) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))) + 'px;left:0px;"> ' + (('' + al).replace('-','') + (('' + al).substring(0,1) == '-' ? 'S' : 'N')).replace(/^90N$/g,' North Pole').replace(/^90S$/g,' South Pole').replace(/^0N$/g,' Equator').replace(/^0S$/g,' Equator').replace(/S$/g,'°S').replace(/N$/g,'°N') + '</span><hr class=mydl title="Circle of latitude ' + al + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(eval(lglat - al) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight)) + 'px;left:0px;height:1px;width:' + screenwidth + 'px;background-color:rgba(0,0,255,0.5);"></hr>';
if (al == 70) {
bcircleoflatitude+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(10 + eval(eval(lglat - eval(66 + 34 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))) + 'px;left:0px;"> ' + 'Arctic Circle' + '</span><hr class=mydl title="Circle of latitude ' + eval(66 + 34 / 60) + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(eval(lglat - eval(66 + 34 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight)) + 'px;left:0px;height:1px;width:' + screenwidth + 'px;background-color:rgba(0,255,0,0.5);"></hr>';
if (al == 30) {
bcircleoflatitude+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(10 + eval(eval(lglat - eval(23 + 26 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))) + 'px;left:0px;"> ' + 'Tropic of Cancer' + '</span><hr class=mydl title="Circle of latitude ' + eval(23 + 26 / 60) + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(eval(lglat - eval(23 + 26 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight)) + 'px;left:0px;height:1px;width:' + screenwidth + 'px;background-color:rgba(0,255,0,0.5);"></hr>';
if (al == -20) {
bcircleoflatitude+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(10 + eval(eval(lglat - eval(-23 - 26 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))) + 'px;left:0px;"> ' + 'Tropic of Capricorn' + '</span><hr class=mydl title="Circle of latitude ' + eval(-23 - 26 / 60) + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(eval(lglat - eval(-23 - 26 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight)) + 'px;left:0px;height:1px;width:' + screenwidth + 'px;background-color:rgba(0,255,0,0.5);"></hr>';
if (al == -60) {
bcircleoflatitude+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(10 + eval(eval(lglat - eval(-66 - 34 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))) + 'px;left:0px;"> ' + 'Antarctic Circle' + '</span><hr class=mydl title="Circle of latitude ' + eval(-66 - 34 / 60) + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(eval(lglat - eval(-66 - 34 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight)) + 'px;left:0px;height:1px;width:' + screenwidth + 'px;background-color:rgba(0,255,0,0.5);"></hr>';
for (var am=-180; am<=250; am+=10) {
if (am >= smlong && am <= lglong) {
if (am > 180) {
bmeridian+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;left:' + eval(eval(am - smlong) / eval(lglong - smlong) * eval(screenwidth)) + 'px;top:' + topc + 'px;"> ' + (('' + eval(am - 360)).replace('-','') + (('' + eval(am - 360)).substring(0,1) == '-' ? 'W' : 'E')).replace(/^0E$/g,' Greenwich<br> Meridian').replace(/^180E/g,' International<br> Date<br> Line').replace(/^180W/g,'International<br> Date<br> Line').replace('E','°E').replace('W','°W') + '</span><hr class=mydm title="Meridian ' + eval(am - 180) + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;left:' + eval(eval(am - smlong) / eval(lglong - smlong) * eval(screenwidth)) + 'px;top:0px;height:' + screenheight + 'px;width:1px;background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.5);"></hr>';
} else {
bmeridian+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;left:' + eval(eval(am - smlong) / eval(lglong - smlong) * eval(screenwidth)) + 'px;top:' + topc + 'px;"> ' + (('' + am).replace('-','') + (('' + am).substring(0,1) == '-' ? 'W' : 'E')).replace(/^0E$/g,' Greenwich<br> Meridian').replace(/^180E/g,' International<br> Date<br> Line').replace(/^180W/g,'International<br> Date<br> Line').replace('E','°E').replace('W','°W') + '</span><hr class=mydm title="Meridian ' + am + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;left:' + eval(eval(am - smlong) / eval(lglong - smlong) * eval(screenwidth)) + 'px;top:0px;height:' + screenheight + 'px;width:1px;background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.5);"></hr>';
function checklls(smlong, lglat, lglong, smlat) {
var joff=0;
//if (lglong > 180) {
// joff=eval(-180 + lglong);
for (var al=90; al>=-90; al-=10) {
if (al >= smlat && al <= lglat) {
if (topc == '90') { topc='' + eval(91 + eval(eval(lglat - al) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))); }
if (eval((al + 90) % 90) == 0) {
bcircleoflatitude+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(10 + eval(eval(lglat - al) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))) + 'px;left:0px;"> ' + (('' + al).replace('-','') + (('' + al).substring(0,1) == '-' ? 'S' : 'N')).replace(/^90N$/g,' North Pole').replace(/^90S$/g,' South Pole').replace(/^0N$/g,' Equator').replace(/^0S$/g,' Equator').replace(/S$/g,'°S').replace(/N$/g,'°N') + '</span><hr class=mydl title="Circle of latitude ' + al + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(eval(lglat - al) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight)) + 'px;left:0px;height:1px;width:' + screenwidth + 'px;background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.5);"></hr>';
} else {
bcircleoflatitude+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(10 + eval(eval(lglat - al) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))) + 'px;left:0px;"> ' + (('' + al).replace('-','') + (('' + al).substring(0,1) == '-' ? 'S' : 'N')).replace(/^90N$/g,' North Pole').replace(/^90S$/g,' South Pole').replace(/^0N$/g,' Equator').replace(/^0S$/g,' Equator').replace(/S$/g,'°S').replace(/N$/g,'°N') + '</span><hr class=mydl title="Circle of latitude ' + al + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(eval(lglat - al) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight)) + 'px;left:0px;height:1px;width:' + screenwidth + 'px;background-color:rgba(0,0,255,0.5);"></hr>';
if (al == 70) {
bcircleoflatitude+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(10 + eval(eval(lglat - eval(66 + 34 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))) + 'px;left:0px;"> ' + 'Arctic Circle' + '</span><hr class=mydl title="Circle of latitude ' + eval(66 + 34 / 60) + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(eval(lglat - eval(66 + 34 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight)) + 'px;left:0px;height:1px;width:' + screenwidth + 'px;background-color:rgba(0,255,0,0.5);"></hr>';
if (al == 30) {
bcircleoflatitude+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(10 + eval(eval(lglat - eval(23 + 26 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))) + 'px;left:0px;"> ' + 'Tropic of Cancer' + '</span><hr class=mydl title="Circle of latitude ' + eval(23 + 26 / 60) + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(eval(lglat - eval(23 + 26 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight)) + 'px;left:0px;height:1px;width:' + screenwidth + 'px;background-color:rgba(0,255,0,0.5);"></hr>';
if (al == -20) {
bcircleoflatitude+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(10 + eval(eval(lglat - eval(-23 - 26 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))) + 'px;left:0px;"> ' + 'Tropic of Capricorn' + '</span><hr class=mydl title="Circle of latitude ' + eval(-23 - 26 / 60) + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(eval(lglat - eval(-23 - 26 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight)) + 'px;left:0px;height:1px;width:' + screenwidth + 'px;background-color:rgba(0,255,0,0.5);"></hr>';
if (al == -60) {
bcircleoflatitude+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(10 + eval(eval(lglat - eval(-66 - 34 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight))) + 'px;left:0px;"> ' + 'Antarctic Circle' + '</span><hr class=mydl title="Circle of latitude ' + eval(-66 - 34 / 60) + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;top:' + eval(eval(lglat - eval(-66 - 34 / 60)) / eval(lglat - smlat) * eval(screenheight)) + 'px;left:0px;height:1px;width:' + screenwidth + 'px;background-color:rgba(0,255,0,0.5);"></hr>';
for (var am=-180; am<=250; am+=10) {
if (am >= smlong && am <= lglong) {
if (am > 180) {
bmeridian+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;left:' + eval(eval(am - smlong) / eval(lglong - smlong) * eval(screenwidth)) + 'px;top:' + topc + 'px;"> ' + (('' + eval(am - 360)).replace('-','') + (('' + eval(am - 360)).substring(0,1) == '-' ? 'W' : 'E')).replace(/^0E$/g,' Greenwich<br> Meridian').replace(/^180E/g,' International<br> Date<br> Line').replace(/^180W/g,'International<br> Date<br> Line').replace('E','°E').replace('W','°W') + '</span><hr class=mydm title="Meridian ' + eval(am - 180) + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;left:' + eval(eval(am - smlong) / eval(lglong - smlong) * eval(screenwidth)) + 'px;top:0px;height:' + screenheight + 'px;width:1px;background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.5);"></hr>';
} else {
bmeridian+='<span style="z-index:675;position:fixed;left:' + eval(eval(am - smlong) / eval(lglong - smlong) * eval(screenwidth)) + 'px;top:' + topc + 'px;"> ' + (('' + am).replace('-','') + (('' + am).substring(0,1) == '-' ? 'W' : 'E')).replace(/^0E$/g,' Greenwich<br> Meridian').replace(/^180E/g,' International<br> Date<br> Line').replace(/^180W/g,'International<br> Date<br> Line').replace('E','°E').replace('W','°W') + '</span><hr class=mydm title="Meridian ' + am + '" style="z-index:675;position:fixed;left:' + eval(eval(am - smlong) / eval(lglong - smlong) * eval(screenwidth)) + 'px;top:0px;height:' + screenheight + 'px;width:1px;background-color:rgba(255,0,0,0.5);"></hr>';
function scmove() {
var xdiff=0, ydiff=0;
var longforce='-999', latforce='-999', prevone=0, prevtwo=0, prevthree=0, prevfour=0, docreep=true, nosecgo=false;
if (screenlong < 0) {
screenlong=eval(360 * screenwidth / document.getElementById('myimg').width);
screenlat=eval(180 * screenheight / document.getElementById('myimg').height);
document.getElementById('myimg').onclick=function() { askfor=prompt('Earth Scanner - RJM Programming - February, 2024 ... ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + 'Thanks to https://github.com/nvkelso/natural-earth-raster/blob/master/50m_rasters/HYP_50M_SR_W/HYP_50M_SR_W.README.html ... ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + 'Currently top left of screen is (Longitude,Latitude) ' + '(' + eval(-180 + xp * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and bottom right is (' + eval(-180 + screenlong + xp * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and around the middle is (' + eval(-180 + eval(screenlong / 2) + xp * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - eval(screenlat / 2) - yp * 180 / 100) + ').' + String.fromCharCode(10) + 'Where do you want middle of screen to be in terms of Longitude,Latitude? Prefix with space to show meridians and/or suffix with space to not show meridians.', ''); };
//document.title="window.scrollTo(" + eval(xp * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100) + "," + eval(yp * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100) + ")";
if (askfor != null) {
if (askfor.trim() != askfor) {
if (askfor.slice(-1) == ' ') {
documentURL=documentURL + '&nolines=y';
if (askfor.substring(0,1) == ' ') {
documentURL=documentURL.replace('nolines=', 'noXlines=');
if (askfor.replace('(','').replace(')','').indexOf(',') != -1) {
} else if (askfor.replace('(','').replace(')','').indexOf(' ') != -1) {
longforce=askfor.replace('(','').replace(')','').split(' ')[0];
latforce=askfor.replace('(','').replace(')','').split(' ')[1];
if (eval(latforce - screenlat / 2) < -90) {
latforce=eval(-90 + screenlat / 2);
if (eval(eval(longforce - screenlong / 2) % screenlong) != 0) {
var xxp=eval(-180.0 + eval(screenlong / 2));
while (xxp < longforce) { // && xxp < eval(180 - screenlong / 2)) {
if (Math.abs(xxp - longforce) > eval(screenlong / 2) || xxp >= 180) {
//alert('Adjust to ' + longforce);
//xp = eval(((eval(eval('' + longforce) + 180) / 360) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100) - 0 * eval(eval(screenlong / 720) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100));
//yp = eval(((eval(90 - eval('' + latforce)) / 180) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100) + 0 * eval(eval(screenlat / 360) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100));
xp = eval(eval(eval('' + longforce) - screenlong / 2 + 180) / 3.60); // * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100) - 0 * eval(eval(screenlong / 720) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100));
yp = eval(eval(90 - eval('' + latforce) - screenlat / 2) / 1.80); // * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100) + 0 * eval(eval(screenlat / 360) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100));
//alert('' + xp + ',' + yp + ' ... ' + "window.scrollTo(" + eval(xp * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100) + "," + eval(yp * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100) + ")");
//if (eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) > 173 && eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) < 180) {
// while (eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) > 173 && eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) < 180) {
// xp+=0.001;
// }
if (endofline) {
checklls(eval(-180 + xp * 360 / 100), eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100), eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100), eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100));
if (enforcedlong) {
//alert(xp + ' or ' + enforcedxp);
if (9 == 5 && !endlinedone && eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) > eval(180 - screenlong / 1) && eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) < 180) {
//alert('adjust ' + eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ' vs ' + eval(180 - screenlong / 2));
while (eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) > eval(180 - screenlong / 1) && eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) < 180) {
//alert('' + eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ' adJust ' + eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ' vs ' + eval(180 - screenlong / 2));
eval("window.scrollTo(" + eval((enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100) + "," + eval(yp * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100) + ")");
document.getElementById('myimg').title='Earth Scanner - RJM Programming - February, 2024 ... ' + 'Thanks to https://github.com/nvkelso/natural-earth-raster/blob/master/50m_rasters/HYP_50M_SR_W/HYP_50M_SR_W.README.html ... ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + String.fromCharCode(10) + 'Top left of screen is (Longitude,Latitude) ' + '(' + eval(-180 + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and bottom right is (' + eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and around the middle is (' + eval(-180 + eval(screenlong / 2) + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - eval(screenlat / 2) - yp * 180 / 100) + ')';
document.title=document.getElementById('myimg').title; //'Top left of screen is (Longitude,Latitude) ' + '(' + eval(-180 + xp * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and bottom right is (' + eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and around the middle is (' + eval(-180 + eval(screenlong / 2) + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - eval(screenlat / 2) - yp * 180 / 100) + ')';
if (!docreep) {
xdiff=eval((enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100);
ydiff=eval(yp * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100);
var startkeys=fixkeys;
var coords=fixkeys.split('px');
for (var ic=0; ic<coords.length; ic+=2) {
if (coords[ic].split(' ')[eval(-1 + coords[ic].split(' ').length)].indexOf('<') == -1) {
//alert('' + xdiff + ',' + ydiff+ ',' + coords[ic].split(' ')[eval(-1 + coords[ic].split(' ').length)]);
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document.getElementById('dstyle').innerHTML=startkeys; //.replace(/mymove/g, 'mymove' + num);
} else {
document.getElementById('dstyle').innerHTML=ameridian + acircleoflatitude + bmeridian + bcircleoflatitude + startkeys; //.replace(/mymove/g, 'mymove' + num);
//return '';
one=eval(-180 + xp * 360 / 100);
two=eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100);
three=eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100);
four=eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100);
if (!docreep) {
if (documentURL.indexOf('nolines=') == -1) {
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prevtwo=two; //eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100);
prevthree=three; //eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100);
prevfour=four; //eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100);
return '';
if (docreep) {
//if (eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100) < -90) {
// alert('three=' + three + ' and xp=' + xp + ' and yp=' + yp);
// three=-132 and xp=0 and yp=88.33333333333333
// three=-114 and xp=5 and yp=88.33333333333333
if (xp < 90 && three < 180) {
if (documentURL.indexOf('nolines=') == -1) {
eval("window.scrollTo(" + eval((enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : (xp - 5)) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100) + "," + eval(yp * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100) + ")");
document.getElementById('myimg').title='Earth Scanner - RJM Programming - February, 2024 ... ' + 'Thanks to https://github.com/nvkelso/natural-earth-raster/blob/master/50m_rasters/HYP_50M_SR_W/HYP_50M_SR_W.README.html ... ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + String.fromCharCode(10) + 'Top left of screen is (Longitude,Latitude) ' + '(' + eval(-180 + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : (xp - 5)) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and bottom right is (' + eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : (xp - 5)) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and around the middle is (' + eval(-180 + eval(screenlong / 2) + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - eval(screenlat / 2) - yp * 180 / 100) + ')';
document.title=document.getElementById('myimg').title; //'Top left of screen is (Longitude,Latitude) ' + '(' + eval(-180 + xp * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and bottom right is (' + eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and around the middle is (' + eval(-180 + eval(screenlong / 2) + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - eval(screenlat / 2) - yp * 180 / 100) + ')';
checklls(prevone,prevtwo,prevthree,prevfour); //eval(-180 + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100),eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100),eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100),eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100));
} else if (yp >= 85 && (xp >= 90 || three >= 180)) { // used to be 95
if (document.getElementById('mydl')) {
if (document.getElementById('mydm')) {
if (3 == 6) {
eval("window.scrollTo(" + eval((enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : (xp - 0)) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100) + "," + eval(yp * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100) + ")");
document.getElementById('myimg').title='Earth Scanner - RJM Programming - February, 2024 ... ' + 'Thanks to https://github.com/nvkelso/natural-earth-raster/blob/master/50m_rasters/HYP_50M_SR_W/HYP_50M_SR_W.README.html ... ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + String.fromCharCode(10) + 'Top left of screen is (Longitude,Latitude) ' + '(' + eval(-180 + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : (xp - 0)) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and bottom right is (' + eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : (xp - 0)) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and around the middle is (' + eval(-180 + eval(screenlong / 2) + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - eval(screenlat / 2) - yp * 180 / 100) + ')';
document.title=document.getElementById('myimg').title; //'Top left of screen is (Longitude,Latitude) ' + '(' + eval(-180 + xp * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and bottom right is (' + eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and around the middle is (' + eval(-180 + eval(screenlong / 2) + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - eval(screenlat / 2) - yp * 180 / 100) + ')';
//checklls(prevone,prevtwo,prevthree,prevfour); //eval(-180 + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100),eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100),eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100),eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100));
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checklls(eval(-180 + xp * 360 / 100), eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100), eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100), eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100), "window.scrollTo(" + eval((enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : (xp - 0)) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100) + "," + eval(yp * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100) + ")");
} else {
xdiff=eval((enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100);
ydiff=eval(yp * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100);
if (needtocheck && documentURL.indexOf('nolines=') == -1) {
prevone=eval(-180 + xp * 360 / 100);
prevtwo=eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100);
prevthree=eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100);
prevfour=eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100);
eval("window.scrollTo(" + eval((enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : (xp - 0)) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100) + "," + eval(yp * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100) + ")");
document.getElementById('myimg').title='Earth Scanner - RJM Programming - February, 2024 ... ' + 'Thanks to https://github.com/nvkelso/natural-earth-raster/blob/master/50m_rasters/HYP_50M_SR_W/HYP_50M_SR_W.README.html ... ' + String.fromCharCode(10) + String.fromCharCode(10) + 'Top left of screen is (Longitude,Latitude) ' + '(' + eval(-180 + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : (xp - 0)) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and bottom right is (' + eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : (xp - 0)) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and around the middle is (' + eval(-180 + eval(screenlong / 2) + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - eval(screenlat / 2) - yp * 180 / 100) + ')';
document.title=document.getElementById('myimg').title; //'Top left of screen is (Longitude,Latitude) ' + '(' + eval(-180 + xp * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and bottom right is (' + eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100) + ') and around the middle is (' + eval(-180 + eval(screenlong / 2) + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100) + ',' + eval(90 - eval(screenlat / 2) - yp * 180 / 100) + ')';
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rightchecklls(eval(-180 + xp * 360 / 100), eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100), eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100), eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100), "window.scrollTo(" + eval((enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : (xp - 0)) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100) + "," + eval(yp * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100) + ")");
if (document.getElementById('mydl')) {
one=eval(-180 + xp * 360 / 100);
two=eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100);
three=eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100);
four=eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100);
}, 1000);
if (xdiff == 0 && ydiff == 0) {
xdiff=eval((enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').width) / 100);
ydiff=eval(yp * eval('' + document.getElementById('myimg').height) / 100);
var startkeys=fixkeys;
var coords=fixkeys.split('px');
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if (coords[ic].split(' ')[eval(-1 + coords[ic].split(' ').length)].indexOf('<') == -1) {
//alert('' + xdiff + ',' + ydiff+ ',' + coords[ic].split(' ')[eval(-1 + coords[ic].split(' ').length)]);
startkeys=startkeys.replace(' ' + coords[ic].split(' ')[eval(-1 + coords[ic].split(' ').length)] + 'px', ' ' + eval(xdiff + eval('' + coords[ic].split(' ')[eval(-1 + coords[ic].split(' ').length)])) + 'px');
startkeys=startkeys.replace(' ' + coords[eval(1 + ic)].split(' ')[eval(-1 + coords[eval(1 + ic)].split(' ').length)] + 'px', ' ' + eval(ydiff + eval('' + coords[eval(1 + ic)].split(' ')[eval(-1 + coords[eval(1 + ic)].split(' ').length)])) + 'px');
if (needtocheck && documentURL.indexOf('nolines=') == -1) {
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if (!nosecgo) { checklls(one,two,three,four); //eval(-180 + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100),eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100),eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100),eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100)); }
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document.getElementById('dstyle').innerHTML=startkeys; //.replace(/mymove/g, 'mymove' + num);
} else {
document.getElementById('dstyle').innerHTML=ameridian + acircleoflatitude + bmeridian + bcircleoflatitude + startkeys; //.replace(/mymove/g, 'mymove' + num);
prevone=one; //eval(-180 + xp * 360 / 100);
prevtwo=two; //eval(90 - yp * 180 / 100);
prevthree=three; //eval(-180 + screenlong + (enforcedxp > -990 ? enforcedxp : xp) * 360 / 100);
prevfour=four; //eval(90 - screenlat - yp * 180 / 100);
setInterval(scmove, 5000);
document.write("<img src='/HTMLCSS/HYP_50M_SR_W.jpg' id=myimg></img><div id=dstyle></div>");
var latis=location.search.split('latitude=')[1] ? decodeURIComponent(location.search.split('latitude=')[1].split('&')[0]) : '';
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